man Rsvg () - librsvg bindings
Rsvg - librsvg bindings
Module Rsvg
Module Rsvg : sig end
librsvg bindings
type size_fun = int -> int -> int * int
val at_size : int -> int -> size_fun
val at_zoom : float -> float -> size_fun
val at_max_size : int -> int -> size_fun
val at_zoom_with_max : float -> float -> int -> int -> size_fun
val set_default_dpi : float -> unit
val render_from_string : ?gz:bool -> ?dpi:float -> ?size_cb:size_fun -> ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> string -> GdkPixbuf.pixbuf Raises Sys_error if an error occurs while reading from the channel
val render_from_file : ?gz:bool -> ?dpi:float -> ?size_cb:size_fun -> string -> GdkPixbuf.pixbuf Raises Sys_error if an error occurs while reading from the file