man std::tr1 (Fonctions bibliothèques) -


std::tr1 -



struct __add_c_ref

struct __add_c_ref< _Tp & >

struct __add_ref

struct __add_ref< _Tp & >

struct __const_cast_tag

struct __dynamic_cast_tag

struct __in_array

struct __is_base_of_helper

struct __is_base_of_helper< _Base, _Derived, true >

struct __is_convertible_helper

struct __is_convertible_helper< _From, _To, true >

struct __is_convertible_simple

struct __is_empty_helper

struct __is_empty_helper< _Tp, true >

struct __is_int_or_cref

struct __is_location_invariant

struct __is_location_invariant< _Simple_type_wrapper< _Tp > >

struct __is_polymorphic_helper

struct __is_polymorphic_helper< _Tp, true >

struct __is_union_or_class

struct __is_union_or_class_helper

struct __pair_get< 0 >

struct __pair_get< 1 >

struct __polymorphic_cast_tag

struct __sfinae_types

struct __static_cast_tag

struct __strip_reference_wrapper

struct __strip_reference_wrapper< const reference_wrapper< _Tp > >

struct __strip_reference_wrapper< reference_wrapper< _Tp > >

struct __stripped_tuple_type

struct __tuple_compare< 0, __i, __i, _Tp, _Up >

struct __tuple_compare< 0, __i, __j, _Tp, _Up >

union _Any_data

struct _Derives_from_binary_function

struct _Derives_from_unary_function

class _Function_base

struct _Function_to_function_pointer

struct _Function_to_function_pointer< _Tp, true >

struct _Has_result_type

class _Has_result_type_helper

struct _Maybe_get_result_type

struct _Maybe_get_result_type< true, _Functor >

struct _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer

struct _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer< _Tp _Class::* >

class _Mem_fn< _Res _Class::* >

struct _Mem_fn_const_or_non

struct _Mem_fn_const_or_non< _Tp, false >

class _Mu< _Arg, false, false >

class _Mu< _Arg, false, true >

class _Mu< _Arg, true, false >

class _Mu< reference_wrapper< _Tp >, false, false >

union _Nocopy_types

struct _NullClass

struct _Placeholder

struct _Reference_wrapper_base

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(*)(_T1)>

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(*)(_T1, _T2)>

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1)>

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1, _T2)>

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)() const >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)() const volatile >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)() volatile >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)()>

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)(_T2) const >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)(_T2) const volatile >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)(_T2) volatile >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base< _Res(_T1::*)(_T2)>

struct _Reference_wrapper_base_impl< false, false, _Tp >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base_impl< false, true, _Tp >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base_impl< true, false, _Tp >

struct _Reference_wrapper_base_impl< true, true, _Tp >

struct _Result_of_impl< false, _Res _Class::*(_T1)>

struct _Simple_type_wrapper

class _Sp_counted_base

class _Sp_counted_base_impl

struct _Sp_deleter

struct _Weak_result_type

struct _Weak_result_type_impl

struct add_const

struct add_cv

struct add_pointer

struct add_reference

struct add_reference< _Tp & >

struct add_volatile

struct aligned_storage

other transformations [4.8]. struct aligned_storage< _Len, 1 >

struct aligned_storage< _Len, 16 >

struct aligned_storage< _Len, 2 >

struct aligned_storage< _Len, 32 >

struct aligned_storage< _Len, 4 >

struct aligned_storage< _Len, 8 >

struct alignment_of

struct array

NB: Requires complete type _Tp. class bad_function_call

Exception class thrown when class template function's operator() is called with an empty target. class bad_weak_ptr

class enable_shared_from_this

struct extent

struct extent< _Tp[], _Uint >

struct extent< _Tp[_Size], _Uint >

struct Fnv_hash

struct Fnv_hash< 4 >

struct Fnv_hash< 8 >

struct has_nothrow_assign

struct has_nothrow_constructor

struct has_nothrow_copy

struct has_trivial_assign

struct has_trivial_constructor

struct has_trivial_copy

struct has_trivial_destructor

struct has_virtual_destructor

struct hash< double >

struct hash< float >

struct hash< long double >

struct hash< std::string >

struct hash< std::wstring >

struct hash< T * >

class hashtable

struct integral_constant

helper classes [4.3]. struct is_abstract

struct is_arithmetic

composite type traits [4.5.2]. struct is_array

struct is_array< _Tp[]>

struct is_array< _Tp[_Size]>

struct is_base_of

struct is_bind_expression

Determines if the given type _Tp is a function object should be treated as a subexpression when evaluating calls to function objects returned by bind(). [TR1 3.6.1]. struct is_bind_expression< _Bind< _Signature > >

