man Lire::DlfCategoriser () - Base class for analysers which produce extended DLF records.


Lire::DlfCategoriser - Base class for analysers which produce extended DLF records.


  use base qw/ Lire::DlfCategoriser /;

  sub categorise {
    my ( $self, $dlf ) = @_;

    # Adds the extended field to DLF.



This package defines a base class that can be use for Lire::DlfAnalyser which writes to an ExtendedSchema. The categoriser only have to implement the categorise() method instead of the more generic analyse().


The Lire::DlfCategoriser should implement the same meta-information methods than the Lire::DlfAnalyser (name(), src_schema(), dst_schema(), title(), description()).


The categoriser does its job using the initialise() and categorise() methods. The Lire::DlfCategoriser implements the analyse() method. It will run the query on the src_schema() using the correct filter and will call categorise() on each DLF returned. The extended fiels will then be written to dst_schema(). Errors should be reported by dying. This method is called before the categorise() method is called.

The CW$config parameter contains configuration data that was specified in the AnalysisJob for that analyser. To register configuration specification for you DlfCategoriser, you just need to define a configuration specification under the name analyser_name_properties. This should be either a RecordSpec or ObjectSpec. Called one for each DLf records that should be categorised. The categoriser should add the extended fields directly to the CW$dlf hash reference.



Francis J. Lacoste <>


$Id:,v 1.4 2004/06/07 17:02:08 flacoste Exp $


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