man POE::Filter::CTCP () - POE::Filter::CTCP -- A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol.


POE::Filter::CTCP -- A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol.


  my $filter = POE::Filter::IRC->new();
  my @events = @{$filter->get( [ @lines ] )};
  my @msgs = @{$filter->put( [ @messages ] )};


POE::Filter::CTCP converts normal text into thoroughly CTCP-quoted messages, and transmogrifies CTCP-quoted messages into their normal, sane components. Rather what you'd expect a filter to do.

A note: the CTCP protocol sucks bollocks. If I ever meet the fellow who came up with it, I'll shave their head and tattoo obscenities on it. Just read the specification at and you'll hopefully see what I mean. Quote this, quote that, quote this again, all in different and weird ways... and who the hell needs to send mixed CTCP and text messages? WTF? It looks like it's practically complexity for complexity's sake and don't even get me started on the design of the DCC protocol! Anyhow, enough ranting. Onto the rest of the docs...


new Creates a new POE::Filter::CTCP object. Duh. :-) Takes no arguments.
get Takes an array reference containing one or more lines of CTCP-quoted text. Returns an array reference of processed, pasteurized events.
put Takes an array reference of CTCP messages to be properly quoted. This doesn't support CTCPs embedded in normal messages, which is a brain-dead hack in the protocol, so do it yourself if you really need it. Returns an array reference of the quoted lines for sending.


Dennis fimmtiu Taylor, <>.


The documentation for POE and POE::Component::IRC.