man Apache::TestRequest () - Send requests to your Apache test server
Apache::TestRequest - Send requests to your Apache test server
use Apache::Test qw(ok have_lwp); use Apache::TestRequest qw(GET POST); use Apache::Constants qw(HTTP_OK);
plan tests => 1, have_lwp;
my $res = GET '/test.html'; ok $res->code == HTTP_OK, "Request is ok";
Apache::TestRequest provides convenience functions to allow you to make requests to your Apache test server in your test scripts. It subclasses CWLWP::UserAgent, so that you have access to all if its methods, but also exports a number of useful functions likely useful for majority of your test requests. Users of the old CWApache::test (or CWApache::testold) module, take note! Herein lie most of the functions you'll need to use to replace CWApache::test in your test suites.
Each of the functions exported by CWApache::TestRequest uses an CWLWP::UserAgent object to submit the request and retrieve its results. The return value for many of these functions is an HTTP::Response object. See HTTP::Response for documentation of its methods, which you can use in your tests. For example, use the CWcode() and CWcontent() methods to test the response code and content of your request. Using CWGET, you can perform a couple of tests using these methods like this:
use Apache::Test qw(ok have_lwp); use Apache::TestRequest qw(GET POST); use Apache::Constants qw(HTTP_OK);
plan tests => 2, have_lwp;
my $uri = "/test.html?foo=1&bar=2"; my $res = GET $uri; ok $res->code == HTTP_OK, "Check that the request was OK"; ok $res->content eq "foo => 1, bar => 2", "Check its content";
Note that you can also use CWApache::TestRequest with CWTest::Builder and its derivatives, including CWTest::More:
use Test::More; # ... is $res->code, HTTP_OK, "Check that the request was OK"; is $res->content, "foo => 1, bar => 2", "Check its content";
You can tell CWApache::TestRequest what kind of CWLWP::UserAgent object to use for its convenience functions with CWuser_agent(). This function uses its arguments to construct an internal global CWLWP::UserAgent object that will be used for all subsequent requests made by the convenience functions. The arguments it takes are the same as for the CWLWP::UserAgent constructor. See the CWLWP::UserAgent documentation for a complete list.
The CWuser_agent() function only creates the internal CWLWP::UserAgent object the first time it is called. Since this function is called internally by CWApache::TestRequest, you should always use the CWreset parameter to force it to create a new global CWLWP::UserAgent Object:
Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(reset => 1, %params);
CWuser_agent() differs from CWLWP::UserAgent->new in two additional ways. First, it supports an additional parameter, CWkeep_alive, which enables connection persistence, where the same connection is used to process multiple requests (and, according to the CWLWP::UserAgent documentation, has the effect of loading and enabling the new experimental HTTP/1.1 protocol module).
And finally, the semantics of the CWrequests_redirectable parameter is different than for CWLWP::UserAgent in that you can pass it a boolean value as well as an array for CWLWP::UserAgent. To force CWApache::TestRequest not to follow redirects in any of its convenience functions, pass a false value to CWrequests_redirectable:
Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(reset => 1, requests_redirectable => 0);
If LWP is not installed, then you can still pass in an array reference as CWLWP::UserAgent expects. CWApache::TestRequest will examine the array and allow redirects if the array contains more than one value or if there is only one value and that value is not POST:
# Always allow redirection. my $redir = have_lwp() ? [qw(GET HEAD POST)] : 1; Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(reset => 1, requests_redirectable => $redir);
But note that redirection will not work with CWPOST unless LWP is installed. It's best, therefore, to check CWhave_lwp before running tests that rely on a redirection from CWPOST.
Sometimes it is desireable to have CWApache::TestRequest remember cookies sent by the pages you are testing and send them back to the server on subsequent requests. This is especially necessary when testing pages whose functionality relies on sessions or the presence of preferences stored in cookies.
By default, CWLWP::UserAgent does not remember cookies between requests. You can tell it to remember cookies between request by adding:
Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(cookie_jar => {});
before issuing the requests.
