man rtbl_add_column_entry (Fonctions bibliothèques) - rtbl_create ,


rtbl_create ,rtbl_destroy ,rtbl_set_flags ,rtbl_get_flags ,rtbl_set_prefix ,rtbl_set_separator ,rtbl_set_column_prefix ,rtbl_set_column_affix_by_id ,rtbl_add_column ,rtbl_add_column_by_id ,rtbl_add_column_entry ,rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id ,rtbl_new_row ,rtbl_format - format data in simple tables


The roken library (libroken, -lroken)


rtbl_add_column rtbl_t table const char *column_name unsigned int flagsrtbl_add_column_by_id rtbl_t table unsigned int column_id const char *column_header unsigned int flagsrtbl_add_column_entry rtbl_t table const char *column_name const char *cell_entryrtbl_add_column_entry_by_id rtbl_t table unsigned int column_id const char *cell_entryrtbl_create voidrtbl_destroy rtbl_t tablertbl_new_row rtbl_t tablertbl_set_column_affix_by_id rtbl_t table unsigned int column_id const char *prefix" const char *suffixrtbl_set_column_prefix rtbl_t table const char *column_name const char *prefixrtbl_get_flags rtbl_t tablertbl_set_flags rtbl_t table unsigned int flagsrtbl_set_prefix rtbl_t table const char *prefixrtbl_set_separator rtbl_t table const char *separatorrtbl_format rtbl_t table FILE *file"


This set of functions assemble a simple table consisting of rows and columns, allowing it to be printed with certain options. Typical use would be output from tools such as ls() or netstat(1) , where you have a fixed number of columns, but don't know the column widthds before hand.

A table is created with rtbl_create and destroyed with rtbl_destroy .

Global flags on the table are set with rtbl_set_flags and retrieved with rtbl_get_flags . At present the only defined flag is RTBL_HEADER_STYLE_NONE which supresses printing the header.

Before adding data to the table, one or more columns need to be created. This would normally be done with rtbl_add_column_by_id , column_id is any number of your choice (it's used only to identify columns), column_header is the header to print at the top of the column, and flags are flags specific to this column. Currently the only defined flag is RTBL_ALIGN_RIGHT , aligning column entries to the right. Columns are printed in the order they are added.

There's also a way to add columns by column name with rtbl_add_column , but this is less flexible (you need unique header names), and is considered deprecated.

To add data to a column you use rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id , where the column_id is the same as when the column was added (adding data to a non-existant column is undefined), and cell_entry is whatever string you wish to include in that cell. It should not include newlines. For columns added with rtbl_add_column you must use rtbl_add_column_entry instead.

rtbl_new_row fills all columns with blank entries until they all have the same number of rows.

Each column can have a separate prefix and suffix, set with rtbl_set_column_affix_by_id ; rtbl_set_column_prefix allows setting the prefix only by column name. In addition to this, columns may be separated by a string set with rtbl_set_separator ( Ns by default columns are not seprated by anything).

The finished table is printed to file with rtbl_format .


This program: #include <stdio.h> #include <rtbl.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { rtbl_t table; table = rtbl_create(); rtbl_set_separator(table, " "); rtbl_add_column_by_id(table, 0, "Column A", 0); rtbl_add_column_by_id(table, 1, "Column B", RTBL_ALIGN_RIGHT); rtbl_add_column_by_id(table, 2, "Column C", 0); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 0, "A-1"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 0, "A-2"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 0, "A-3"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 1, "B-1"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 2, "C-1"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 2, "C-2"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 1, "B-2"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 1, "B-3"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 2, "C-3"); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 0, "A-4"); rtbl_new_row(table); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 1, "B-4"); rtbl_new_row(table); rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(table, 2, "C-4"); rtbl_new_row(table); rtbl_format(table, stdout); rtbl_destroy(table); return 0; }

will output the following: Column A Column B Column C A-1 B-1 C-1 A-2 B-2 C-2 A-3 B-3 C-3 A-4 B-4 C-4