man wnanl (Fonctions bibliothèques) - general simulated annealing package


wn_anneal, wn_anneal_std_checkpoint_print, wn_anneal_from_temperature, wn_anneal_with_sched, wn_anneal_linear_temperature, wn_measure_anneal_temperature, wn_get_anneal_statistics, wn_adjust_anneal_window - general simulated annealing package


#include <wn/wnanl.h>

extern int wn_anneal_epochs_to_run, wn_anneal_epochs_remaining;
extern double wn_anneal_temperature,

void wn_anneal_std_checkpoint_print()
void wn_anneal(pevaluate_random_mutation, paccept_mutation,
double (*pevaluate_random_mutation)();
void (*paccept_mutation)();
void (*preject_mutation)();
void (*pcheckpoint)();
int problem_size, stop_run_length, epochs_to_run;

void wn_anneal_from_temperature(pevaluate_random_mutation,
double (*pevaluate_random_mutation)();
void (*paccept_mutation)();
void (*preject_mutation)();
void (*pcheckpoint)();
int problem_size, stop_run_length, epochs_to_run;
double start_temperature;

void wn_anneal_with_sched(pevaluate_random_mutation,
double (*pevaluate_random_mutation)();
void (*paccept_mutation)();
void (*preject_mutation)();
void (*pcheckpoint)();
int problem_size, stop_run_length, epochs_to_run;
double (*ptemperature_function)(/* double time */);
double start_temperature;

void wn_anneal_linear_temperature(pevaluate_random_mutation,
double (*pevaluate_random_mutation)();
void (*paccept_mutation)();
void (*preject_mutation)();
void (*pcheckpoint)();
int problem_size, stop_run_length, epochs_to_run;
double start_temperature, fin_temperature;

double temperature;
double (*pevaluate_random_mutation)();
double iterations;

double mean, sdev;
double (*pevaluate_random_mutation)();
double iterations;

void wn_adjust_anneal_window(&window_size, min_window_size,
double *pwindow_size;
double min_window_size;
double max_window_size;
double attack_rate;
double best_acceptance_rate;
anneal_acceptance_type anneal_acceptance;


This package provides a general simulated annealing [1] algorithm for use on complex combinatorial optimization problems. Simulated annealing is a technique of last resort, and should be used only when other techniques, such as linear programming (see wnsplx), and domain-specific algorithms, have not born fruit. Generally, simulated annealing is of value only with combinatorial optimization problems that are NP-complete [2], and even with these, approximation methods involving the above techniques are often superior.

wn_anneal provides a complete simulated annealing optimization algorithm. It first computes a start temperature which leaves the system near its maximum entropy state. wn_anneal runs for epochs_to_run epochs, decreasing the temperature linearly to 0. Once the system reachs 0 temperature, it is annealed until stuck in a local minimum. Whether or not the system is stuck in a local minimum is determined using stop_run_length. It is often useful (for speed reasons) to terminate the run before stuck in a local minimum.

An <epoch> is problem_size acceptances. At each acceptance, the temperature is decreased by a fixed amount; the amount is chosen to make the temperature 0 after epochs_to_run epochs. Temperature is not decreased at rejections.

wn_anneal_from_temperature works the same way as anneal except that the start temperature is set by the user-supplied argument start_temp.

Mutations are selected randomly and saved by the user-supplied routine <(*pevaluate_random_mutation)()>. (*pevaluate_random_mutation)() returns the amount of change in the objective function that the mutation would produce if it were accepted.

(*paccept_mutation)() is a user-supplied routine which accepts the mutation produced by the most recent call to (*pevaluate_random_mutation)(). (*paccept_mutation)() is frequently a do-nothing routine.

(*preject_mutation)() is a user-supplied routine which rejects the mutation produced by the most recent call to (*pevaluate_random_mutation)(). Calling (*preject_mutation)() restores the system state to its condition before the most recent call to (*pevaluate_random_mutation)().

(*pcheckpoint)() is a user-supplied routine which is called a few times in every epoch. It normally prints some status info about the optimization to stderr, and saves the current solution to a file (so that if the system crashes, the current solution will not be lost). (*pcheckpoint)() is also called when the optimization completes.

problem_size is a parameter which specifies the number of variables in the problem to be optimized.

stop_run_length specifies the unaccepted mutations required to terminate the anneal.

epochs_to_run specifies the amount of time the anneal is to run for. More time results in better solutions.

Simulated annealing finds a good solution to an optimization problem as follows. The problem is presented, together with a feasible (legal) solution. This solution might be randomly generated or it might be generated by some other optimization algorithm. Mutations (small, incremental changes) are applied to this solution, hopefully improving it, until the algorithm terminates and a good solution is reached.

Mutations are selected randomly; some are accepted, some are not. Decrease in the objective function is improvement; increase is degradation. All improvements or zero-changes (non-degradations) are immediately accepted. To avoid the algorithm getting stuck in local minima too soon, degradations are sometimes accepted, with probability equal to

prob = exp(-delta/temperature)

where <delta> is the change in objective function produced by the mutation. The temperature decreases by a fixed amount each time a mutation is accepted. Temperature starts at some medium to large initial value and falls throughout the run toward 0. At the end, temperature == 0. At temperature == 0, no degrading mutations are accepted.

It can be shown that simulated annealing converges to an optimum solution if it is run long enough.


All these routines run with


time = epochs_to_run*problem_size* <time for slowest caller-supplied routine>/ <average acceptance rate>

stack memory = 1

dynamic memory = 0

where epochs_to_run and problem_size are arguments to the routines.

The number of iterations required for wn_anneal and wn_anneal_from_temperature to reach optimal or good solutions is problem specific and very difficult to predict in advance. Generally, simulated annealing based algorithms are much faster than exhaustive search and variations on exhaustive search, such as random search and <branch and bound>. If time is limited, simulated annealing generally finds much better solutions than these techniques.


wnrnd, wnsplx


[1] Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C.D., Jr., and Vecchi, M.P. (1983) Optimization by simulated annealing, Science 220(4), 671-680.

[2] Garey & Johnson: Computers and Intractability -- A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness, W.H. Freeman & Co, San Francisco, 1979.


Will Naylor