struct is_bind_expression< _Bind_result< _Result, _Signature > >

struct is_class

struct is_compound

struct is_const

type properties [4.5.3]. struct is_const < _Tp const >

struct is_convertible

struct is_empty

struct is_floating_point

struct is_function

struct is_fundamental

struct is_integral

struct is_member_object_pointer

struct is_member_pointer

struct is_object

struct is_placeholder

Determines if the given type _Tp is a placeholder in a bind() expression and, if so, which placeholder it is. [TR1 3.6.2]. struct is_placeholder< _Placeholder< _Num > >

struct is_pod

struct is_pointer

struct is_polymorphic

struct is_reference

struct is_reference< _Tp & >

struct is_same

relationships between types [4.6]. struct is_same< _Tp, _Tp >

struct is_scalar

struct is_signed

struct is_union

struct is_unsigned

struct is_void

primary type categories [4.5.1]. struct is_volatile

struct is_volatile< _Tp volatile >

struct rank

struct rank< _Tp[]>

struct rank< _Tp[_Size]>

class reference_wrapper

struct remove_all_extents

struct remove_all_extents< _Tp[]>

struct remove_all_extents< _Tp[_Size]>

struct remove_const

const-volatile modifications [4.7.1]. struct remove_const < _Tp const >

struct remove_cv

struct remove_extent

array modififications [4.7.3]. struct remove_extent< _Tp[]>

struct remove_extent< _Tp[_Size]>

struct remove_pointer

struct remove_reference

reference modifications [4.7.2]. struct remove_reference< _Tp & >

struct remove_volatile

struct remove_volatile< _Tp volatile >

class shared_count

class shared_ptr

struct shared_ptr_traits

struct shared_ptr_traits< void >

struct shared_ptr_traits< void const >

struct shared_ptr_traits< void const volatile >

struct shared_ptr_traits< void volatile >

struct swallow_assign

struct tuple_element< 0, std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >

struct tuple_element< 1, std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >

struct tuple_element< _Int, array< _Tp, _Nm > >

struct tuple_size< array< _Tp, _Nm > >

struct tuple_size< std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >

class unordered_map

class unordered_multimap

class unordered_multiset

class unordered_set

class weak_count

class weak_ptr


typedef integral_constant< bool, false > false_type

typedef integral_constant< bool, false > false_type

typedef integral_constant< bool, true > true_type

typedef integral_constant< bool, true > true_type


enum _Manager_operation { __get_type_info, __get_functor_ptr, __clone_functor, __destroy_functor }


template<typename _Member, typename _Class> _Mem_fn< _Member _Class::* > __callable_functor (_Member _Class::*const &__p)

template<typename _Member, typename _Class> _Mem_fn< _Member _Class::* > __callable_functor (_Member _Class::*&__p)

template<typename _Functor> _Functor & __callable_functor (_Functor &__f)

void __enable_shared_from_this (const shared_count &,...)

template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2> void __enable_shared_from_this (const shared_count &__pn, const enable_shared_from_this< _Tp1 > *__pe, const _Tp2 *__px)

void __throw_bad_weak_ptr ()

_DEFINE_SPEC (2, is_member_function_pointer, _Tp _Cp::*, is_function< _Tp >::value) template< typename _Tp > struct is_enum

_DEFINE_SPEC (2, is_member_object_pointer, _Tp _Cp::*,!is_function< _Tp >::value) template< typename > struct is_member_function_pointer

template<typename _Tp, typename _Tp1> shared_ptr< _Tp > const_pointer_cast (const shared_ptr< _Tp1 > &__r)

template<typename _Tp> reference_wrapper< const _Tp > cref (reference_wrapper< _Tp > __t)

template<typename _Tp> reference_wrapper< const _Tp > cref (const _Tp &__t)

template<typename _Tp, typename _Tp1> shared_ptr< _Tp > dynamic_pointer_cast (const shared_ptr< _Tp1 > &__r)

template<int _Int, class _Tp1, class _Tp2> const tuple_element< _Int, std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type & get (const pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &__in)

template<int _Int, class _Tp1, class _Tp2> tuple_element< _Int, std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type & get (pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &__in)

template<int __i, typename _Tp0, typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2, typename _Tp3, typename _Tp4, typename _Tp5, typename _Tp6, typename _Tp7, typename _Tp8, typename _Tp9> __add_c_ref< typename tuple_element< __i, tuple< _Tp0, _Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, _Tp4, _Tp5, _Tp6, _Tp7, _Tp8, _Tp9 > >::type >::type get (const tuple< _Tp0, _Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, _Tp4, _Tp5, _Tp6, _Tp7, _Tp8, _Tp9 > &__t)

