man WWW::Mechanize::Link () - Link object for WWW::Mechanize
WWW::Mechanize::Link - Link object for WWW::Mechanize
Link object to encapsulate all the stuff that Mech needs but nobody wants to deal with as an array.
my $link = WWW::Mechanize::Link->new( { url => $url, text => $text, name => $name, tag => $tag, base => $base, attr => $attr_href, } );
For compatibility, this older interface is also supported:
new( $url, $text, $name, $tag, $base, $attr_href )
Creates and returns a new CWWWW::Mechanize::Link object.
URL from the link
Text of the link
NAME attribute from the source tag, if any.
Tag name (one of: a, area, frame, iframe or meta).
Base URL to which the links are relative.
Returns hash ref of all the attributes and attribute values in the tag.
Returns the URL as a URI::URL object.
Returns the URL as an absolute URL string.
Copyright (c) 2004 Andy Lester. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.