man Spork::Config () - Spork Configuration Class
Spork::Config - Spork Configuration Class
This is a list of all the current configuration options in alphabetical order:
- * author_email
- The presentation author's email address.
- * author_name
- The presentation author's full name.
- * author_webpage
- The presentation author's webpage.
- * auto_scrolldown
- When a multipart slide is too long for the display, force it to scroll all the way down when you link to it.
- * banner_bgcolor
- Background color for the banner boxes at the top and bottom of each slide.
- * character_encoding
- I18N character encoding. You probably want 'utf-8'.
- * copyright_string
- A copyright message to be displayed on each slide.
- * download_method
Which program to use when downloading images. Possible values are:
wget - default curl lwp
- * file_base
- A path to prepend to any relative file path provided to the CW<file<... >> directive.
- * file_base
- A path to prepend to any relative file path provided to the CW<file<... >> directive.
- * formatter_class
- Perl module to be used for slides formatting. You probably won't change this unless you are up to the task of writing your own custom formatter.
- * image_width
- This is the default width that all images in your slideshow will be scaled to.
- * link_index
- Text for link to index page.
- * link_next
- Text for link to next page.
- * link_previous
- Text for link to previous page.
- * logo_image
- A small image to put at the bottom of each slide. You can leave this value empty if you don't have a logo.
- * mouse_controls
- If this is turned off, clicking on the page will not advance the screen. This is useful if you like to use the mouse to hilight things on the page.
- * show_controls
- If this is turned off, the control links (previous, index, next) will not display.
- * slides_directory
- The directory where all your slides will be written to when you do CWspork -make.
- * slides_file
- The name of the file that you write all of your slides in.
- * start_command
- The command that gets executed when you type CWspork -make.
- * template_class
The Perl module that is used for template processing. This module also
contains the default templates that are used. Possible values are:
Spork::Template::TT2 (Template Toolkit - default) Spork::Template::Mason (HTML::Mason - by Dave Rolsky) Spork::Template::Simple (Simplistic version with no dependencies)
- * template_directory
- The directory where spork writes all its templates during CWspork -make. Templates will only be written if this directory does not exist. So to force templates to be upgraded, delete this directory. This directory should be listed in CWtemplate_path.
- * template_path
- A list of template directories to be used by the template processing class.