man Term::ReadLine::Zoid::Base () - atomic routines


Term::ReadLine::Zoid::Base - atomic routines


This module contains some atomic operations used by all Term::ReadLine::Zoid objects. It is intended as a base class.

At the very least, to child class needs to define a CWdefault() function to handle key bindings and a CWdraw() function which in turn calls CWprint(). Also the attributes CWIN and CWOUT should contain valid filehandles.


ANSI stuff

Positions the cursor on screen, dimensions are 1-based. Clear screen. Set terminal title to CW$string. When using for example xterm(1) this is the window name. Returns the printable length of CW$string, not counting (some) ansi sequences.

Private api

Methods for use in overload classes. Avoid using these methods from the application. Notify the user of an error or limit. Low level function used by readline. Calls CWdraw() and CWdo_key(). Method called by intervals while waiting for input, to be overloaded. Returns one key read from input (this is the named key, not the char when mapped). Execute a key, calls subroutine for a key binding or the default binding. If CW$key is undefined CWread_key() is called first. Do chars in CW$string like they were typed on the keyboard. Used for testing puposes and to make macros possible. If you give more then one argument, these are considered individual characters, use this to press named keys. Unshifts characters on the read buffer, arguments the same as CWpress(). Returns a name for a character or character sequence. Returns the keybinding for CW$key in CW$mode, mode defaults to the current one. Bind a key name to a character, or a character sequence. All bindings of this kind are global (you're using only one keyboard, right ?). Recalculates the chr map, you need to call this after deleting from CW%chr_names. Low level function used by draw. Both arguments need to be array references.


Undefined behaviour when the buffer has more lines then the terminal.

Please mail the author if you find any other bugs.


Jaap Karssenberg || Pardus [Larus] <>

Copyright (c) 2004 Jaap G Karssenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

