- ivman
volume manager
- ivman-launch
launch script for Ivman
- iwconfig
configure une interface réseau sans-fil (wireless)
- iwevent
Display Wireless Events generated by drivers and setting changes
- iwgetid
Report ESSID, NWID or AP/Cell Address of wireless network
- iwlist
Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless interface
- iwpriv
configure optionals (private) parameters of a wireless
network interface
- iwspy
Get wireless statistics from specific nodes
- jabberd
jabberd startup script
- jabberd-irc
IRC gateway for jabber server
- jabberd-jit
The jabber server
- jailer
jailer is a script for creating jails from Debian packages
- jazipconfig
jazip(1) configuration tool.
- jfs_debugfs
- shell-type JFS file system editor
- jfs_fsck
- initiate replay of the JFS transaction log, and check and repair a JFS formatted device
- jfs_fscklog
- extract a JFS fsck service log into a file and/or format and display the extracted file
- jfs_logdump
- dump a JFS formatted device's journal log
- jfs_mkfs
- create a JFS formatted partition
- jfs_tune
- adjust tunable file system parameters on JFS
- jmond
jMon distributed resource monitor daemon
- jnettop
View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic
- john
a tool to find weak passwords of your users
- k5srvutil
host key table (keytab) manipulation utility
- ka-forwarder
Forward AFS Authentication Server requests to another server
- kadmin
Kerberos V5 database administration program
- kadmin.local
See kadmin.8
- kadmind
KADM5 administration server
- kallsyms
Extract all kernel symbols for debugging
- kannel
Parts of Kannel, the WAP and SMS gateway
- karpski
A Gtk-based sniffer / protocol analyzer
- kas
Introduction to the kas command suite
- kas_apropos
Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
- kas_create
Creates an entry in the Authentication Database
- kas_delete
Deletes an entry from the Authentication Database
- kas_examine
Displays information from an Authentication Database entry
- kas_forgetticket
Discards all tickets for the issuer
- kas_help
Displays help for kas commands
- kas_interactive
Enters interactive mode
- kas_list
Displays all entries in the Authentication Database
- kas_listtickets
Displays all of the issuer's tickets (tokens)
- kas_noauthentication
Discards an authenticated identity in interactive mode
- kas_quit
Leaves interactive mode
- kas_setfields
Sets fields in an Authentication Database entry
- kas_setpassword
Changes the key field in an Authentication Database entry
- kas_statistics
Displays statistics from an Authentication Server process
- kas_stringtokey
Converts a character string into an octal key
- kas_unlock
Unlocks a locked user account
- kauthd
- kbd-compat
kbd-compatibility wrapper scripts for Linux Console Tools.
- kbd-config
Configure the console keyboard