man Tangram::Storage () - persistent object database


Tangram::Storage - persistent object database


   use Tangram;

   $storage = Tangram::Storage->connect( $schema,
      $data_source, $username, $password );

   $oid = $storage->insert( $obj );
   @oids = $storage->insert( @objs );

   $storage->update( $obj );
   $storage->update( @objs );

   $obj = $storage->load( $oid );
   @objs = $storage->load( @oids );

   @objs = $storage->select( $class );
   @objs = $storage->select( $remote, $filter );

   $cursor = $storage->cursor( $remote, $filter );

   if ($storage->oid_isa($oid, "ClassName")) {
       # oid $oid is a ClassName



A Tangram::Storage object is a connection to a database configured for use with Tangram.


Starting with version 1.18, Tangram attempts to use the support for weak reference that was introduced in Perl 5.6. Whether that support is found or not has a major impact on how Storage influences object lifetime.

If weakref support is available, Storage uses weak references to keep track of objects that have already been loaded. This does not prevent the objects from being reclaimed by Perl. IOW, the client code decides how long an object remains in memory.

If weakref support is not available, Storage uses normal, 'strong' references. Storage will pin in memory all the objects that have been loaded and inserted through it, until you call disconnect or unload.

In either case, Tangram will not break circular structures for you.


Except in the implementation of cursor(), Tangram uses a single DBI connection in its operations. That connection is called the 'internal' connection. Since, in general, database managers do not allow multiple result sets on the same connection, the internal connection can be used only to carray a single task at a time.

Tangram::Cursors returned by cursor() do not suffer from this limitation because they use a separate DBI connection.



   $storage = connect( $schema,
      $data_source, $username, $auth, \%options )

Connects to a storage and return a handle object. Dies in case of failure.

$schema is an Tangram::Schema object consistent with the database.

$data_source, CW$username and CW$auth are passed directly to DBI::connect().

\%options is a reference to a hash that may contain the following fields:

* dbh
Pass in an already connected DBI handle
* no_tx
Specify explicitly whether or not transactions are possible. If they are not, then Tangram can guarantee consistency by serialising transaction updates - which guarantees poor performance and means that you can never use CW$storage->rollback. If you are using MySQL, you should consider using the InnoDB table type to avoid this problem. Also note that you will explicitly have to set this option if you have InnoDB tables configured, as there is no real way of telling if transactions are available for any given query without either trying to do a rollback, or querying the table types for every table. Which I don't think it's Tangram's duty to do!
* no_subselects
Functions that need to perform sub-selects will die immediately or attempt to emulate the functionality required, rather than relying on the RDBMS to return a failure. This is currently ignored, but that's not functionally relevant :-). It can be read as CW$storage->{no_subselects} however, as the correct value is automatically detected on connection.

All fields are optional.

CWdbh can be used to connect a Storage via an existing DBI handle. CW$data_source, CW$username and CW$auth are still needed because Tangram may need to open extra connections (see below).



   $storage->insert( @objs );

Inserts objects in storage. Returns the ID(s) assigned to the object(s). This method is valid in both scalar and list contexts.

The inserted objects must be of a class described in the schema associated to the storage.

Attempting to insert an object that is already persistent in the storage is an error.

Tangram will automatically insert any object that is refered by CW$obj if it is not already present in storage. In the following example:

   my $homer = NaturalPerson->new(
      firstName => 'Homer', name => 'Simpson',
      children => Set::Object->new(
            firstName => 'Bart', name => 'Simpson' ),
            firstName => 'Lisa', name => 'Simpson' ),
            firstName => 'Maggie', name => 'Simpson'
      ) ) );

   $storage->insert( $homer );

...Tangram automatically inserts the kids along with Homer.


   $storage->update( @objs );

Save objects to storage. This method is valid in both scalar and list contexts.

The objects must be of a class described in the schema associated to the storage.

Attempting to update an object that is not already present in the storage is an error.

Tangram will automatically insert any object that is refered by an inserted object if it is not already present in storage. It will not automatically update the refered objects that are already stored. In the following example:

   my $homer = NaturalPerson->new(
      firstName => 'Homer', name => 'Simpson' );
   $storage->insert( $homer );

   my $marge = NaturalPerson->new(
      firstName => 'Marge', name => 'Simpson',
      age => 34 );
   $storage->insert( $marge );

   $marge->{age} = 35;

   $homer->{partner} = $marge;

   $homer->{children} = Set::Object->new(
         firstName => 'Bart', name => 'Simpson' ),
         firstName => 'Lisa', name => 'Simpson' ),
         firstName => 'Maggie', name => 'Simpson' ) );

   $storage->update( $homer );

...Tangram automatically inserts the kids when their father is updated. OTOH, CW$marge will not be automatically inserted nor updated; her age will remain '34' in persistent storage.

