man Net::DNS::Question () - DNS question class
Net::DNS::Question - DNS question class
CWuse Net::DNS::Question
A CWNet::DNS::Question object represents a record in the question section of a DNS packet.
$question = Net::DNS::Question->new("", "MX", "IN");
Creates a question object from the domain, type, and class passed as arguments.
qname, zname
print "qname = ", $question->qname, "\n"; print "zname = ", $question->zname, "\n";
Returns the domain name. In dynamic update packets, this field is known as CWzname and refers to the zone name.
qtype, ztype
print "qtype = ", $question->qtype, "\n"; print "ztype = ", $question->ztype, "\n";
Returns the record type. In dymamic update packets, this field is known as CWztype and refers to the zone type (must be SOA).
qclass, zclass
print "qclass = ", $question->qclass, "\n"; print "zclass = ", $question->zclass, "\n";
Returns the record class. In dynamic update packets, this field is known as CWzclass and refers to the zone's class.
Prints the question record on the standard output.
print $qr->string, "\n";
Returns a string representation of the question record.
$qdata = $question->data($packet, $offset);
Returns the question record in binary format suitable for inclusion in a DNS packet.
Arguments are a CWNet::DNS::Packet object and the offset within that packet's data where the CWNet::DNS::Question record is to be stored. This information is necessary for using compressed domain names.
Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr.
Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Chris Reinhardt.
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.