man Zim () - The application object for zim


Zim - The application object for zim


        use Zim;
        use Zim::Repository;

        my $zim = Zim->new(\%SETTINGS);

        my $repository = Zim::Repository->new($DIR);




This is developer documentation, for the user manual try executing CWzim --doc. For commandline options see zim(1).

This module provides the application object for the Gtk2 application zim. The application has been split into several components for which the modules can be found in the ZIM::Components:: namespace. This object brings together these components and manages the settings and data objects.


None by default.


Undefined methods are AUTOLOADED either to an component or to the main Gtk2::Window object. Simple constructor. Set the repository object. This method initializes all GUI objects that make up the application. Returns the root window widget. Use this widget for things like show_all() and hide_all(). Read config file. Save config file. This method runs the GUI application. Exit the main loop. Loads a page in zim or open an external uri in a browser. LINK is considered to be either an url or a page name. Page names are resolved as relative links first. Go back one or more steps in the history stack. Go forward one or more steps in the history stack. Save and reload the current page. Loads a new page in the PageView, updates history etc. when necessary. PAGE should be either an absolute page name, a history record or a page object. Check if the current page needs to be saved. If FORCE is true the page is saved whether it was modified or not. Wrapper for CWZim::Repository-save_page()>. Wrapper for CWZim::Repository-move_page()>. Move page from FROM to TO. If TO is undefined a popup is shown to ask for a page name. Wrapper for CWZim::Repository-delete_page>. Asks the user for confirmation. If PAGE is undefined the current page is deleted. Flash a message in the statusbar for a short time. Sets the statusbar to display the current page name and some other information. Put STRING in the status bar.

Removes a string from the status bar. Creates a button with a stock image but different text. Add a button to the toolbar. Add a key accelerator.
Show or hide the side pane with the index tree. If BOOLEAN is -1 the pane will only be toggled on untill a page is selected. Set or cycle the type of the pathbar. Like CWerror_dialog but exits afterwards. This method is used to display errors. Prompts the user for a page name. This page is then opened. Method used to prompt the user for a page name. Returns PAGE. The text and icon arguments are optional. Method used to prompt the user for a link. Returns TEXT and TITLE. Ask the user if they are sure about deleting a page. Returns true if the user wants to proceed. This dialog tells you about the version of zim you are using, the copyright and the current config file. Most importantly it has a button to open the manual. Ask the user for a filename. FILE is the suggested filename.


Please mail the author if you find any bugs.


Jaap Karssenberg (Pardus) <>

Copyright (c) 2005 Jaap G Karssenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


zim(1), Zim::Repository