man Mail::Milter::Module::ConnectRegex () - milter to accept/reject connecting hosts matching regex(es)


Mail::Milter::Module::ConnectRegex - milter to accept/reject connecting hosts matching regex(es)


    use Mail::Milter::Module::ConnectRegex;

    my $milter = new Mail::Milter::Module::ConnectRegex('^foo$');

    my $milter2 = &ConnectRegex(qw{^foo$ ^bar$}); # convenience

    $milter2->set_message('Connections from %H disallowed');


This milter module rejects any connecting host whose hostname or IP address matches user-supplied regular expressions. It can also function as a whitelisting Chain element; see CWaccept_match().


new(REGEX[, ...])
Accepts one or more regular expressions, as strings or qr// precompiled regexes. They are tested in sequence, and the first match terminates checking. Note that all IP address literals will be enclosed in [square brackets]; so to test an IP address rather than a hostname, ensure those brackets exist:
If FLAG is 0 (the default), a matching regex will cause the connection to be rejected. If FLAG is 1, a matching regex will cause this module to return SMFIS_ACCEPT instead. This allows a CWConnectRegex to be used inside a CWMail::Milter::Chain container (in CWaccept_break(1) mode), to function as a whitelist rather than a blacklist. This method returns a reference to the object itself, allowing this method call to be chained.
Sets the message used when rejecting connections. This string may contain the substring CW%H, which will be replaced by the matching hostname or IP address. This method returns a reference to the object itself, allowing this method call to be chained.


In Sendmail 8.11 and 8.12, a milter rejection at connect stage does not allow the reply message to be set it simply becomes not accepting messages. However, this module still attempts to set the reply code and message in the hope that this will be fixed.


Todd Vierling, <> <>

