- xtelld
daemon receiving messages from xtell(1) clients
- xttpd
Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (web server)
- xvmountconfig
- interactive xvmount configuration script
- xwhois
xwhois- Whois client for the X Window System
- yaird
generate initial boot image as initramfs or initrd
- yard
system for creating custom bootdisks
- yate
launch the YATE telephony engine
- yate-config
retrieve metainformation about the YATE telephony engine
- yaz-config
Script to get information about YAZ.
- yaz-ztest
Z39.50 Test Server
- yellowfin-diag
EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for Ethernet cards based on the "Yellowfin" G-NIC-I chip.
- yiff
Y sound system server
- ypbind
NIS binding process
- ypdomainname
See domainname.8
- yphelper
helper application for internal use
- ypinit
NIS database install and build program
- yppasswdd
See rpc.yppasswdd.8
- yppoll
return version and master server of a NIS map
- yppush
force propagation of changed NIS databases
- ypserv
NIS server
- ypset
bind ypbind to a particular NIS server
- yptest
test NIS configuration
- ypxfr
transfer NIS database from remote server to local host
- ypxfrd
See rpc.ypxfrd.8
- yum
Yellowdog Updater Modified
- yum-arch
Creates yum distribution database
- yum-shell
Yellowdog Updater Modified shell
- zcav
program to test raw hard drive throughput.
- zcip
zero configure network interface
- zebra
a routing manager for use with associated Quagga components.
- zephyrd
Zephyr server daemon
- zeppelin
ATM LAN Emulation client demon (LED) Zeppelin
- zg-policy-rc.d
allows flexible handling of policy-rc.d
- zhm
Zephyr HostManager
- zic
Compilation des informations de fuseau horaire.
- zmailstats
zmailer mail statistics
- zone2ldap
convert zonefiles to ldif
- zone2sql
Convert ISC Bind zones to SQL
- zonec
- zoneserver
gère les transferts de zones pour MaraDNS
- zorp
Zorp Firewall Suite
- zorpctl
start and stop zorp instances
- zorpqc
Zorp Quarantine Checker
- zpopnotify
notify users of newly spooled mail via Zephyr
- zserv
CERNLIB server program for transferring ZEBRA formatted files
- zshutdown_notify
notify users of impending shutdown via Zephyr
- zstat
display Zephyr statistics
- ztcfg
reads and loads zaptel.conf
- ztmonitor
checks the rx/tx levels of the zaptel inteface cards.
- ztspeed
A generic speed test