man Tangram::YAML () - serialise fields of an object via YAML to a column
Tangram::YAML - serialise fields of an object via YAML to a column
use Tangram::Core; use Tangram::YAML;
$schema = Tangram::Schema->new( classes => { NaturalPerson => { fields => {
yaml => { diary => # diary is a perl hash { col => 'diarydata', sql => 'TEXT', # better be large enough! :)
# YAML dumper control, values here are defaults options => { Indent => 2, UseHeader => 1, UseVersion => 1, SortKeys => 1, UseCode => 0, # ... etc, see the YAML man page for more },
Tangram::YAML is very much like Tangram::PerlDump, only serialisation is achieved via YAML and not Data::Dumper.
This is currently untested, but is known to have bugs, largely to do with the fact that YAML can't serialise blessed references (see <>).