man domDoc () - Manipulates an instance of a DOM document object


domDoc - Manipulates an instance of a DOM document object


domDocObjCmd method ?arg arg ...?


This command manipulates one particular instance of a document object. method indicates a specific method of the document class. These methods should closely conform to the W3C recommendation "Document Object Model (Core) Level 1" ( Look at these documents for a deeper understanding of the functionality.

The valid methods are:

documentElement ?objVar? Returns the top most element in the document (the root element).
getElementsByTagName name Returns a list of all elements in the document matching (glob style) name.
getElementsByTagNameNS uri localname Returns a list of all elements in the subtree matching (glob style) localname and having the given namespace uri.
createElement tagName ?objVar? Creates (allocates) a new element node with node name tagName, append it to the hidden fragment list in the document object and returns the node object. If objVar is given the new node object store in this variable.
createElementNS url tagName ?objVar? Creates (allocates) a new element node within a namespace having uri as the URI and node name tagName, which could include the namespace prefix, append it to the hidden fragment list in the document object and returns the node object. If objVar is given the new node object store in this variable.
createTextNode text ?objVar? Creates (allocates) a new text node with node value text, appends it to the hidden fragment list in the document object and returns the node object. If objVar is given, the new node object is stored in this variable.
createComment text ?objVar? Creates (allocates) a new comment node with value text, appends it to the hidden fragment list in the document object and returns the node object. If objVar is given, the new comment node object is stored in this variable.
createCDATASection data ?objVar? Creates (allocates) a new CDATA node with node value data, appends it to the hidden fragment list in the document object and returns the node object. If objVar is given, the new node object is stored in this variable.
createProcessingInstruction target data ?objVar? Creates a process instruction, appends it to the hidden fragment list in the document object and returns the node object. If objVar is given, the new node object is stored in this variable.
Explicitly deletes the document, including the associated Tcl object commands (for nodes, fragment/new nodes, the document object itself) and the underlying DOM tree.
Returns the default output method of the document. This is usually a result of a XSLT transformation.
asXML ?-indent none/1..8? ?-channel channelId? ?-escapeNonASCII? -doctypeDeclaration <boolean>
Returns the DOM tree as an (optional indented) XML string or sends the output directly to the given channelId. If the option -escapeNonASCII is given, every non 7 bit ASCII character in attribute values or element PCDATA content will be escaped as character reference in decimal representation. The flag -doctypeDeclaration determines, whether there will be a DOCTYPE declaration emitted before the first node of the document. The default is, to do not. The DOCTYPE name will always be the element name of the document element. An external entity declaration of the external subset is only emitted, if the document has a system identifier.
asHTML ?-channel channelId? ?-escapeNonASCII? ?-htmlEntities? -doctypeDeclaration <boolean>
Returns the DOM tree serialized acording to HTML rules (HTML elements are recognized regardless of case, without end tags for emtpy HTML elements etc.), as string or sends the output directly to the given channelId. If the option -escapeNonASCII is given, every non 7 bit ASCII character in attribute values or element PCDATA content will be escaped as character reference in decimal representation. If the option -htmlEntities is given, a character is outputed using a HTML 4.01 character entity reference, if one is defined for it. The flag -doctypeDeclaration determines, whether there will be a DOCTYPE declaration emitted before the first node of the document. The default is, to do not. The DOCTYPE name will always be the element name of the document element without case normalization. An external entity declaration of the external subset is only emitted, if the document has a system identifier. The doctype declaration will be written from the avaliable informations, without check, if this is a known (w3c) HTML version information or if the document confirms to the given HTML version.
publicId ?publicId? Returns the public identifier of the doctype declaration of the document, if there is one, otherwise the empty string. If there is a value given to the method, the public identifier of the document is set to this value.
systemId ?systemId? Returns the system identifier of the doctype declaration of the document, if there is one, otherwise the empty string. If there is a value given to the method, the system identifier of the document is set to this value.
xslt ?-parameters parameterList? ?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? ?-xsltmessagecmd script? stylesheet ?outputVar? Applies an XSLT transformation on the whole document of the node object using the XSLT stylesheet (given as domDoc). Returns a document object containing the result document of the transformation and stores that document object in the optional outputVar, if that was given. The optional -parameters option sets top level <xsl:param> to string values. The parameterList has to be a tcl list consisting of parameter name and value pairs. If the option -ignoreUndeclaredParameters is given, then parameter names in the parameterList given to the -parameters options that are not declared as top-level parameters in the stylesheet are silently ignored. Without this option, an error is raised, if the user tries to set a top-level parameter, which is not declared in the stylesheet. The -xsltmessagecmd option sets a callback for xslt:message elements in the stylesheet. The actual command consists of the script, given as argument to the option, appended with the XML Fragment from instantiating the xsl:message element content as string (as if the XPath string() function would have been applied to the XML Fragment) and a flag, which indicates, if the xsl:message has an attribute "terminate" with the value "yes".
toXSLTcmd ?objVar? If the DOM tree represents a valid XSLT stylesheet, this method transforms the DOM tree into a xslt command, otherwise it returns error. The created xsltCmd is returnd and stored in the objVar, if a var name was given. A successful transformation of the DOM tree to a xsltCmd removes the domDoc cmd and all nodeCmds of the document. The syntax of the created xsltCmd is:

xsltCmd ?-parameters parameterList? ?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? ?-xsltmessagecmd script? docNode ?outputVar?

The options are the same as for the domDoc xslt method; see there for a description. The docNode argument is the XML document to transform (given as domDoc). The command returns a document object containing the result document of the transformation and stores it in the optional outputVar, if that was given.

Otherwise, if an unknown method name is given, the command with the same name as the given metho within the namespace ::dom::domDoc is tried to be executed. This allows quick method additions on Tcl level.

Newly created nodes are appended to a hidden fragment list. If there are not moved into the tree they are automaticaly deleted, when the whole document gets deleted.


dom, domNode


DOM node creation, document element