man calculus () - Integration and ordinary differential equations
math::calculus - Integration and ordinary differential equations
package require Tcl 8 package require math::calculus 0.5.1 ::math::calculus::integral begin end nosteps func ::math::calculus::integralExpr begin end nosteps expression ::math::calculus::integral2D xinterval yinterval func ::math::calculus::integral3D xinterval yinterval zinterval func ::math::calculus::eulerStep t tstep xvec func ::math::calculus::heunStep t tstep xvec func ::math::calculus::rungeKuttaStep t tstep xvec func ::math::calculus::boundaryValueSecondOrder coeff_func force_func leftbnd rightbnd nostep ::math::calculus::solveTriDiagonal acoeff bcoeff ccoeff dvalue ::math::calculus::newtonRaphson func deriv initval ::math::calculus::newtonRaphsonParameters maxiter tolerance ::math::calculus::regula_falsi f xb xe eps
This package implements several simple mathematical algorithms:
- •
- The integration of a function over an interval
- •
- The numerical integration of a system of ordinary differential equations.
- •
- Estimating the root(s) of an equation of one variable.
The package is fully implemented in Tcl. No particular attention has been paid to the accuracy of the calculations. Instead, well-known algorithms have been used in a straightforward manner.
This document describes the procedures and explains their usage.
This package defines the following public procedures:
- ::math::calculus::integral begin end nosteps func
- Determine the integral of the given function using the Simpson rule. The interval for the integration is [begin, end]. The remaining arguments are:
- nosteps
- Number of steps in which the interval is divided.
- func
- Function to be integrated. It should take one single argument.
- ::math::calculus::integralExpr begin end nosteps expression
- Similar to the previous proc, this one determines the integral of the given expression using the Simpson rule. The interval for the integration is [begin, end]. The remaining arguments are:
- nosteps
- Number of steps in which the interval is divided.
- expression
- Expression to be integrated. It should use the variable "x" as the only variable (the "integrate")
- ::math::calculus::integral2D xinterval yinterval func
- The command integral2D calculates the integral of a function of two variables over the rectangle given by the first two arguments, each a list of three items, the start and stop interval for the variable and the number of steps. The currently implemented integration is simple: the function is evaluated at the centre of each rectangle and the content of this block is added to the integral. In future this will be replaced by a bilinear interpolation. The function must take two arguments and return the function value.
- ::math::calculus::integral3D xinterval yinterval zinterval func
- The command Integral3D is the three-dimensional equivalent of integral2D. The function taking three arguments is integrated over the block in 3D space given by three intervals.
- ::math::calculus::eulerStep t tstep xvec func
- Set a single step in the numerical integration of a system of differential equations. The method used is Euler's.
- t
- Value of the independent variable (typically time) at the beginning of the step.
- tstep
- Step size for the independent variable.
- xvec
- List (vector) of dependent values
- func
- Function of t and the dependent values, returning a list of the derivatives of the dependent values. (The lengths of xvec and the return value of "func" must match).
- ::math::calculus::heunStep t tstep xvec func
- Set a single step in the numerical integration of a system of differential equations. The method used is Heun's.
- t
- Value of the independent variable (typically time) at the beginning of the step.
- tstep
- Step size for the independent variable.
- xvec
- List (vector) of dependent values
- func
- Function of t and the dependent values, returning a list of the derivatives of the dependent values. (The lengths of xvec and the return value of "func" must match).
- ::math::calculus::rungeKuttaStep t tstep xvec func
- Set a single step in the numerical integration of a system of differential equations. The method used is Runge-Kutta 4th order.
- t
- Value of the independent variable (typically time) at the beginning of the step.
- tstep
- Step size for the independent variable.
- xvec
- List (vector) of dependent values
- func
- Function of t and the dependent values, returning a list of the derivatives of the dependent values. (The lengths of xvec and the return value of "func" must match).
- ::math::calculus::boundaryValueSecondOrder coeff_func force_func leftbnd rightbnd nostep
- Solve a second order linear differential equation with boundary
values at two sides. The equation has to be of the form (the
"conservative" form):
d dy d -- A(x)-- + -- B(x)y + C(x)y = D(x) dx dx dx
Ordinarily, such an equation would be written as:d2y dy a(x)--- + b(x)-- + c(x) y = D(x) dx2 dx
The first form is easier to discretise (by integrating over a finite volume) than the second form. The relation between the two forms is fairly straightforward:A(x) = a(x) B(x) = b(x) - a'(x) C(x) = c(x) - B'(x) = c(x) - b'(x) + a''(x)
Because of the differentiation, however, it is much easier to ask the user to provide the functions A, B and C directly. - coeff_func
- Procedure returning the three coefficients (A, B, C) of the equation, taking as its one argument the x-coordinate.
