man tar () - Tar file creation, extraction & manipulation


tar - Tar file creation, extraction & manipulation


package require Tcl 8.4 package require tar ?0.1? ::tar::contents tarball ::tar::stat tarball ?file? ::tar::untar tarball args ::tar::get tarball fileName ::tar::create tarball files args ::tar::add tarball files args


::tar::contents tarball
Returns a list of the files contained in tarball.
::tar::stat tarball ?file?
Returns a nested dict containing information on the named ?file? in tarball, or all files. the top level are pairs of filename and info. The info is a dict in the form mode uid gid size mtime type linkname uname gname devmajor devminor
% ::tar::stat tarball.tar
foo.jpg {mode 0644 uid 1000 gid 0 size 7580 mtime 811903867 type file linkname {} uname user gname wheel devmajor 0 devminor 0}
::tar::untar tarball args
Extracts tarball
-dir dirName
-file fileName
-glob pattern
::tar::get tarball fileName
Returns the contents of fileName from the tarball
::tar::create tarball files args
Creates a new tar file containing the files
::tar::add tarball files args
Appends files to the end of the existing tarball


archive, tape archive, tar