template<int __i, typename _Tp0, typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2, typename _Tp3, typename _Tp4, typename _Tp5, typename _Tp6, typename _Tp7, typename _Tp8, typename _Tp9> __add_ref< typename tuple_element< __i, tuple< _Tp0, _Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, _Tp4, _Tp5, _Tp6, _Tp7, _Tp8, _Tp9 > >::type >::type get (tuple< _Tp0, _Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, _Tp4, _Tp5, _Tp6, _Tp7, _Tp8, _Tp9 > &__t)

template<int _Int, typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> const _Tp & get (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__arr)

template<int _Int, typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> _Tp & get (array< _Tp, _Nm > &__arr)

template<typename _Del, typename _Tp> _Del * get_deleter (const shared_ptr< _Tp > &__p)

template<typename _Tp, typename _Class> _Mem_fn< _Tp _Class::* > mem_fn (_Tp _Class::*__pm)

template<typename _T1, typename _T2, typename _T3, typename _T4, typename _T5, typename _T6, typename _T7, typename _T8, typename _T9, typename _T10, typename _U1, typename _U2, typename _U3, typename _U4, typename _U5, typename _U6, typename _U7, typename _U8, typename _U9, typename _U10> bool operator!= (const tuple< _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6, _T7, _T8, _T9, _T10 > &__t, const tuple< _U1, _U2, _U3, _U4, _U5, _U6, _U7, _U8, _U9, _U10 > &__u)

template<typename _Signature> bool operator!= (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > &__f)

template<typename _Signature> bool operator!= (const function< _Signature > &__f, _M_clear_type *)

template<typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> bool operator!= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _T1, typename _T2, typename _T3, typename _T4, typename _T5, typename _T6, typename _T7, typename _T8, typename _T9, typename _T10, typename _U1, typename _U2, typename _U3, typename _U4, typename _U5, typename _U6, typename _U7, typename _U8, typename _U9, typename _U10> bool operator< (const tuple< _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6, _T7, _T8, _T9, _T10 > &__t, const tuple< _U1, _U2, _U3, _U4, _U5, _U6, _U7, _U8, _U9, _U10 > &__u)

template<typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> bool operator< (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__a, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__b)

template<typename _Ch, typename _Tr, typename _Tp> std::basic_ostream< _Ch, _Tr > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _Ch, _Tr > &__os, const shared_ptr< _Tp > &__p)

template<typename _T1, typename _T2, typename _T3, typename _T4, typename _T5, typename _T6, typename _T7, typename _T8, typename _T9, typename _T10, typename _U1, typename _U2, typename _U3, typename _U4, typename _U5, typename _U6, typename _U7, typename _U8, typename _U9, typename _U10> bool operator<= (const tuple< _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6, _T7, _T8, _T9, _T10 > &__t, const tuple< _U1, _U2, _U3, _U4, _U5, _U6, _U7, _U8, _U9, _U10 > &__u)

template<typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> bool operator<= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _T1, typename _T2, typename _T3, typename _T4, typename _T5, typename _T6, typename _T7, typename _T8, typename _T9, typename _T10, typename _U1, typename _U2, typename _U3, typename _U4, typename _U5, typename _U6, typename _U7, typename _U8, typename _U9, typename _U10> bool operator== (const tuple< _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6, _T7, _T8, _T9, _T10 > &__t, const tuple< _U1, _U2, _U3, _U4, _U5, _U6, _U7, _U8, _U9, _U10 > &__u)

template<typename _Signature> bool operator== (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > &__f)

template<typename _Signature> bool operator== (const function< _Signature > &__f, _M_clear_type *)

template<typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> bool operator== (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _T1, typename _T2, typename _T3, typename _T4, typename _T5, typename _T6, typename _T7, typename _T8, typename _T9, typename _T10, typename _U1, typename _U2, typename _U3, typename _U4, typename _U5, typename _U6, typename _U7, typename _U8, typename _U9, typename _U10> bool operator> (const tuple< _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6, _T7, _T8, _T9, _T10 > &__t, const tuple< _U1, _U2, _U3, _U4, _U5, _U6, _U7, _U8, _U9, _U10 > &__u)

