man zope-zshell (Fonctions bibliothèques) - Add a command line interface to Zope


zope-zshell - Add a command line interface to Zope


Zope-zshell adds a command line interface to Zope. You must have a running instance of Zope to use this.

To use it, it must first be created as a Zope object. Someone with "Add External Method" authority must manually use the Zope Management interface to add an External method with Module Name and Function Name set to zshell. The Id may be anything, but is conventionally also set to zshell.

If your have a default Debian installation of Zope, then Zope is available at localhost's port 9673. If, for example, a zshell object with Id zshell was placed in the root folder of your Zopesite, a user could then access it using URL http://localhost:9673/zshell. If this does not work, check with a local administrator on site name, port number and Id.

Commands supported are: about, addprop, addusers, apropos, call, catalog, cd, copy, cp, cut, davlocks, dbconn, dbname, dbsize, delprop, delusers, discard, domains, dump, echo, enter, exec, export, find, google, grep, help, history, import, leave, lroles, ls, lsperms, lsprop, lsusers, man, manage, mkdir, mkuf, mkver, mv, nipltd, pack, passwd, paste, printenv, properties, pwd, restart, rm, roles, save, setenv, setperms, setprop, shutdown, su, takeown, tid, uncatalog, unsetenv, uptime, view, wget, whatis, whoami, zhelp, and zope

A synopsis of each command may be found by clicking on the command name in the "Available Commands" column of the URL, or by using the internal man command.

To execute a (series of) command(s), enter them in the window presented by the URL and then click on the Run! button.

Administrators note: zope-zshell makes every attempt to honor the Zope Security Framework. But, there are subleties involved. Never give anonymous users access to a zshell! In fact, you probably want to make your zshells accessible only to trusted users.


This manual page was written by James W. Penny <> (who is really uncertain about what section this should be put into), for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).