man Scanf.Scanning () - Scanning buffers.


Scanf.Scanning - Scanning buffers.


Module Scanf.Scanning


Module Scanning : sig end

Scanning buffers.

type scanbuf

The type of scanning buffers. A scanning buffer is the argument passed to the scanning functions used by the scanf family of functions. The scanning buffer holds the current state of the scan, plus a function to get the next char from the input, and a token buffer to store the string matched so far.

val stdib : scanbuf The scanning buffer reading from stdin . stdib is equivalent to Scanning.from_channel stdin .

val from_string : string -> scanbuf

Scanning.from_string s returns a scanning buffer which reads from the given string. Reading starts from the first character in the string. The end-of-input condition is set when the end of the string is reached.

val from_file : string -> scanbuf Bufferized file reading in text mode. The efficient and usual way to scan text mode files (in effect, from_file returns a buffer that reads characters in large chunks, rather than one character at a time as buffers returned by from_channel do). Scanning.from_file fname returns a scanning buffer which reads from the given file fname in text mode.

val from_file_bin : string -> scanbuf Bufferized file reading in binary mode.

val from_function : (unit -> char) -> scanbuf

Scanning.from_function f returns a scanning buffer with the given function as its reading method. When scanning needs one more character, the given function is called. When the function has no more character to provide, it must signal an end-of-input condition by raising the exception End_of_file .

val from_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> scanbuf

Scanning.from_channel ic returns a scanning buffer which reads one character at a time from the input channel ic , starting at the current reading position.

val end_of_input : scanbuf -> bool

Scanning.end_of_input ib tests the end-of-input condition of the given buffer.

val beginning_of_input : scanbuf -> bool

Scanning.beginning_of_input ib tests the beginning of input condition of the given buffer.

val name_of_input : scanbuf -> string

Scanning.file_name_of_input ib returns the name of the character source for the input buffer ib .