man XtGrabKey (Fonctions bibliothèques) - manage grabs


XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, XtUngrabButton, XtGrabPointer, XtUngrabPointer - manage grabs


void XtGrabKey(Widget widget, KeyCode keycode, Modifiers modifiers, Boolean owner_events, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode); void XtUngrabKey(Widget widget, KeyCode keycode, Modifiers modifiers); int XtGrabKeyboard(Widget widget, Boolean owner_events, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode, Time time); void XtUngrabKeyboard(Widget widget, Time time); void XtGrabButton(Widget widget, int button, Modifiers modifiers, Boolean owner_events, unsigned int event_mask, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode, Window confine_to, Cursor cursor); void XtUngrabButton(Widget widget, KeyCode button, Modifiers modifiers); int XtGrabPointer(Widget widget, Boolean owner_events, unsigned int event_mask, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode, Window confine_to, Cursor cursor, Time time); void XtUngrabPointer(Widget widget, Time time);


Specifies the widget in whose window the grab will occur. Must be of class Core or a subclass thereof.








Specifies arguments to the associated Xlib function call.


calls specifying the widget's window as the grab window if the widget is realized. The remaining arguments are exactly as for If the widget is not realized, or is later unrealized, the call to will be performed (again) when the widget is realized and its window becomes mapped. In the future, if is called with a event matching the specified keycode and modifiers (which may be or respectively) for the widget's window, the Intrinsics will call with the timestamp from the event if either of the following conditions is true:

There is a modal cascade and the widget is not in the active subset of the cascade and the keyboard was not previously grabbed, or

calls specifying the widget's window as the ungrab window if the widget is realized. The remaining arguments are exactly as for If the widget is not realized, removes a deferred request, if any, for the specified widget, keycode, and modifiers.

If the specified widget is realized calls specifying the widget's window as the grab window. The remaining arguments and return value are exactly as for If the widget is not realized, immediately returns No future ungrab is implied by

calls with the specified time.

calls specifying the widget's window as the grab window if the widget is realized. The remaining arguments are exactly as for If the widget is not realized, or is later unrealized, the call to will be performed (again) when the widget is realized and its window becomes mapped. In the future, if is called with a event matching the specified button and modifiers (which may be or respectively) for the widget's window, the Intrinsics will call with the timestamp from the event if either of the following conditions is true:

There is a modal cascade and the widget is not in the active subset of the cascade and the pointer was not previously grabbed, or

calls specifying the widget's window as the ungrab window if the widget is realized. The remaining arguments are exactly as for If the widget is not realized, removes a deferred request, if any, for the specified widget, button, and modifiers.

calls specifying the widget's window as the grab window. The remaining arguments and return value are exactly as for If the widget is not realized, immediately returns No future ungrab is implied by

calls with the specified time.