- force_func
- Procedure returning the right-hand side (D) as a function of the x-coordinate.
- leftbnd
- A list of two values: the x-coordinate of the left boundary and the value at that boundary.
- rightbnd
- A list of two values: the x-coordinate of the right boundary and the value at that boundary.
- nostep
- Number of steps by which to discretise the interval. The procedure returns a list of x-coordinates and the approximated values of the solution.
- ::math::calculus::solveTriDiagonal acoeff bcoeff ccoeff dvalue
- Solve a system of linear equations Ax = b with A a tridiagonal matrix. Returns the solution as a list.
- acoeff
- List of values on the lower diagonal
- bcoeff
- List of values on the main diagonal
- ccoeff
- List of values on the upper diagonal
- dvalue
- List of values on the righthand-side
- ::math::calculus::newtonRaphson func deriv initval
- Determine the root of an equation given by
func(x) = 0
using the method of Newton-Raphson. The procedure takes the following arguments: - func
- Procedure that returns the value the function at x
- deriv
- Procedure that returns the derivative of the function at x
- initval
- Initial value for x
- ::math::calculus::newtonRaphsonParameters maxiter tolerance
- Set the numerical parameters for the Newton-Raphson method:
- maxiter
- Maximum number of iteration steps (defaults to 20)
- tolerance
- Relative precision (defaults to 0.001)
- ::math::calculus::regula_falsi f xb xe eps
- Return an estimate of the zero or one of the zeros of the function contained in the interval [xb,xe]. The error in this estimate is of the order of eps*abs(xe-xb), the actual error may be slightly larger. The method used is the so-called regula falsi or false position method. It is a straightforward implementation. The method is robust, but requires that the interval brackets a zero or at least an uneven number of zeros, so that the value of the function at the start has a different sign than the value at the end. In contrast to Newton-Raphson there is no need for the computation of the function's derivative.
- f command Name of the command that evaluates the function for
- which the zero is to be returned
- xb float Start of the interval in which the zero is supposed
- to lie
- xe float End of the interval
- eps float Relative allowed error (defaults to 1.0e-4)
Several of the above procedures take the names of procedures as arguments. To avoid problems with the visibility of these procedures, the fully-qualified name of these procedures is determined inside the calculus routines. For the user this has only one consequence: the named procedure must be visible in the calling procedure. For instance:
namespace eval ::mySpace { namespace export calcfunc proc calcfunc { x } { return $x } } # # Use a fully-qualified name # namespace eval ::myCalc { proc detIntegral { begin end } { return [integral $begin $end 100 ::mySpace::calcfunc] } } # # Import the name # namespace eval ::myCalc { namespace import ::mySpace::calcfunc proc detIntegral { begin end } { return [integral $begin $end 100 calcfunc] } }
Enhancements for the second-order boundary value problem:
- •
- Other types of boundary conditions (zero gradient, zero flux)
- •
- Other schematisation of the first-order term (now central differences are used, but upstream differences might be useful too).
Let us take a few simple examples:
Integrate x over the interval [0,100] (20 steps):
proc linear_func { x } { return $x } puts "Integral: [::math::calculus::integral 0 100 20 linear_func]"For simple functions, the alternative could be:
puts "Integral: [::math::calculus::integralExpr 0 100 20 {$x}]"Do not forget the braces!
The differential equation for a dampened oscillator:
x'' + rx' + wx = 0
can be split into a system of first-order equations:
x' = y y' = -ry - wx
Then this system can be solved with code like this:
proc dampened_oscillator { t xvec } { set x [lindex $xvec 0] set x1 [lindex $xvec 1] return [list $x1 [expr {-$x1-$x}]] }
set xvec { 1.0 0.0 } set t 0.0 set tstep 0.1 for { set i 0 } { $i < 20 } { incr i } { set result [::math::calculus::eulerStep $t $tstep $xvec dampened_oscillator] puts "Result ($t): $result" set t [expr {$t+$tstep}] set xvec $result }
Suppose we have the boundary value problem:
Dy'' + ky = 0 x = 0: y = 1 x = L: y = 0
This boundary value problem could originate from the diffusion of a decaying substance.
It can be solved with the following fragment:
proc coeffs { x } { return [list $::Diff 0.0 $::decay] } proc force { x } { return 0.0 }
set Diff 1.0e-2 set decay 0.0001 set length 100.0
set y [::math::calculus::boundaryValueSecondOrder \ coeffs force {0.0 1.0} [list $length 0.0] 100]
calculus, differential equations, integration, math, roots
Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2004 Arjen Markus