man XcmsConvertColors (Fonctions bibliothèques) - convert CCC color specifications
XcmsConvertColors - convert CCC color specifications
Status XcmsConvertColors(XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColor
colors_in_out[], unsigned int ncolors, XcmsColorFormat
target_format, Bool compression_flags_return[]);
- ccc
- Specifies the CCC. If Conversion is between device-independent color spaces only (for example, TekHVC to CIELuv), the CCC is necessary only to specify the Client White Point.
- colors_in_out
- Specifies an array of color specifications. Pixel members are ignored and remain unchanged upon return.
- compression_flags_return
- Returns an array of Boolean values indicating compression status. If a non-NULL pointer is supplied, each element of the array is set to if the corresponding color was compressed and otherwise. Pass NULL if the compression status is not useful.
- ncolors
- Specifies the number of structures in the color-specification array.
- target_format
- Specifies the target color specification format.
The function converts the color specifications in the specified array of structures from their current format to a single target format, using the specified CCC. When the return value is the contents of the color specification array are left unchanged.
The array may contain a mixture of color specification formats (for example, 3 CIE XYZ, 2 CIE Luv, and so on). When the array contains both device-independent and device-dependent color specifications and the target_format argument specifies a device-dependent format (for example, all specifications are converted to CIE XYZ format and then to the target device-dependent format.