man PDF::API2::Content () - Content object for PDF::API2


PDF::API2::Content - Content object for PDF::API2


$co = PDF::API2::Content->new CW@parameters

Returns a new content object (called from CW$page->text/gfx). Adds CW@content to the object.

Saves the state of the object.
Restores the state of the object.
Marks content for compression on output. Sets flatness. Sets linecap. Sets linedash. Sets linejoin. Sets linewidth. Sets meterlimit. Sets matrix transformation. Sets translation transformation. Sets scaleing transformation. Sets skew transformation. Sets rotation transformation. Sets transformations (eg. translate, rotate, scale, skew) in pdf-canonical order.


        -translate => [$x,$y],
        -rotate    => $rot,
        -scale     => [$sx,$sy],
        -skew      => [$sa,$sb],
Sets fill-/strokecolor, see PDF::API2::Util for a list of possible color specifiers.


    $co->fillcolor('blue');       # blue
    $co->strokecolor('#FF0000');  # red
    $co->fillcolor('%FFF000000'); # cyan


will draw an arc centered at x,y with minor/major-axis given by a,b from alfa to beta (degrees). move must be set to 1, unless you want to continue an existing path. will draw an arc of a circle from x1,y1 to x2,y2 with radius r. move must be set to 1, unless you want to continue an existing path. larc can be set to 1, if you want to draw the larger instead of the shorter arc. span can be set to 1, if you want to draw the arc on the other side. NOTE: 2*r cannot be smaller than the distance from x1,y1 to x2,y2.

Please Note: The width/height or scale given is in user-space coordinates which is subject to transformations which may have been specified beforehand. Per default this has a 72dpi resolution, so if you want an image to have a 150 or 300dpi resolution, you should specify a scale of 72/150 (or 72/300) or adjust width/height accordingly. Places the X-Object (or XO-Form) at x/y with optional scale.
Sets or gets the current text-object state. Gets the current estimated text position. Note: This is relative to text-space. Sets transformations (eg. translate, rotate, scale, skew) in pdf-canonical order, but relative to the previously set values. Example:
    -translate => [$x,$y],
    -rotate    => $rot,
    -scale     => [$sx,$sy],
    -skew      => [$sa,$sb],
The fontset method WILL NOT APPLY the font+size to the pdf-stream, but which will later be done by the text-methods. Only use fontset if you know what you are doing, there is no super-secret failsave! takes an optional argument giving a custom leading between lines.
Returns the width of the string based on all currently set text-attributes or on those overridden by CW%textstate. Applys text to the content and optionally returns the width of the given text. Options
Indent the text by the number of points.
If this is a scalar, it is the distance, in points, below the baseline where the line is drawn. The line thickness is one point. If it is a reference to an array, each pair is the distance below the baseline and the thickness of the line (ie., CW-underline=>[2,1,4,2] will draw a double underline with the lower twice as thick as the upper). If thickness is a reference to an array, the first value is the thickness and the second value is the color of the line (ie., CW-underline=>[2,[1,'red'],4,[2,'#0000ff']] will draw a red and a blue line). You can also use the string CW'auto' for either or both distance and thickness values to auto-magically calculate best values from the font-definition. ** DEVELOPER METHOD ** ** DEVELOPER METHOD ** ** DEVELOPER METHOD ** ** DEVELOPER METHOD ** ** DEVELOPER METHOD ** ** DEVELOPER METHOD ** Apply the text within the rectangle and return any leftover text. Options Choice is 'justified', 'right', 'center', 'left' Default is 'left' If a scalar, distance below baseline, else array reference with pairs of distance and line thickness. Example:
    $overflow = $txt->paragraph( 'long paragraph here ...',
                                 $y+$lead-$bottom_margin );
Applys text with options, but without teststart/end and optionally returns the width of the given text. Example:
    $t = $page->gfx;
    $t->textlabel(300,700,$myfont,20,'Page Header',
        -rotate => -30,
        -color => '#FF0000',
        -hspace => 120,
        -align => 'center',
    $t->textlabel(500,500,$myfont,20,'Page Header',
        -rotate => 30,
        -color => '#0000FF',
        -hspace => 80,
        -align => 'right',


