man SIS::DB () - SIS Interface for client, image, and adapter objects
SIS::DB - SIS Interface for client, image, and adapter objects
use SIS::DB;
my @clients = list_client(); my $name = $clients[0]->name(); del_client($name); my $newname = "test"; $clients[0]->name($newname) or croak("Can't set name on client"); set_client($clients[0]);
The SIS::DB interface gives one access to the System Installation Suite Database. There exists 4 functions for every object type: exists_X, list_X, set_X, del_X. (These will be discussed in detail later).
The behavior of this module may be changed by setting certain environmental variables before calling use.
exists_X($name) - does this object exist? returns true if the object with that name exists, false otherwise. This is used for quick lookups to see if something is defined. (note: exists_adapter is different, and needs ($devname, CW$client) passed to it)
list_X([n1 => v1, ...]) - return list of objects of type X that satisfy criteria n1 => v1. If called with no args, it returns the list of all the objects of type X. With args, it will return the list of objects that satisfy the criteria listed (like 'imagename => myimage'). If called in scalar context, and if the criteria matches only one object, it will return the single object instead of the list. If called in scalar context, if the criteria matches multiple objects, the function will return 'undef'.
set_X($object1[, CW$object2...]) - store objects of type X.
del_X($primkey) - detele object of type X by key using CW$primkey as the value.
Copyright 2002 International Business Machines Sean Dague <>