man zzip_opendir (Fonctions bibliothèques) - (../../zzip/dir.c)
zzip_opendir, zzip_opendir_ext_io - (../../zzip/dir.c)
#include <zziplib.h>
ZZIP_DIR* zzip_opendir (zzip_char_t* filename); ZZIP_DIR* zzip_opendir_ext_io (zzip_char_t* filename, int o_modes, zzip_strings_t* ext, zzip_plugin_io_t io);DESCRIPTION
The zzip_opendir function is the equivalent of opendir(3) for a realdir or zipfile.
The zzip_opendir function has some magic - if the given argument-path is a directory, it will wrap a real opendir(3) into the ZZIP_DIR structure. Otherwise it will divert to zzip_dir_open which can also attach a ".zip" extension if needed to find the archive.
the error-code is mapped to errno(3).
The zzip_opendir_ext_io function uses explicit ext and io instead of the internal defaults, setting them to zero is equivalent to zzip_opendir
- •
- Guido Draheim <>
(c) 1999,2000,2001,2002 Guido Draheim All rights reserved, use under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License note the additional license information that can be found in COPYING.ZZIP