man Lire::ReportParser::LaTeXDocBookFormatter () - Lire::DocBookParser subclass which formats description to LaTeX.


Lire::ReportParser::LaTeXDocBookFormatter - Lire::DocBookParser subclass which formats description to LaTeX.


To convert a DocBook decription to LaTeX:

    use Lire::ReportParser::LaTeXDocBookFormatter qw/dbk2latex/;

    my $LaTeX = dbk2latex( "<para>Test</para>" );


This package implements methods that can handle the content of CWdescription elements and it can be used by a subclass of Lire::ReportParser. Client only have to inherit from this module so that a handle_description() method is available to process the text formatted DocBook description.

This module also provide a convenient dbk2txt() function which can be used to format a string containing DocBook elements into an ASCII equivalent.

USING Lire::ReportParser::LaTeXDocBookFormatter

Lire::ReportParser processors that would like to work with text version of the description should inherit from Lire::ReportParser::LaTeXDocBookFormatter in addition to Lire::ReportParser. If they override the description_start(), description_end()methods, they must link to their parents' version using CWSUPER::.

Additionnally, they should merge the value elements_spec() in their elements_spec() implementation.

The Lire::ReportParser::LaTeXDocBookFormatter should be listed before Lire::ReportParser in the CW@ISA. The LaTeXDocBookFormatter doesn't inherit directly from Lire::ReportParser so that it can be used in multiple inheritance scenario.


Initializes the parser's structure for formatting DocBook XML as ASCII. This is used from the description_start implementation.


Cleans the parser structure. This is used from the description_end() implementation. This method is invoked after the closing tag of the CWdescription element is encountered. The CW$description contains the description converter to LaTeX.


The generate LaTeX is encoded in UTF-8, so Omega must be used to process it. Additionnally, the result of calling dbk_latex_environment() should be added to the document preambule. It adds some environment and command definitions used by the formatter.


If you have DocBook content in a string, like you can obtain from some of the Report Specifications object, you can convert it to LaTeX by using the dbx2latex() function. Returns a plain text version of the DocBook XML fragment CW$docbook_str. The CWcolumns parameter sets the number of columns in which the DocBook text should be formatted.

This method will die() in case of error.



$Id:,v 1.3 2004/08/31 04:01:11 flacoste Exp $


Copyright (C) 2004 Stichting LogReport Foundation

This file is part of Lire.

Lire is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see COPYING); if not, check with or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.


Francis J. Lacoste <>