man SbVec3f (Fonctions bibliothèques) -


SbVec3f -


#include <Inventor/SbLinear.h>

Inherited by SbColor.

Detailed Description

The SbVec3f class is a 3 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates.

This vector class is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a 3 dimensional vector aswell as simple floating point arithmetic operations.

See also: SbVec2f, SbVec2s, SbVec3s, SbVec4f.

Public Member Functions

SbVec3f (void)

SbVec3f (const float v[3])

SbVec3f (const float x, const float y, const float z)

SbVec3f (const SbPlane &p0, const SbPlane &p1, const SbPlane &p2)

SbVec3f (const SbVec3d &v)

SbVec3f cross (const SbVec3f &v) const

float dot (const SbVec3f &v) const

SbBool equals (const SbVec3f &v, const float tolerance) const

SbVec3f getClosestAxis (void) const

const float * getValue (void) const

void getValue (float &x, float &y, float &z) const

float length (void) const

float sqrLength () const

void negate (void)

float normalize (void)

SbVec3f & setValue (const float v[3])

SbVec3f & setValue (const float x, const float y, const float z)

SbVec3f & setValue (const SbVec3f &barycentric, const SbVec3f &v0, const SbVec3f &v1, const SbVec3f &v2)

SbVec3f & setValue (const SbVec3d &v)

float & operator[] (const int i)

const float & operator[] (const int i) const

SbVec3f & operator *= (const float d)

SbVec3f & operator/= (const float d)

SbVec3f & operator+= (const SbVec3f &u)

SbVec3f & operator-= (const SbVec3f &u)

SbVec3f operator- (void) const

void print (FILE *fp) const


SbVec3f operator * (const SbVec3f &v, const float d)

SbVec3f operator * (const float d, const SbVec3f &v)

SbVec3f operator/ (const SbVec3f &v, const float d)

SbVec3f operator+ (const SbVec3f &v1, const SbVec3f &v2)

SbVec3f operator- (const SbVec3f &v1, const SbVec3f &v2)

int operator== (const SbVec3f &v1, const SbVec3f &v2)

int operator!= (const SbVec3f &v1, const SbVec3f &v2)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SbVec3f::SbVec3f (void) [inline]

The default constructor does nothing. The vector coordinates will be uninitialized until you do a setValue() call.

SbVec3f::SbVec3f (const float v[3])

Constructs an SbVec3f instance with initial values from v.

SbVec3f::SbVec3f (const float x, const float y, const float z)

Constructs an SbVec3f instance with the initial vector endpoint set to <x,y,z>.

SbVec3f::SbVec3f (const SbPlane & p0, const SbPlane & p1, const SbPlane & p2)

Constructs an SbVec3f instance by combining the three given planes. None of the planes should be parallel to any of the other two, otherwise a divide by zero error will occur.

SbVec3f::SbVec3f (const SbVec3d & v)

Constructs an SbVec3f instance with initial values from the double precision vector v.

This is a Coin extension.

DEPRECATED for Coin 3.0 -- don't use this.

Since: Coin 2.0

Member Function Documentation

SbVec3f SbVec3f::cross (const SbVec3f & v) const

Returns the result of taking the cross product of this vector and v.

float SbVec3f::dot (const SbVec3f & v) const

Calculates and returns the result of taking the dot product of this vector and v.

SbBool SbVec3f::equals (const SbVec3f & v, const float tolerance) const

Compares the vector with v and returns TRUE if the distance between the vectors is smaller or equal to the square root of tolerance.

SbVec3f SbVec3f::getClosestAxis (void) const

Return the vector representing the principal axis closest to this vector.

const float * SbVec3f::getValue (void) const

Returns a pointer to an array of three floats containing the x, y and z coordinates of the vector.

See also: setValue().

void SbVec3f::getValue (float & x, float & y, float & z) const

Returns the x, y and z coordinates of the vector.

See also: setValue().

float SbVec3f::length (void) const

Return length of vector.

float SbVec3f::sqrLength (void) const

Returns the squared length of the vector.

void SbVec3f::negate (void)

Negate the vector (i.e. point it in the opposite direction).

float SbVec3f::normalize (void)

Normalize the vector to unit length. Return value is the original length of the vector before normalization.

