man Gimp::Config () - config options found during configure time.


  Gimp::Config - config options found during configure time.


The Gimp::Config module creates a tied hash CW%Gimp::Config which contains all the definitions the configure script and perl deduced from the system configuration at configure time. You can access these values just like you access any other values, i.e. CW$Gimp::Config{KEY}. Some important keys are:

  IN_GIMP       => true when gimp-perl was part of the Gimp distribution.
  GIMP          => the path of the gimp executable
  prefix        => the installation prefix
  libdir        => the gimp systemwide libdir
  bindir        => paths where gimp binaries are installed
  gimpplugindir => the gimp plug-in directory (without the /plug-ins-suffix)

