man Bric::Util::Language () - Bricolage Localization


Bric::Util::Language - Bricolage Localization




$LastChangedDate: 2004-08-12 17:13:34 -0700 (Thu, 12 Aug 2004) $


To follow


To follow


Add new Bric::Util::Language subclass, named for your language code with dashes changed to underscores and all lowercase letters. For example, en-US would be en_us. This will be known as the key for your language. Add the constant CWkey to your new subclass and have it return the key.
Copy the localization messages from Bric::Util::Language::de_de into your new subclass and change the German translations of the English words and phrases into your language. Be sure to use the UTF-8 character set.
Document your new language key in Bric::Admin. Add your name to comp/widgets/help/translators.html for your language.
Copy contrib/button_gen/bric_buttons.de_de.txt to a new file named with your language key substituted for de_de. Translate the button labels in your new text file. Make sure that the character set you use is supported by the Gimp. Then run the scripts to generate the buttons (or ask someone on bricolage-devel to do so) and put them into a new subdirectory in comp/media/images named for your language key.
Create a new subdirectory in comp/help named for your language key. Copy all of the subdirectories and files from the comp/help/en_us directory to your new language directory and translate them. Be sure to use the UTF-8 character set.
Copy comp/media/js/en_us_messages.js to a new JavaScript file named with your language key substituted for en_us. Translate the JavaScript messages in your new JavaScript file. Be sure to use the UTF-8 character set.
Copy comp/media/css/en_us.css to a new CSS file named with your language key substituted for en_us. Add any CSS that your langauge requires, such as special fonts, right-to-left text, font sizes, etc. Many languages will require no special CSS, in which case you can leave your new CSS file empty.


Cla'udio Valente <>