alfred reibenschuh


    $Log:,v $
    Revision 2.0  2005/11/16 02:16:00  areibens
    revision workaround for SF cvs import not to screw up CPAN
    Revision 1.2  2005/11/16 01:27:48  areibens
    Revision 1.1  2005/11/16 01:19:24  areibens
    Revision 1.40  2005/10/19 19:04:43  fredo
    added extended typographic text handling call
    Revision 1.39  2005/10/01 22:10:57  fredo
    added more docs for textlabel
    Revision 1.38  2005/06/17 19:43:46  fredo
    fixed CPAN modulefile versioning (again)
    Revision 1.37  2005/06/17 18:53:04  fredo
    fixed CPAN modulefile versioning (dislikes cvs)
    Revision 1.36  2005/05/29 09:48:46  fredo
    added conditional textstate2 method
    Revision 1.35  2003/04/09 11:12:13  fredo
    documented form-image
    Revision 1.34  2005/03/15 02:20:46  fredo
    added metadata stubs
    Revision 1.33  2005/03/14 22:01:05  fredo
    upd 2005
    Revision 1.32  2005/03/14 20:26:44  fredo
    added 'auto' value for -underline parameter in text
    fixed text line construction to to work under width==0 conditions
    Revision 1.31  2005/02/22 22:59:49  fredo
    fixed infinite loop in paragraph if words longer than a paragraph are present.
    Revision 1.30  2005/02/07 19:31:24  fredo
    fixed reset of textlinematrix on textmatrix set/resets
    Revision 1.29  2005/01/21 10:19:48  fredo
    added spline operator
    Revision 1.28  2005/01/03 01:16:51  fredo
    fixed textpos tracking in nl method
    Revision 1.27  2004/12/31 03:59:09  fredo
    fixed paragraph and text_fill_* methods
    (thanks to Shawn Corey <>)
    Revision 1.26  2004/12/31 02:53:18  fredo
    minor code corrections
    Revision 1.25  2004/12/31 02:06:37  fredo
    fixed textpos calculation,
    added underline capability
    (thanks to Shawn Corey <>)
    Revision 1.24  2004/12/29 22:01:57  fredo
    advancewidth now can take a virtual textstate
    Revision 1.23  2004/12/29 01:48:15  fredo
    fixed _font method
    Revision 1.22  2004/12/29 01:14:57  fredo
    added virtual attribute support
    Revision 1.21  2004/12/20 12:11:54  fredo
    added fontset method to not set via 'Tf'
    Revision 1.20  2004/12/16 00:30:51  fredo
    added no warn for recursion
    Revision 1.19  2004/12/15 16:44:43  fredo
    added condition to apply font (Tf) only when needed
    Revision 1.18  2004/11/25 20:53:59  fredo
    fixed unifont registration
    Revision 1.17  2004/11/24 20:10:31  fredo
    added virtual font handling, fixed var shadow bug
    Revision 1.16  2004/10/26 11:34:22  fredo
    reworked text_fill for paragraph, but still being development
    Revision 1.15  2004/08/31 13:50:09  fredo
    fixed space vs. whitespace split bug
    Revision 1.14  2004/07/29 10:46:37  fredo
    added new text_fill_* methods and a simple paragraph
    Revision 1.13  2004/06/21 22:33:36  fredo
    added basic pattern/shading handling
    Revision 1.12  2004/06/15 09:11:37  fredo
    removed cr+lf
    Revision 1.11  2004/06/07 19:44:12  fredo
    cleaned out cr+lf for lf
    Revision 1.10  2004/05/31 23:20:48  fredo
    added basic platform encoding independency
    Revision 1.9  2004/04/07 10:49:26  fredo
    fixed handling of colorSpaces for fill/strokecolor
    Revision 1.8  2004/02/12 14:46:44  fredo
    removed duplicate definition of egstate method
    Revision 1.7  2004/02/06 02:01:25  fredo
    added save/restore around textlabel
    Revision 1.6  2004/02/05 23:24:00  fredo
    fixed lab behavior
    Revision 1.5  2004/02/05 12:26:08  fredo
    revised '_makecolor' to use Lab for hsv/hsl,
    added textlabel method
    Revision 1.4  2003/12/08 13:05:19  Administrator
    corrected to proper licencing statement
    Revision 1.3  2003/11/30 17:09:18  Administrator
    merged into default
    Revision  2003/11/30 16:56:21  Administrator
    merged into default
    Revision 1.2  2003/11/30 11:33:59  Administrator
    added CVS id/log