man Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI () - FastCGI Engine


Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI - FastCGI Engine


This is the FastCGI engine.


This class overloads some methods from CWCatalyst::Engine::CGI. Starts the FastCGI server. If CW$listen is set, then it specifies a location to listen for FastCGI requests;

  Form            Meaning
  /path           listen via Unix sockets on /path
  :port           listen via TCP on port on all interfaces
  hostname:port   listen via TCP on port bound to hostname

Options may also be specified;

  Option          Meaning
  leave_umask     Set to 1 to disable setting umask to 0
                  for socket open
  nointr          Do not allow the listener to be
                  interrupted by Ctrl+C
  nproc           Specify a number of processes for
  pidfile         Specify a filename for the pid file
  manager         Specify a FCGI::ProcManager sub-class
  detach          Detach from console


Performs the first part of daemon initialisation. Specifically, forking. STDERR, etc are still connected to a terminal.

$self->daemon_detach( )

Performs the second part of daemon initialisation. Specifically, disassociates from the terminal.

However, this does not change the current working directory to /, as normal daemons do. It also does not close all open file descriptors (except STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR, which are re-opened from /dev/null).


Apache 1.x, 2.x

Apache requires the mod_fastcgi module. The following config will let Apache control the running of your FastCGI processes.

    # Launch the FastCGI processes
    FastCgiIpcDir /tmp
    FastCgiServer /var/www/MyApp/script/ -idle-timeout 300 -processes 5

    <VirtualHost *>
        ScriptAlias / /var/www/MyApp/script/

You can also tell Apache to connect to an external FastCGI server:

    # Start the external server (requires FCGI::ProcManager)
    $ script/ -l /tmp/myapp.socket -n 5

    # Note that the path used in FastCgiExternalServer can be any path
    FastCgiIpcDir /tmp
    FastCgiExternalServer /tmp/ -socket /tmp/myapp.socket

    <VirtualHost *>
        ScriptAlias / /tmp/

For more information on using FastCGI under Apache, visit <>


This configuration was tested with Lighttpd 1.4.7.

    server.document-root = "/var/www/MyApp/root"

    fastcgi.server = (
        "" => (
            "MyApp" => (
                "socket"       => "/tmp/myapp.socket",
                "check-local"  => "disable",
                "bin-path"     => "/var/www/MyApp/script/",
                "min-procs"    => 2,
                "max-procs"    => 5,
                "idle-timeout" => 20

You can also run your application at any non-root location.

    fastcgi.server = (
        "/myapp" => (
            "MyApp" => (
                # same as above

You can also use an external server:

    # Start the external server (requires FCGI::ProcManager)
    $ script/ -l /tmp/myapp.socket -n 5

    server.document-root = "/var/www/MyApp/root"

    fastcgi.server = (
        "" => (
            "MyApp" => (
                "socket"      => "/tmp/myapp.socket",
                "check-local" => "disable"

For more information on using FastCGI under Lighttpd, visit <>


It is possible to run Catalyst under IIS with FastCGI, but we do not yet have detailed instructions.


Catalyst, FCGI.


Sebastian Riedel, <>

Christian Hansen, <>

Andy Grundman, <>


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.