Tangram does not perform any deadlock detection on updates. You have to rely on your database back-end for that.


   $id = $storage->id( $obj );
   @id = $storage->id( @obj );

Returns the IDs of the given objects. If an object is not persistent in storage yet, its corresponding ID is undef().

This method is valid in both scalar and list contexts.


   if ($storage->oid_isa($id, "ClassName")) {

Checks that the passed Object ID, CW$id, is a ClassName according to the schema. This check relies solely on the information in the schema, not Perl's idea of CW->isa relationships.


   $obj = $storage->load( $id );
   @obj = $storage->load( @id );

Returns a list of objects given their IDs. Dies if any ID has no corresponding persistent object in storage.

This method is valid in both scalar and list contexts.


   @remote = $storage->remote( @classes );

Returns a list of Tangram::Remote objects of given classes. This method is valid in both scalar and list contexts.


   @objs = select( $remote );

   @objs = select( $remote, $filter );

   @objs = select( $remote,
      opt1 => val1, opt2 => val2, ...);

Valid only in list context. Returns a list containing all the objects that satisfy CW$filter.

$remote can be either a Remote object of an array of Remote objects. If it is a single Remote, a list of objects is returned. If it is an array, a list of array of objects is returned.

If one argument is passed, return all the objects of the given type.

If two arguments are passed, the second argument must be a Filter. select() returns the objects that satisfy CW$filter and are type-compatible with the corresponding Remote.

If more than two arguments are passed, the arguments after CW$remote are treated as key/value pairs. Currently Tangram recognizes the following directives:

* filter
* distinct
* order
* desc
* distinct
* limit

CWfilter specifies a Filter that can be used to restrict the result set.

CWdistinct specifies that each object in the result set must be unique (Tangram generates a SELECT DISTINCT).

CWorder specifies attributes in terms of one or more of the remote objects - any that are being selected, or any that appear in the filter.

CWdesc specifies that the order should be descending. Order of which of the columns in the CWorder category, you might ask? The last one for now :-}. This syntax is therefore deprecated, to be replaced with a unary CW- operator to order columns in some future Tangram release.

CWdistinct is a boolean; a true value specifies that the same object should ocur only once in the result set. In general, this is a good idea;

CWlimit is a maximum number of rows to retrieve; in fact, with some databases you can give two numbers to this to get the rows between N and M of a select. See your RDBMS manual for more. If you want to specify more than one number, you may use the following syntax:

   $storage->select( $object, filter => (...),
                     limit => [ 5, 10 ] );

The above example would return rows 6 through 15 on a MySQL database.

The select method is valid only in list context. Returns the total of the remote expression ($expr) for all rows that match CW$filter, as summed by the RDBMS. CW$filter is optional, and if not passed the implication is to sum the value for ALL objects of that type.

   my $r_thing = $storage->remote("Thing");
   $sum = $storage->sum( $r_thing->{field},
                         ($r_thing->{foo} eq "bar") );

It is also possible to pass a list of fields to sum, as an array ref:

   ($sum_expr1, $sum_expr2)
       = $storage->sum( [ $expr1, $expr2 ], $filter );
Works as BIsum(), but returns the count of the given objects or columns instead of the sum.

This function does not support counting multiple columns by passing an array ref. However, this can be achieved using the CW->count() remote expression function (see Tangram::Expr).


   $cursor = $storage->cursor( $remote );
   $cursor = $storage->cursor( $remote, $filter );
   $cursor = cursor( $remote,
      opt1 => val1, op2 => val2, ...);

Valid only in scalar context.

Returns a Cursor on the objects that are type-compatible with CW$remote.

If one argument is passed, the cursor returns all the objects of the given type.

If two arguments are passed, the second argument must be a Filter. The cursor returns the objects that satisfy CW$filter and are type-compatible with the corresponding Remote.

If more than two arguments are passed, the arguments after CW$remote are treated as key/value pairs. Currently Tangram recognizes the following directives:

* filter
* order
* desc
* distinct
* retrieve

For options CWfilter, CWorder, CWdesc and CWdistinct, see CWselect.

Option CWretrieve is an array of Expr, to be retrieved in addition to the object itself.


   $storage->prefetch("Class", "collection", $filter);

This method fetches all the collection collections from Class, where CW$filter.

You need to be very careful with your filter - it is quite easy to end up with a filter that will include a single table twice with no join.

You should not include an expression in the filter that matches the type of object that you are prefetching, unless that is a *different* object to the one you want to load.

You should replace the text Class with a Tangram::Remote object from your CW$filter if it appears in the expression.

