man DateTime::Locale::Base () - Base class for individual locale objects


DateTime::Locale::Base - Base class for individual locale objects


  use base 'DateTime::Locale::Base';


Each locale has a set of four default date and time formats. They are distinguished by length, and are called full, long, medium, and short. Each locale may have a different default length which it uses when its CWdefault_date_format(), CWdefault_time_format(), or CWdefault_datetime_format() methods are called.

This can be changed by calling the CWset_default_date_format() or CWset_default_time_format() methods. These methods accept a string which must be one of full, long, medium, or short.


If you are writing a subclass of this class, then you must provide the following methods:

* month_names
Returns an array reference containing the full names of the months, with January as the first month.
* month_abbreviations
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated names of the months, with January as the first month.
* month_narrows
Returns an array reference containing the narrow names of the months, with January as the first month. Narrow names are the shortest possible names, and need not be unique.
* day_names
Returns an array reference containing the full names of the days, with Monday as the first day.
* day_abbreviations
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated names of the days, with Monday as the first day.
* day_narrows
Returns an array reference containing the narrow names of the days, with Monday as the first day. Narrow names are the shortest possible names, and need not be unique.
* am_pms
Returns an array reference containing the localized forms of AM and PM.
* eras
Returns an array reference containing the localized forms of BCE and CE.
* long_date_format, full_date_format, medium_date_format, short_date_format
Returns the date format of the appropriate length.
* long_time_format, full_time_format, medium_time_format, short_time_format
Returns the date format of the appropriate length.
* date_before_time
This returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the date comes before the time when formatting a complete date and time for presentation.
* date_parts_order
This returns a string indicating the order of the parts of a date that is in the form XX/YY/ZZ. The possible values are dmy, mdy, ydm and ymd.
* _default_date_format_length
This should return a string which is one of long, full, medium, or short. It indicates the default date format length for the locale.
* _default_time_format_length
This should return a string which is one of long, full, medium, or short. It indicates the default time format length for the locale.


Support for this module is provided via the email list. See for more details.


Richard Evans <>

Dave Rolsky <>


Copyright (c) 2003 Richard Evans. Copyright (c) 2004-2005 David Rolsky. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.