CWApache::TestRequest exports a number of functions that will likely prove convenient for use in the majority of your request tests.
Optional Parameters
Each function also takes a number of optional arguments.
- redirect_ok
By default a request will follow redirects retrieved from the server. To
prevent this behavior, pass a false value to a CWredirect_ok
my $res = GET $uri, redirect_ok => 0;
Alternately, if all of your tests need to disable redirects, tell CWApache::TestRequest to use an CWLWP::UserAgent object that disables redirects:Apache::TestRequest::user_agent( reset => 1, requests_redirectable => 0 );
- cert
If you need to force an SSL request to use a particular SSL
certificate, pass the name of the certificate via the CWcert
my $res = GET $uri, cert => 'my_cert';
- content
If you need to add content to your request, use the CWcontent
my $res = GET $uri, content => 'hello world!';
- filename
- The name of a local file on the file system to be sent to the Apache test server via CWUPLOAD() and its friends.
The Functions
my $res = GET $uri;
Sends a simple GET request to the Apache test server. Returns an CWHTTP::Response object.
You can also supply additional headers to be sent with the request by adding their name/value pairs after the CWurl parameter, for example:
my $res = GET $url, 'Accept-Language' => 'de,en-us,en;q=0.5';
A shortcut function for CWGET($uri)->as_string.
A shortcut function for CWGET($uri)->content.
Use this function when your test is outputting content that you need to check, and you want to make sure that the request was successful before comparing the contents of the request. If the request was unsuccessful, CWGET_BODY_ASSERT will return an error message. Otherwise it will simply return the content of the request just as CWGET_BODY would.
A shortcut function for CWGET($uri)->is_success.
A shortcut function for CWGET($uri)->code.
Throws out the content of the request, and returns the string representation of the request. Since the body has been thrown out, the representation will consist solely of the headers. Furthermore, CWGET_HEAD inserts a # at the beginning of each line of the return string, so that the contents are suitable for printing to STDERR during your tests without interfering with the workings of CWTest::Harness.
my $res = HEAD $uri;
Sends a HEAD request to the Apache test server. Returns an CWHTTP::Response object.
A shortcut function for CWHEAD($uri)->as_string.
A shortcut function for CWHEAD($uri)->content. Of course, this means that it will likely return nothing.
Use this function when your test is outputting content that you need to check, and you want to make sure that the request was successful before comparing the contents of the request. If the request was unsuccessful, CWHEAD_BODY_ASSERT will return an error message. Otherwise it will simply return the content of the request just as CWHEAD_BODY would.
A shortcut function for CWGET($uri)->is_success.
A shortcut function for CWGET($uri)->code.
Throws out the content of the request, and returns the string representation of the request. Since the body has been thrown out, the representation will consist solely of the headers. Furthermore, CWGET_HEAD inserts a # at the beginning of each line of the return string, so that the contents are suitable for printing to STDERR during your tests without interfering with the workings of CWTest::Harness.
my $res = PUT $uri;
Sends a simple PUT request to the Apache test server. Returns an CWHTTP::Response object.
A shortcut function for CWPUT($uri)->as_string.
A shortcut function for CWPUT($uri)->content.
Use this function when your test is outputting content that you need to check, and you want to make sure that the request was successful before comparing the contents of the request. If the request was unsuccessful, CWPUT_BODY_ASSERT will return an error message. Otherwise it will simply return the content of the request just as CWPUT_BODY would.
A shortcut function for CWPUT($uri)->is_success.
A shortcut function for CWPUT($uri)->code.
Throws out the content of the request, and returns the string representation of the request. Since the body has been thrown out, the representation will consist solely of the headers. Furthermore, CWPUT_HEAD inserts a # at the beginning of each line of the return string, so that the contents are suitable for printing to STDERR during your tests without interfering with the workings of CWTest::Harness.
my $res = POST $uri, [ arg => $val, arg2 => $val ];
Sends a POST request to the Apache test server and returns an CWHTTP::Response object. An array reference of parameters passed as the second argument will be submitted to the Apache test server as the POST content. Parameters corresponding to those documented in Optional Parameters can follow the optional array reference of parameters, or after CW$uri.
