man SGIextensions (Fonctions bibliothèques) -


STL extensions from SGI -


class __gnu_cxx::unary_compose< Operation1, Operation2 >

An SGI extension . class __gnu_cxx::binary_compose< Operation1, Operation2, Operation3 >

An SGI extension . struct __gnu_cxx::select1st< Pair >

An SGI extension . struct __gnu_cxx::select2nd< Pair >

An SGI extension . struct __gnu_cxx::project1st< Arg1, Arg2 >

An SGI extension . struct __gnu_cxx::project2nd< Arg1, Arg2 >

An SGI extension . struct __gnu_cxx::constant_void_fun< Result >

An SGI extension . struct __gnu_cxx::constant_unary_fun< Result, Argument >

An SGI extension . struct __gnu_cxx::constant_binary_fun< Result, Arg1, Arg2 >

An SGI extension . class __gnu_cxx::subtractive_rng

class __gnu_cxx::hash_map< Key, Type, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc >

class __gnu_cxx::hash_multimap< Key, Type, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc >

class __gnu_cxx::hash_set< Value, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc >

class __gnu_cxx::hash_multiset< Value, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc >

struct __gnu_cxx::temporary_buffer< ForwardIterator, Type >

struct __gnu_cxx::rb_tree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc >

class __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >

class __gnu_cxx::slist< Type, Alloc >

bitset< Nb > & std::bitset::Unchecked_set (size_t position)

bitset< Nb > & std::bitset::Unchecked_set (size_t position, int __val)

bitset< Nb > & std::bitset::Unchecked_reset (size_t position)

bitset< Nb > & std::bitset::Unchecked_flip (size_t position)

bool std::bitset::Unchecked_test (size_t position) const


template<typename Type> const Type & std::__median (const Type &a, const Type &__b, const Type &c)

Find the median of three values. template<typename Type, typename Compare> const Type & std::__median (const Type &a, const Type &__b, const Type &c, Compare comp)

Find the median of three values using a predicate for comparison. size_t std::bitset::Find_first () const

Finds the index of the first 'on' bit. size_t std::bitset::Find_next (size_t __prev) const

Finds the index of the next 'on' bit after prev. template<typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename OutputIterator> pair< InputIterator, OutputIterator > __gnu_cxx::copy_n (InputIterator first, Size count, OutputIterator __result)

Copies the range [first,first+count) into [result,result+count). template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2> int __gnu_cxx::lexicographical_compare_3way (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2)

memcmp on steroids. template<typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Distance> OutputIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample_n (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator out, const Distance n)

template<typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Distance, typename RandomNumberGenerator> OutputIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample_n (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator out, const Distance n, RandomNumberGenerator &__rand)

template<typename InputIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator> RandomAccessIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, RandomAccessIterator out_first, RandomAccessIterator out_last)

template<typename InputIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator, typename RandomNumberGenerator> RandomAccessIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, RandomAccessIterator out_first, RandomAccessIterator out_last, RandomNumberGenerator &__rand)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator> bool __gnu_cxx::is_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename StrictWeakOrdering> bool __gnu_cxx::is_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, StrictWeakOrdering comp)

template<typename ForwardIterator> bool __gnu_cxx::is_sorted (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last)

template<typename ForwardIterator, typename StrictWeakOrdering> bool __gnu_cxx::is_sorted (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, StrictWeakOrdering comp)

template<class Type> Type __gnu_cxx::identity_element (std::plus< Type >)

An SGI extension . template<class Type> Type __gnu_cxx::identity_element (std::multiplies< Type >)

An SGI extension . template<class Operation1, class Operation2> unary_compose< Operation1, Operation2 > __gnu_cxx::compose1 (const Operation1 &__fn1, const Operation2 &__fn2)

An SGI extension . template<class Operation1, class Operation2, class Operation3> binary_compose< Operation1, Operation2, Operation3 > __gnu_cxx::compose2 (const Operation1 &__fn1, const Operation2 &__fn2, const Operation3 &__fn3)

