man Gtk2::Label () - Gtk2::Label








widget = Gtk2::Label->new ($str=undef)

widget = Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ($str)

$label->set_angle ($angle)

$label->set_attributes ($attrs)

$label->set_ellipsize ($mode)

$label->set_justify ($jtype)

$label->set_label ($str)

$label->set_line_wrap ($wrap)

$label->set_markup ($str)

$label->set_markup_with_mnemonic ($str)

$label->set_max_width_chars ($n_chars)

$label->set_mnemonic_widget ($widget)

$label->set_pattern ($pattern)

$label->set_selectable ($setting)

Returns integers, start and end.

$label->set_single_line_mode ($single_line_mode)

$label->set_text ($str)

$label->set_text_with_mnemonic ($str)

$label->set_use_markup ($setting)

$label->set_use_underline ($setting)

$label->set_width_chars ($n_chars)


'angle' (double : readable / writable / private)
Angle at which the label is rotated
'attributes' (Gtk2::Pango::AttrList : readable / writable / private)
A list of style attributes to apply to the text of the label
'cursor-position' (integer : readable / private)
The current position of the insertion cursor in chars
'ellipsize' (Gtk2::Pango::EllipsizeMode : readable / writable / private)
The preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the label does not have enough room to display the entire string, if at all
'justify' (Gtk2::Justification : readable / writable / private)
The alignment of the lines in the text of the label relative to each other. This does NOT affect the alignment of the label within its allocation. See GtkMisc::xalign for that
'label' (string : readable / writable / private)
The text of the label
'max-width-chars' (integer : readable / writable / private)
The desired maximum width of the label, in characters
'mnemonic-keyval' (Glib::UInt : readable / private)
The mnemonic accelerator key for this label
'mnemonic-widget' (Gtk2::Widget : readable / writable / private)
The widget to be activated when the label's mnemonic key is pressed
'pattern' (string : writable / private)
A string with _ characters in positions correspond to characters in the text to underline
'selectable' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the label text can be selected with the mouse
'selection-bound' (integer : readable / private)
The position of the opposite end of the selection from the cursor in chars
'single-line-mode' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the label is in single line mode
'use-markup' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
The text of the label includes XML markup. See pango_parse_markup()
'use-underline' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
If set, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key
'width-chars' (integer : readable / writable / private)
The desired width of the label, in characters
'wrap' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
If set, wrap lines if the text becomes too wide


move-cursor (Gtk2::Label, Gtk2::MovementStep, integer, boolean)
copy-clipboard (Gtk2::Label)
populate-popup (Gtk2::Label, Gtk2::Menu)


enum Gtk2::Justification

* 'left' / 'GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT'
* 'right' / 'GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT'
* 'center' / 'GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER'
* 'fill' / 'GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL'

enum Gtk2::MovementStep

* 'logical-positions' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_LOGICAL_POSITIONS'
* 'visual-positions' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS'
* 'words' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_WORDS'
* 'display-lines' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINES'
* 'display-line-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS'
* 'paragraphs' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPHS'
* 'paragraph-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPH_ENDS'
* 'pages' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_PAGES'
* 'buffer-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS'
* 'horizontal-pages' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_HORIZONTAL_PAGES'

enum Gtk2::Pango::EllipsizeMode



Gtk2, Glib::Object, Glib::Object::_Unregistered::GInitiallyUnowned, Gtk2::Object, Gtk2::Widget, Gtk2::Misc


Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by the gtk2-perl team.

This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice.