man wnhtab (Fonctions bibliothèques) - generic hash table package


wn_mkhtab, wn_freehtab, wn_hget, wn_hins, wn_hfins, wn_hdel, wn_hcount, wn_hact - generic hash table package


#include <wn/wnhtab.h>

wn_htab table;
int (*phash_func)(/*key*/); /* ptr key; */
bool (*pkeys_eq_func)(/*key1,key2*/); /* ptr key1,key2; */
void (*palloc_copy_func)(/*pkey,key*/); /* ptr *pkey,key */
void (*pfree_func)(/*key*/); /* ptr key; */

wn_htab table;

bool wn_hget(&data,table,key)
ptr data;
wn_htab table;
ptr key;

bool wn_hins(data,table,key)
ptr data;
wn_htab table;
ptr key;

bool wn_hfins(data,table,key)
ptr data;
wn_htab table;
ptr key;

bool wn_hdel(table,key)
wn_htab table;
ptr key;

int wn_hcount(table)
wn_htab table;

wn_htab table;
void (*paction)(/*data,key*/); /* ptr data,key; */


A <hash table> allows one to associate data with a key, and later quickly search for the key in the table and retrieve the data. This package allows one to easily produce an efficient hash table for any kind of key. This hash table is a variable-sized hash table, which grows and shrinks with the number of entries, in a manner that is efficient in both time and memory. The type wn_htab is the generic hash table type. This package provides routines to efficiently create, insert into, search, and delete from these generic hash tables.

wn_mkhtab allocates a wn_htab from the current memory group. All memory allocations and frees triggered by other hash table calls will use the same memory group as wn_mkhtab. The function arguments tell wn_mkhtab what kind of hash table to make. phash_func returns an integer which is the hash of its argument. All bits of the integer are used and must appear nearly random. pkeys_eq_func returns TRUE iff its key arguments are equal. palloc_copy_func is used by the hash code to make a private copy of the hash key when an insert is done. pfree_func frees this private memory when a delete is done. pfree_func is frequently set to a do nothing function.

Using these arguments to wn_mkhtab, it is possible to make a hash table for any kind of key. Routines for frequently used kinds of keys, such as strings and pointers, are provided in <wnhtbl>.

wn_freehtab frees table into the memory group it was allocated from.

wn_hget gets data that is associated with key in hash table table. wn_hget returns TRUE if the search for key is successful; FALSE otherwise.

wn_hins makes an entry into table which associates data with key. If an entry indexed by key already exists, wn_hins returns FALSE and does NOT overwrite the existing entry. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.

wn_hfins makes an entry into table which associates data with key. If an entry indexed by key already exists, wn_hfins overwrites the existing entry (the <f> is for "force"). wn_hfins always returns TRUE.

wn_hdel deletes an entry indexed by key. wn_hdel returns TRUE iff it finds the entry to delete.

wn_hcount returns the number of entries in table.

wn_hact calls (*paction)(/*data,key*/) for every entry of the hash table, in no guaranteed order.


Insert, get, and delete operations run with WORST and AVERAGE CASE: time = log(n) + <time to hash> + <time to compare>

stack memory = 1

dynamic memory = 0 The above assumes that your hash function is fairly good (that is, it produces fairly random hash values). Although asymtotically these operations take log(n), in practice, they take constant time unless the table is very large. This hash package is much faster than sorted tree types of approaches such as AVL trees and B-trees.

The hash table uses memory


dynamic memory = n

In the above, n is the number of entries in the table.


There is no <wn_hloop> (yet).


wnhtbl, wnhash, wnbtr, wnset cc/low/examples.c


Will Naylor