An SGI extension . template<class Result> constant_void_fun< Result > __gnu_cxx::constant0 (const Result &__val)

An SGI extension . template<class Result> constant_unary_fun< Result, Result > __gnu_cxx::constant1 (const Result &__val)

An SGI extension . template<class Result> constant_binary_fun< Result, Result, Result > __gnu_cxx::constant2 (const Result &__val)

An SGI extension . template<typename InputIterator, typename Distance> void __gnu_cxx::distance (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Distance &n)

template<typename InputIter, typename Size, typename ForwardIter> pair< InputIter, ForwardIter > __gnu_cxx::uninitialized_copy_n (InputIter first, Size count, ForwardIter __result)

Copies the range [first,last) into result. template<typename Type, typename Integer, typename MonoidOperation> Type __gnu_cxx::power (Type x, Integer n, MonoidOperation __monoid_op)

template<typename Type, typename Integer> Type __gnu_cxx::power (Type x, Integer n)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void __gnu_cxx::iota (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Type value)

Detailed Description

Because libstdc++-v3 based its implementation of the STL subsections of the library on the SGI 3.3 implementation, we inherited their extensions as well.

They are additionally documented in the online documentation, a copy of which is also shipped with the library source code (in .../docs/html/documentation.html). You can also read the documentation on SGI's site, which is still running even though the code is not maintained.

NB that the following notes are pulled from various comments all over the place, so they may seem stilted.

The identity_element functions are not part of the C++ standard; SGI provided them as an extension. Its argument is an operation, and its return value is the identity element for that operation. It is overloaded for addition and multiplication, and you can overload it for your own nefarious operations.

As an extension to the binders, SGI provided composition functors and wrapper functions to aid in their creation. The unary_compose functor is constructed from two functions/functors, f and g. Calling operator() with a single argument x returns f(g(x)). The function compose1 takes the two functions and constructs a unary_compose variable for you.

binary_compose is constructed from three functors, f, g1, and g2. Its operator() returns f(g1(x),g2(x)). The function takes f, g1, and g2, and constructs the binary_compose instance for you. For example, if f returns an int, then

  int answer = (compose2(f,g1,g2))(x);

is equivalent to

  int temp1 = g1(x);
  int temp2 = g2(x);
  int answer = f(temp1,temp2);

But the first form is more compact, and can be passed around as a functor to other algorithms.

As an extension, SGI provided a functor called identity. When a functor is required but no operations are desired, this can be used as a pass-through. Its operator() returns its argument unchanged.

select1st and select2nd are extensions provided by SGI. Their operator()s take a std::pair as an argument, and return either the first member or the second member, respectively. They can be used (especially with the composition functors) to 'strip' data from a sequence before performing the remainder of an algorithm.

The operator() of the project1st functor takes two arbitrary arguments and returns the first one, while project2nd returns the second one. They are extensions provided by SGI.

These three functors are each constructed from a single arbitrary variable/value. Later, their operator()s completely ignore any arguments passed, and return the stored value.

constant_void_fun's operator() takes no arguments
constant_unary_fun's operator() takes one argument (ignored)
constant_binary_fun's operator() takes two arguments (ignored)

The helper creator functions constant0, constant1, and constant2 each take a 'result' argument and construct variables of the appropriate functor type.

Function Documentation

template<typename Type, typename Compare> const Type& std::__median (const Type & a, const Type & __b, const Type & c, Compare comp) [inline]

Find the median of three values using a predicate for comparison.

Parameters: a A value.

b A value.

c A value.

comp A binary predicate.

Returns: One of a, b or c.

If {l,m,n} is some convolution of {a,b,c} such that comp(l,m) and comp(m,n) are both true then the value returned will be m. This is an SGI extension.

