man Zim::Components::PageView () - Page TextView widgets


Zim::Components::PageView - Page TextView widgets


This module contains the widgets to display an editable text buffer containing the current page. It includes a search entry at the bottom of the TextView, formatting codes for the TextBuffer and an undo stack.


Undefined methods are AUTOLOADED to the Gtk2::Ex::HyperTextView object. Simple constructor. Method called by the constructor. Returns the root widget. This should be used to add the object to a container widget. Also use this widget for things like show_all() and hide_all(). Finds next occurance of STRING in the buffer, scrolls the buffer and highlights the string. DIRECTION can be either 1 for forward or -1 for backward. If no direction is given a forward search is done including the current position. Show the search bar. Hide the search bar. Returns a number of properties that need to be saved in the history. Set a number of properties that could be saved in the history. Returns an info string for the current buffer. Load a new page object into the buffer. Get or set the modified bit. This bit is set when the buffer is modified by the user. It should be reset after succesfully saving the buffer content. Put the content of the buffer back in a page object. Returns true if the buffer is not empty. This method is called when the user types a backspace. It tries to update the formatting of the current line. When TRUE is returned the widget does not recieve the backspace. This method is called when the user is about to insert a linebreak. It checks the line left of the cursor of any markup that needs updating. It also takes care of autoindenting. When TRUE is returned the widget does not recieve the linebreak. This method is called after the user ended typing a word. It checks the word left of the cursor for any markup that needs updating. CHAR can be the key that caused a word to end, returning TRUE makes it never reaching the widget. Applies the tag with the name TAG to any selected text. This method is called by the Link button or by the ^L keybinding. It makes any selected text a link. This link is followed immediatly if the 'follow_new_link' config option is set. If LINK is undefined the link target is the same as the selected text. If no text is selected it calls the New Link dialog. In readonly modus the selected text is regarded as a link and followed immediatly, but no actual link is made If selected text is a bullet list this removes the bullets, else it adds bullets. Puts a tab before every line of a selection. Removes a tab for every line of a selection. Undo one editing step in the buffer. Redo one editing step in the buffer. This dialog allows the user to create a link for which the link target and the link text differ.


Jaap Karssenberg (Pardus) <>

Copyright (c) 2005 Jaap G Karssenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.