This code is OK:

   my $r_parent = $storage->remote( "NaturalPerson" );
   my $filter = ($r_parent->{age} > 40);

   my @parent = $storage->select($r_parent, $filter);
   $storage->prefetch($r_parent, "children" $filter);

But this code has the problem:

   my $r_parent = $storage->remote( "NaturalPerson" );
   my $r_child  = $storage->remote( "NaturalPerson" );

   my $filter = (
                 ($r_parent->{age} > 40) &;

   my @parent = $storage->select($r_parent, $filter);
   my @children = $storage->select($r_child, $filter);

   $storage->prefetch($r_parent, "children", $filter);

Because CW$filter contains an extra `unnecessary' relationship with CW$r_child, the filter that Tangram builds internally ends up looking like:

     ($r_parent->{age} > 40) &
     $r_parent->{children}->includes($r_child) &
     $r_parent->{children}->includes($r_child2) &

So, you end up including extra tables without joining them. This situation does not make any sense, but unfortunately because of the definition of how RDBMS' work, it is required behaviour for it to give you a permutation of all of the unjoined tables. <sigh>


   $storage->erase( @obj );

Removes objects from persistent storage. The objects remain present in transient storage.



Starts a new Tangram transaction. Tangram transactions can be nested, but currently this does not actually make SQL CWSAVEPOINT's (for partial transaction rollback).

Instead, tangram maintains a transaction nesting count for each storage object and commits the operations only when that count reaches zero. This scheme makes it easy for a function to collaborate with its caller in the management of the internal connection.


   sub f
      $storage->update( $homer );
      $storage->tx_commit(); # or perhaps rollback()

   sub g
      $storage->update( $marge );
      $storage->tx_commit(); # or perhaps rollback()

   f(); # 1
   g(); # 2

In (1), f() commits the changes to CW$homer directly to the database.

In (2), f() transparently reuses the transaction opened by g(). Changes to both CW$homer and CW$marge are commited to the database when g() calls tx_commit().

By default with ACID compliant database back-ends (such as Pg, MySQL/InnoDB, Oracle and pretty much any commercial RDBMS), the first time you open a database connection, you are beginning a transaction. However, this is not the case with the Tangram::SQLite or Tangram::mysql back-ends, both of which do not implement transaction isolation; therefore it is not good to assume that the database can handle concurrent writing efficiently.

To be run safely on these non-compliant back-ends, you should explicitly CWtx_start() at the beginning of transaction blocks rather than relying on the default behaviour.



Commits the current Tangram transaction for this storage. If the transaction being commited is the outermost transaction for this storage, the DBI transaction is also commited.

When using the SQLite back-end, when the DBI transaction is committed, the connection is also marked read-only (ie, AutoCommit is enabled).



Rolls back the current Tangram transaction for this storage. If the transaction being rolled back is the outermost transaction for this storage, the DBI transaction is also rolled back.


   $storage->tx_do( sub { ... } );

Executes CODEREF under the protection of a Tangram transaction and pass it CW@args in the argument list.

Rolls back the transaction if CODEREF dies; in which case the exception is re-thrown.

Returns the results of CODEREF, either as a scalar or as a list depending on the context in which tx_do was called.


         $storage->update( $homer );
         # do things, die perhaps
         $storage->update( $marge );
      } );

Both CW$homer and CW$marge will be updated, or none will, depending on whether the anonymous subroutine passed to tx_do() dies.


   $storage->unload( @obj );

Drops references to persistent objects present in memory. CW@objs may contain both objects and object ids. If CW@objs is empty, unloads all the objects loaded by this storage.

Storage keeps track of all the persistent objects that are present in memory, in order to make sure that loading the same object twice results in a single copy of the object.

As a consequence, these objects will not be reclaimed by Perl's automatic memory management mechanism until either disconnect() or unload() is called.

unload() should be called only when no other references exist to persistent objects, otherwise the same object (in the database) may end up having two copies in transient storage, or vice versa!

In most cases, you never want to use this function - letting objects pass out of scope and be cleaned up is a much more natural way to let the object cache take care of itself. Drops references to all objects in the object cache. If you pass a notify method, then this will be passed to all objects as they are dumped (so long as they CW->can() handle it). This can be used, for instance, with Class::Tangram objects to make sure all circular references in cached objects are cleared, if you pass CWclear_refs as the CW$notify_method.

Similar warnings apply to this function as CW$storage->unload().

This function is particularly useful in OLTP (online transaction processing) servers. In those, it should be called before the first CW$storage->tx_start(), so that all objects are known to be fresh in the current transaction. Due to ACID guarantees of consistent reads etc (not on MySQL/MyISAM!), you should then not have the classic dirty read problem - so long as you wrap the entire transaction in a function that catches a failure on CW-e<gttx_commit()> and attempts a retry (make sure to clear the cache again before a retry!).

You might also want to see your RDBMS manual under the topic of transaction isolation, in particular the SQL command CWSET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL.



Disconnects from the database. Drops references to persistent objects present in memory (see CWunload).