Definition at line 120 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcxx_function_requires.

template<typename Type> const Type& std::__median (const Type & a, const Type & __b, const Type & c) [inline]

Find the median of three values.

Parameters: a A value.

b A value.

c A value.

Returns: One of a, b or c.

If {l,m,n} is some convolution of {a,b,c} such that l<=m<=n then the value returned will be m. This is an SGI extension.

Definition at line 86 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcxx_function_requires.

Referenced by std::introsort_loop(), and std::nth_element().

template<class Operation1, class Operation2> unary_compose<Operation1,Operation2> __gnu_cxx::compose1 (const Operation1 & __fn1, const Operation2 & __fn2) [inline]

An SGI extension .

Definition at line 144 of file ext/functional.

template<class Operation1, class Operation2, class Operation3> binary_compose<Operation1, Operation2, Operation3> __gnu_cxx::compose2 (const Operation1 & __fn1, const Operation2 & __fn2, const Operation3 & __fn3) [inline]

An SGI extension .

Definition at line 171 of file ext/functional.

template<class Result> constant_void_fun<Result> __gnu_cxx::constant0 (const Result & __val) [inline]

An SGI extension .

Definition at line 306 of file ext/functional.

template<class Result> constant_unary_fun<Result,Result> __gnu_cxx::constant1 (const Result & __val) [inline]

An SGI extension .

Definition at line 313 of file ext/functional.

template<class Result> constant_binary_fun<Result,Result,Result> __gnu_cxx::constant2 (const Result & __val) [inline]

An SGI extension .

Definition at line 321 of file ext/functional.

template<typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename OutputIterator> pair<InputIterator, OutputIterator> __gnu_cxx::copy_n (InputIterator first, Size count, OutputIterator __result) [inline]

Copies the range [first,first+count) into [result,result+count).

Parameters: first An input iterator.

count The number of elements to copy.

result An output iterator.

Returns: A std::pair composed of first+count and result+count.

This is an SGI extension. This inline function will boil down to a call to memmove whenever possible. Failing that, if random access iterators are passed, then the loop count will be known (and therefore a candidate for compiler optimizations such as unrolling).

Definition at line 122 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, and std::__iterator_category().

template<typename InputIterator, typename Distance> void __gnu_cxx::distance (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Distance & n) [inline]

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 104 of file ext/iterator.

References __gnu_cxx::__distance(), and std::__iterator_category().

Referenced by __gnu_cxx::hashtable< Val, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc >::insert_equal(), and __gnu_cxx::hashtable< Val, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc >::insert_unique().

template<size_t Nb> size_t std::bitset< Nb >::Find_first () const [inline, inherited]

Finds the index of the first 'on' bit.

Returns: The index of the first bit set, or size() if not found.

See also: Find_next

Definition at line 1055 of file bitset.

template<size_t Nb> size_t std::bitset< Nb >::Find_next (size_t __prev) const [inline, inherited]

Finds the index of the next 'on' bit after prev.

Returns: The index of the next bit set, or size() if not found.

Parameters: prev Where to start searching.

See also: Find_first

Definition at line 1066 of file bitset.

template<class Type> Type __gnu_cxx::identity_element (std::multiplies< Type >) [inline]

An SGI extension .

Definition at line 92 of file ext/functional.

template<class Type> Type __gnu_cxx::identity_element (std::plus< Type >) [inline]

An SGI extension .

Definition at line 88 of file ext/functional.

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void __gnu_cxx::iota (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Type value)

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 135 of file ext/numeric.

References __glibcxx_function_requires.

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename StrictWeakOrdering> bool __gnu_cxx::is_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, StrictWeakOrdering comp) [inline]

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 445 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, and std::__is_heap().

template<typename RandomAccessIterator> bool __gnu_cxx::is_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) [inline]

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 427 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, and std::__is_heap().

template<typename ForwardIterator, typename StrictWeakOrdering> bool __gnu_cxx::is_sorted (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, StrictWeakOrdering comp)

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 496 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires.

template<typename ForwardIterator> bool __gnu_cxx::is_sorted (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last)

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 469 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires.

template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2> int __gnu_cxx::lexicographical_compare_3way (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2)

memcmp on steroids.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

last2 An input iterator.