template<typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> bool operator> (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _T1, typename _T2, typename _T3, typename _T4, typename _T5, typename _T6, typename _T7, typename _T8, typename _T9, typename _T10, typename _U1, typename _U2, typename _U3, typename _U4, typename _U5, typename _U6, typename _U7, typename _U8, typename _U9, typename _U10> bool operator>= (const tuple< _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6, _T7, _T8, _T9, _T10 > &__t, const tuple< _U1, _U2, _U3, _U4, _U5, _U6, _U7, _U8, _U9, _U10 > &__u)

template<typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> bool operator>= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _Tp> reference_wrapper< _Tp > ref (reference_wrapper< _Tp > __t)

template<typename _Tp> reference_wrapper< _Tp > ref (_Tp &__t)

template<typename _Tp, typename _Tp1> shared_ptr< _Tp > static_pointer_cast (const shared_ptr< _Tp1 > &__r)

template<class Value, class Hash, class Pred, class Alloc, bool cache_hash_code> void swap (unordered_multiset< Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &x, unordered_multiset< Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &y)

template<class Value, class Hash, class Pred, class Alloc, bool cache_hash_code> void swap (unordered_set< Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &x, unordered_set< Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &y)

template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class Pred, class Alloc, bool cache_hash_code> void swap (unordered_multimap< Key, T, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &x, unordered_multimap< Key, T, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &y)

template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class Pred, class Alloc, bool cache_hash_code> void swap (unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &x, unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > &y)

template<typename _Signature> void swap (function< _Signature > &__x, function< _Signature > &__y)

template<typename _Tp, std::size_t _Nm> void swap (array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _Tp> void swap (weak_ptr< _Tp > &__a, weak_ptr< _Tp > &__b)

template<typename _Tp> void swap (shared_ptr< _Tp > &__a, shared_ptr< _Tp > &__b)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (long)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (int)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (short)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (wchar_t)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (unsigned char)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (signed char)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (char)

tr1_hashtable_define_trivial_hash (bool)


swallow_assign ignore

Function Documentation

shared_ptr<_Tp> std::tr1::const_pointer_cast (const shared_ptr< _Tp1 > & __r)

Warning: The seemingly equivalent shared_ptr<T>(const_cast<T*>(r.get())) will eventually result in undefined behaviour, attempting to delete the same object twice.

Definition at line 737 of file boost_shared_ptr.h.

References const_pointer_cast().

Referenced by const_pointer_cast().

shared_ptr<_Tp> std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast (const shared_ptr< _Tp1 > & __r)

Warning: The seemingly equivalent shared_ptr<T>(dynamic_cast<T*>(r.get())) will eventually result in undefined behaviour, attempting to delete the same object twice.

Definition at line 749 of file boost_shared_ptr.h.

References dynamic_pointer_cast().

Referenced by dynamic_pointer_cast().

_Mem_fn<_Tp _Class::*> std::tr1::mem_fn (_Tp _Class::* __pm) [inline]

Returns a function object that forwards to the member pointer pm.

Definition at line 505 of file tr1/functional.

Referenced by __callable_functor(), _Function_handler< void(_GLIBCXX_TEMPLATE_ARGS), _Member _Class::* >::_M_invoke(), and _Function_handler< _Res(_GLIBCXX_TEMPLATE_ARGS), _Member _Class::* >::_M_invoke().

bool std::tr1::operator!= (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > & __f) [inline]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 1069 of file tr1/functional.

bool std::tr1::operator!= (const function< _Signature > & __f, _M_clear_type *) [inline]

Compares a polymorphic function object wrapper against 0 (the NULL pointer).

Returns: false if the wrapper has no target, true otherwise

This function will not throw an exception.

Definition at line 1059 of file tr1/functional.

bool std::tr1::operator== (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > & __f) [inline]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 1045 of file tr1/functional.

bool std::tr1::operator== (const function< _Signature > & __f, _M_clear_type *) [inline]

Compares a polymorphic function object wrapper against 0 (the NULL pointer).

Returns: true if the wrapper has no target, false otherwise

This function will not throw an exception.

Definition at line 1035 of file tr1/functional.

shared_ptr<_Tp> std::tr1::static_pointer_cast (const shared_ptr< _Tp1 > & __r)

Warning: The seemingly equivalent shared_ptr<T>(static_cast<T*>(r.get())) will eventually result in undefined behaviour, attempting to delete the same object twice.

Definition at line 725 of file boost_shared_ptr.h.

References static_pointer_cast().

Referenced by static_pointer_cast().

void std::tr1::swap (function< _Signature > & __x, function< _Signature > & __y) [inline]

Swap the targets of two polymorphic function object wrappers.

This function will not throw an exception.

Definition at line 1083 of file tr1/functional.


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