man zzip_dir_free (Fonctions bibliothèques) - (../../zzip/zip.c)
zzip_dir_free - (../../zzip/zip.c)
#include <zziplib.h>
int zzip_dir_free (ZZIP_DIR * dir);DESCRIPTION
will free the zzip_dir handle unless there are still zzip_files attached (that may use its cache buffer). This is the inverse of zzip_dir_alloc , and both are helper functions used implicitly in other zzipcalls e.g. zzip_dir_close = zzip_close
returns zero on sucess returns the refcount when files are attached.
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- Guido Draheim <>
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- Tomi Ollila <>
(c) 1999,2000,2001,2002 Guido Draheim All rights reserved, use under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License note the additional license information that can be found in COPYING.ZZIP