Returns: An int, as with memcmp.

The return value will be less than zero if the first range is 'lexigraphically less than' the second, greater than zero if the second range is 'lexigraphically less than' the first, and zero otherwise. This is an SGI extension.

Definition at line 201 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, and __gnu_cxx::__lexicographical_compare_3way().

Referenced by __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::S_compare().

template<typename Type, typename Integer> Type __gnu_cxx::power (Type x, Integer n) [inline]

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 124 of file ext/numeric.

References __gnu_cxx::__power().

template<typename Type, typename Integer, typename MonoidOperation> Type __gnu_cxx::power (Type x, Integer n, MonoidOperation __monoid_op) [inline]

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 114 of file ext/numeric.

References __gnu_cxx::__power().

Referenced by __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::rope().

template<typename InputIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator, typename RandomNumberGenerator> RandomAccessIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, RandomAccessIterator out_first, RandomAccessIterator out_last, RandomNumberGenerator & __rand) [inline]

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 404 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, and __gnu_cxx::__random_sample().

template<typename InputIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator> RandomAccessIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, RandomAccessIterator out_first, RandomAccessIterator out_last) [inline]

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 382 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, and __gnu_cxx::__random_sample().

template<typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Distance, typename RandomNumberGenerator> OutputIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample_n (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator out, const Distance n, RandomNumberGenerator & __rand)

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 297 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, std::distance(), and std::min().

template<typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Distance> OutputIterator __gnu_cxx::random_sample_n (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator out, const Distance n)

This is an SGI extension.

Todo Doc me! See docs/doxygen/TODO and for more.

Definition at line 264 of file ext/algorithm.

References __glibcxx_function_requires, std::distance(), and std::min().

template<size_t Nb> bitset<Nb>& std::bitset< Nb >::Unchecked_flip (size_t position) [inline, inherited]

These versions of single-bit set, reset, flip, and test are extensions from the SGI version. They do no range checking.

Definition at line 831 of file bitset.

template<size_t Nb> bitset<Nb>& std::bitset< Nb >::Unchecked_reset (size_t position) [inline, inherited]

These versions of single-bit set, reset, flip, and test are extensions from the SGI version. They do no range checking.

Definition at line 824 of file bitset.

template<size_t Nb> bitset<Nb>& std::bitset< Nb >::Unchecked_set (size_t position, int __val) [inline, inherited]

These versions of single-bit set, reset, flip, and test are extensions from the SGI version. They do no range checking.

Definition at line 814 of file bitset.

template<size_t Nb> bitset<Nb>& std::bitset< Nb >::Unchecked_set (size_t position) [inline, inherited]

These versions of single-bit set, reset, flip, and test are extensions from the SGI version. They do no range checking.

Definition at line 807 of file bitset.

template<size_t Nb> bool std::bitset< Nb >::Unchecked_test (size_t position) const [inline, inherited]

These versions of single-bit set, reset, flip, and test are extensions from the SGI version. They do no range checking.

Definition at line 838 of file bitset.

template<typename InputIter, typename Size, typename ForwardIter> pair<InputIter, ForwardIter> __gnu_cxx::uninitialized_copy_n (InputIter first, Size count, ForwardIter __result) [inline]

Copies the range [first,last) into result.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

Returns: result + (first - last)

Like copy(), but does not require an initialized output range.

Definition at line 129 of file ext/memory.

References std::__iterator_category(), and __gnu_cxx::__uninitialized_copy_n().

Referenced by __gnu_cxx::RopeRopeSubstring< CharT, Alloc >::operator()(), and __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::SRopeLeaf_from_unowned_char_ptr().