man Gimp::Data () - Set and get state data.


Gimp::Data - Set and get state data.


  use Gimp::Data;

  $Gimp::Data{'value1'} = "Hello";
  print $Gimp::Data{'value1'},", World!!\n";


With this module, you can access plugin-specific (or global) data in Gimp, i.e. you can store and retrieve values that are stored in the main Gimp application.

An example would be to save parameter values in Gimp, so that on subsequent invocations of your plug-in, the user does not have to set all parameter values again (Gimp::Fu does this already).


You can store and retrieve anything you like in this hash. It's contents will automatically be stored in Gimp, and can be accessed in later invocations of your plug-in. Be aware that other plug-ins store data in the same hash, so better prefix your key with something unique, like your plug-in's name. As an example, the Gimp::Fu module uses function_name/_fu_data to store its data.

This module might use a persistant implementation, i.e. your data might survive a restart of the Gimp application, but you cannot count on this.

CWGimp::Data will try to freeze your data when you pass in a reference. On retrieval, the data is thawed again. See Storable for more info. This might be implemented through either Storable or Data::Dumper, or not implemented at all (i.e. silently fail) ;)


CWGimp::Data contains the following functions to ease applications where persistence for perl data structures is required:

Freeze (serialize) the reference.
Thaw (unserialize) the dsata and return the original reference.


You cannot store references, and you cannot (yet) iterate through the keys (with CWkeys, CWvalues or CWeach).


Marc Lehmann <>


perl(1), Gimp.