man Chart::Strip () - Draw strip chart type graphs.


Chart::Strip - Draw strip chart type graphs.


    use Chart::Strip;

    my $ch = Chart::Strip->new(
                 title   => 'Happiness of our Group',
                 # other options ...

    $ch->add_data( $davey_data, { style => 'line',
                                  color => 'FF0000',
                                  label => 'Davey' } );

    $ch->add_data( $jenna_data, { style => 'line',
                                  color => '00FF88',
                                  label => 'Jenna' } );

    print $ch->png();


The Chart::Strip package plots data values versus time graphs, such as used for seismographs, EKGs, or network usage reports.

It can plot multiple data sets on one graph. It offers several styles of plots. It automatically determines the proper ranges and labels for both axii.


Create the Chart

    $chart = Chart::Strip->new();
    $chart = Chart::Strip->new(
                               option1 => value,
                               option2 => value,

If no options are specified, sensible default values will be used. The following options are recognized: The width of the image The height of the image. The title of the graph. Will be placed centered at the top. The label for the x axis. Will be placed centered at the bottom. The label for the y axis. Will be placed vertically along the left side. Should a grid be drawn on the graph? Should a border be drawn around the edge of the image? Should value labels be shown? Should each data set be labeled? Should the background be transparent? Should the grid be drawn over the data (1) or below the data (0)? Use powers of 2 instead of powers of 10 for the y axis labels.

Adding Data

    $chart->add_data( $data, $options );

The data should be an array ref of data points. Each data point should be a hash ref containing:

        time  => $time_t,  # must be a unix time_t 
        value => $value,   # the data value
        color => $color,   # optional, used for this one point

or, range style graphs should contain:

        time  => $time_t,  # must be a unix time_t 
        min   => $low,     # the minimum data value
        max   => $high,    # the maximum data value
        color => $color,   # optional, used for this one point

and the options may contain:

        style => 'line',             # graph style: line, filled, range, points
        color => 'FF00FF',           # color used for the graph
        label => 'New England',      # name of the data set

Outputing The Image

Will return the PNG image
Will return the jpeg image
Will return the underlying GD object.



There are no known bugs in the module.


    Yellowstone National Park.


    Jeff Weisberg -