man plhist () - Plot a histogram from unbinned data


plhist - Plot a histogram from unbinned data


plhist(n, data, datmin, datmax, nbin, oldwin)


Plots a histogram from n data points stored in the array data. This routine bins the data into nbin bins equally spaced between datmin and datmax, and calls plbin(3plplot) to draw the resulting histogram. Parameter oldwin allows the histogram either to be plotted in an existing window or causes plhist(3plplot) to call plenv(3plplot) with suitable limits before plotting the histogram.


n (PLINT, input)
Number of data points.
data (PLFLT *, input)
Pointer to array with values of the n data points.
datmin (PLFLT, input)
Left-hand edge of lowest-valued bin.
datmax (PLFLT, input)
Right-hand edge of highest-valued bin.
nbin (PLINT, input)
Number of (equal-sized) bins into which to divide the interval xmin to xmax.
oldwin (PLINT, input)
If one, the histogram is plotted in the currently-defined window, and if zero, plenv(3plplot) is called automatically before plotting.


Geoffrey Furnish and Maurice LeBrun wrote and maintain PLplot. This man page was automatically generated from the DocBook source of the PLplot documentation, maintained by Alan W. Irwin and Rafael Laboissiere.


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