man Bric::Dist::Action::Mover () - Actions that actually move resources.


Bric::Dist::Action::Mover - Actions that actually move resources.




$LastChangedDate: 2004-08-12 17:13:34 -0700 (Thu, 12 Aug 2004) $


  use Bric::Dist::Action::Mover;


This subclass of Bric::Dist::Action handles distribution. All ServerTypes must have a mover_class selected, and a Move action specified. When Bricolage triggers the Move action, this class determines what the mover method is, and invokes the put_res() (or del_res()) method of the appropriate mover class. See below for information on how to create your own mover.



Inherited from Bric::Dist::Action.


Dummy method to prevent wasting time trying to AUTOLOAD DESTROY. Throws: NONE. Side Effects: NONE. Notes: NONE.

Public Class Methods


Public Instance Methods

The methods documented here are in addition to those inherited from Bric::Dist::Action. Executes CW$action via the method specified for the Bric::Dist::ServerType of which this action is a part. Throws:

Unable to load mover class. Side Effects: NONE. Notes: NONE. Undoes CW$action via the method specified for the Bric::Dist::ServerType of which this action is a part. Throws:
Unable to load mover class. Side Effects: NONE. Notes: NONE.


Private Class Methods


Private Instance Methods


Private Functions



How to Add New Distribution Movers.

If you're interested in adding new methods of distribution, or movers, to Bricolage, here's how to do it.

Create a mover class in Bric::Util::Trans, e.g., Bric::Util::Trans::MyMover. Use Bric::Util::Trans::FS and Bric::Util::Trans::FTP as examples.
In your new mover class, implement a put_res() method and a del_res() method. These methods take an array ref of Bric::Dist::Resource objects to be moved and a Bric::Dist::ServerType object as arguments. Use the Bric::Dist::Server objects in the Brci::Dist::ServerType object to put (or delete, in the case of del_res) the files represented by each of the resource objects. Again, see Use Bric::Util::Trans::FS and Bric::Util::Trans::FTP for examples.
Add an INSERT statement to lib/Bric/Util/Class.val to create a new representation for your mover class. Be sure to set the value of the distributor column to 1. Use the records for Bric::Util::Trans::FS and Bric::Util::Trans::FTP as examples.
Add an upgrade script to inst/upgrade/<version>, where the version is the version number of the Bricolage release in which your transport will first be included. This script is necessary for users who are upgrading existing versions of Bricolage. Use inst/upgrade/1.3.1/ as an example.
Add CWuse Bric::Util::Trans::MyMover; to Bric::Dist::Action::Mover, so that your mover loads on startup.
Update the class table of your Bricolage database, and then restart your Bricolage server. Look at a Destination, and make sure that your mover is listed in the Move Method select list.
Test your mover thoroughly. Make sure that it successfully distributes files and deletes files.

And that's all there is to it! Good luck!


David Wheeler <>


Bric, Bric::Dist::Action