If the vector is the null vector, no attempt at normalization will be done, and if the Coin library was built in a debug version, this error message will then be shown:

    Coin warning in SbVec3f::normalize(): The length of the vector
    should be > 0.0f to be able to normalize.

We've made Coin spit out a warning when an attempt at normalizing a null-vector is made, as that seems to always be a symptom caused by some graver error somewhere else -- either an internal error in Coin code, a programming error in application code, or an error in an input file (like for instance invalid polygon specifications).

If this happens, you should run the application in a debugger and see how the call-stack backtrace looks when it hits. An easy way of getting a debugger break at the warning spot is to set the following debugging environment variable which will make the code assert:


If you from the backtrace analysis strongly suspects an internal Coin bug, please report the call-stack to us at and we'll look into it. Example code that triggers the bug would then also be very helpful.

A note for developers porting code from SGI or TGS Inventor to Coin: those Inventor implementations are more slack about detecting and giving out warning messages upon API misuses, and you may suddenly have gotten this warning with Coin without seeing any indication of an error with SGI/TGS Inventor. This does not necessarily mean that it is a bug in Coin -- it is much more likely that you are getting a warning as an indication of API misuse or import file errors which were just not detected and/or reported with those Inventor implementations. 

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::setValue (const float v[3])

Set new coordinates for the vector from v. Returns reference to self.

See also: getValue().

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::setValue (const float x, const float y, const float z)

Set new coordinates for the vector. Returns reference to self.

See also: getValue().

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::setValue (const SbVec3f & barycentric, const SbVec3f & v0, const SbVec3f & v1, const SbVec3f & v2)

Set this vector to be the average of v0, v1 and v2. The vector components are weighted by the barycentric vector.

See also: getValue().

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::setValue (const SbVec3d & v)

Sets this vector to the double precision vector v, converting the vector to a single precision vector.

This is a Coin extension.

Since: Coin 2.0

float & SbVec3f::operator[] (const int i) [inline]

Index operator. Returns modifiable x, y or z coordinate of vector.

See also: getValue() and setValue().

float SbVec3f::operator[] (const int i) const [inline]

Index operator. Returns x, y or z coordinate of vector.

See also: getValue() and setValue().

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::operator *= (const float d)

Multiply components of vector with scalar value d. Returns reference to self.

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::operator/= (const float d)

Divides components of vector with scalar value d. Returns reference to self.

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::operator+= (const SbVec3f & u)

Adds this vector and vector u. Returns reference to self.

SbVec3f & SbVec3f::operator-= (const SbVec3f & u)

Subtracts vector u from this vector. Returns reference to self.

SbVec3f SbVec3f::operator- (void) const

Non-destructive negation operator. Returns a new SbVec3f instance which points in the opposite direction of this vector.

See also: negate().

void SbVec3f::print (FILE * fp) const

Dump the state of this object to the file stream. Only works in debug version of library, method does nothing in an optimized compile.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

SbVec3f operator * (const SbVec3f & v, const float d) [friend]

Returns an SbVec3f instance which is the components of vector v multiplied with d.

SbVec3f operator * (const float d, const SbVec3f & v) [friend]

Returns an SbVec3f instance which is the components of vector v multiplied with d.

SbVec3f operator/ (const SbVec3f & v, const float d) [friend]

Returns an SbVec3f instance which is the components of vector v divided on the scalar factor d.

SbVec3f operator+ (const SbVec3f & v1, const SbVec3f & v2) [friend]

Returns an SbVec3f instance which is the sum of vectors v1 and v2.

SbVec3f operator- (const SbVec3f & v1, const SbVec3f & v2) [friend]

Returns an SbVec3f instance which is vector v2 subtracted from vector v1.

int operator== (const SbVec3f & v1, const SbVec3f & v2) [friend]

Returns 1 if v1 and v2 are exactly equal, 0 otherwise.

See also: equals().

int operator!= (const SbVec3f & v1, const SbVec3f & v2) [friend]

Returns 1 if v1 and v2 are not equal, 0 if they are equal.

See also: equals().


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