To upload a chunk of data, simply use:
my $res = POST $uri, content => $data;
A shortcut function for CWPOST($uri, @args)->content.
A shortcut function for CWPOST($uri, @args)->content.
Use this function when your test is outputting content that you need to check, and you want to make sure that the request was successful before comparing the contents of the request. If the request was unsuccessful, CWPOST_BODY_ASSERT will return an error message. Otherwise it will simply return the content of the request just as CWPOST_BODY would.
A shortcut function for CWPOST($uri, @args)->is_success.
A shortcut function for CWPOST($uri, @args)->code.
Throws out the content of the request, and returns the string representation of the request. Since the body has been thrown out, the representation will consist solely of the headers. Furthermore, CWPOST_HEAD inserts a # at the beginning of each line of the return string, so that the contents are suitable for printing to STDERR during your tests without interfering with the workings of CWTest::Harness.
my $res = UPLOAD $uri, \@args, filename => $filename;
Sends a request to the Apache test server that includes an uploaded file. Other POST parameters can be passed as a second argument as an array reference.
CWApache::TestRequest will read in the contents of the file named via the CWfilename parameter for submission to the server. If you'd rather, you can submit use the CWcontent parameter instead of CWfilename, and its value will be submitted to the Apache server as file contents:
my $res = UPLOAD $uri, undef, content => "This is file content";
The name of the file sent to the server will simply be b. Note that in this case, you cannot pass other POST arguments to CWUPLOAD() they would be ignored.
A shortcut function for CWUPLOAD($uri, @params)->content.
Use this function when your test is outputting content that you need to check, and you want to make sure that the request was successful before comparing the contents of the request. If the request was unsuccessful, CWUPLOAD_BODY_ASSERT will return an error message. Otherwise it will simply return the content of the request just as CWUPLOAD_BODY would.
my $res = OPTIONS $uri;
Sends an CWOPTIONS request to the Apache test server. Returns an CWHTTP::Response object with the Allow header, indicating which methods the server supports. Possible methods include CWOPTIONS, CWGET, CWHEAD and CWPOST. This function thus can be useful for testing what options the Apache server supports. Consult the HTTPD 1.1 specification, section 9.2, at for more information.
URL Manipulation Functions
CWApache::TestRequest also includes a few helper functions to aid in the creation of urls used in the functions above.
$path = Apache::TestRequest::module2path($module_name);
Convert a module name to a path, safe for use in the various request methods above. e.g. CW:: can't be used in URLs on win32. For example:
$path = Apache::TestRequest::module2path('Foo::Bar');
$url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module); $url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module, \%options);
Convert a module name to a full URL including the current configurations CWhostname:port and sets CWmodule accordingly.
$url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url('Foo::Bar');
The default scheme used is CWhttp. You can override this by passing your preferred scheme into an optional second param. For example:
$module = 'MyTestModule::TestHandler'; $url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module, {scheme => 'https'});
You may also override the default path with a path of your own:
$module = 'MyTestModule::TestHandler'; $url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module, {path => '/foo'});
The following environment variables can affect the behavior of CWApache::TestRequest:
- If the environment variable CWAPACHE_TEST_PRETEND_NO_LWP is set to a true value, CWApache::TestRequest will pretend that LWP is not available so one can test whether the test suite will survive on a system which doesn't have libwww-perl installed.
- If the environment variable CWAPACHE_TEST_HTTP_09_OK is set to a true value, CWApache::TestRequest will allow HTTP/0.9 responses from the server to proceed. The default behavior is to die if the response protocol is not either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1.
Apache::Test is the main Apache testing module. Use it to set up your tests, create a plan, and to ensure that you have the Apache version and modules you need.
Use Apache::TestMM in your Makefile.PL to set up your distribution for testing.
Doug MacEachern with contributions from Geoffrey Young, Philippe M. Chiasson, Stas Bekman and others. Documentation by David Wheeler.
Questions can be asked at the test-dev <at> list. For more information see: and