man Zim::Components::TreeView () - Page index widgets


Zim::Components::TreeView - Page index widgets


This module contains the widgets to display the index of a zim repository as a TreeView.


Undefined methods AUTOLOAD to the Gtk2::TreeView widget. Simple constructor. Method called by the constructor. Returns the root widget. This should be used to add the object to a container widget. Also use this widget for things like show_all() and hide_all(). Hides the root widget and all asociated toolbar buttons. Shows the root widget and all asociated toolbar buttons. Returns the page name corresponding to a certain TreePath. Emit the row_activated signal if PATH was already selected. This method is used for the single-click navigation of the TreeView. COLUMN is an optional argument. Show the context menu for TreePath PATH. EVENT is an optional argument. Called the first time the pane is showed to fill the index tree. Will be DEPRECATED. Wrapper around CWZim-list_pages> that fills the index tree. Adds a page to the index tree. Removes a page from the index unless it has children. Update the TreeView to display and select a certain page.


Jaap Karssenberg (Pardus) <>

Copyright (c) 2005 Jaap G Karssenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

