- fconfigure
Set and get options on a channel
- fcopy
Copy data from one channel to another.
- file
Manipulate file names and attributes
- fileevent
Execute a script when a channel becomes readable or writable
- filename
File name conventions supported by Tcl commands
- fileutil
Procedures implementing some file utilities
- FindExec
identify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
- flush
Flush buffered output for a channel
- for
``For'' loop
- foreach
Iterate over all elements in one or more lists
- format
Format a string in the style of sprintf
- fourier
Discrete and fast fourier transforms
- ftp
Client-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol
- ftpd
Tcl FTP server implementation
- fuzzy
Fuzzy comparison of floating-point numbers
- geometry
Geometrical computations
- GetCwd
manipulate the current working directory
- GetHostName
get the name of the local host
- GetIndex
lookup string in table of keywords
- GetInt
convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
- GetOpnFl
Get a standard IO File * handle from a channel. (Unix only)
- gets
Read a line from a channel
- GetStdChan
procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
- GetVersion
get the version of the library at runtime
- glob
Return names of files that match patterns
- global
Access global variables
- graph
Create and manipulate directed graph objects
- graph1
Create and manipulate directed graph objects
- Hash
procedures to manage hash tables
- history
Manipulate the history list
- html
Procedures to generate HTML structures
- htmlparse
Procedures to parse HTML strings
- http
Client-side implementation of the HTTP/1.0 protocol.
- ident
Ident protocol client
- if
Execute scripts conditionally
- incr
Increment the value of a variable
- info
Return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter
- ini
Parsing of Windows INI files
- Init
find and source initialization script
- InitStubs
initialize the Tcl stubs mechanism
- Interp
client-visible fields of interpreter structures
- interp
Create and manipulate Tcl interpreters
- interpolate
Interpolation routines
- IntObj
manipulate Tcl objects as integers
- irc
Create IRC connection and interface.
- javascript
Procedures to generate HTML and Java Script structures.
- join
Create a string by joining together list elements
- jpeg
JPEG querying and manipulation of meta data
- lappend
Append list elements onto a variable
- ldap
LDAP client