man DBIx::Class::CDBICompat () - Class::DBI Compatability layer.
DBIx::Class::CDBICompat - Class::DBI Compatability layer.
use base qw/DBIx::Class/; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/CDBICompat Core DB/);
DBIx::Class features a fully featured compability layer with Class::DBI to ease transition for existing CDBI users. In fact, this class is just a receipe containing all the features emulated. If you like, you can choose which features to emulate by building your own class and loading it like this:
this will automatically load the features included in My::DB::CDBICompat, provided it looks something like this:
package My::DB::CDBICompat; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ CDBICompat::ColumnGroups CDBICompat::Retrieve CDBICompat::HasA CDBICompat::HasMany CDBICompat::MightHave /);
- AccessorMapping
- AttributeAPI
- AutoUpdate
- Allows you to turn on automatic updates for column values.
- ColumnCase
- ColumnGroups
- Constraints
- Constructor
- DestroyWarning
- GetSet
- HasA
- Responsible for HasA relationships.
- HasMany
- Responsible for HasMany relationships.
- ImaDBI
- LazyLoading
- LiveObjectIndex
- The live object index tries to ensure there is only one version of a object in the perl interprenter.
- MightHave
- Responsible for MightHave relationships.
- ObjIndexStubs
- ReadOnly
- Retrieve
- Stringify
- TempColumns
- Triggers
- This class implements the trigger functionality.
- PassThrough
Matt S. Trout <>
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.