- spong-network
report network service information to spong server.
- spong-rrd
generates spong RRD graph webpages
- spong-server
save status information reported by spong programs
- sqlr-cachemanager
running the cache manager
- sqlr-connection
Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL server
sqlr-connection-mysql - Setting up a connection to MySQL server
sqlr-connection-odbc - Setting up an ODBC connection
sqlr-connection-freetds - Setting up a connection to MS-SQL or Sybase
server via freetds
sqlr-connection-sqlite - Setting up a connection to an SQLite database
- sqlr-ipclean
release left-over IPC resources
- sqlr-listener
connect to a TCP port and wait for queries
- sqlr-scaler
fire up new connections on demand
- sqlr-start
startup SQLRelay
- sqlr-stop
kill running SQLRelay daemons
- squatter
create SQUAT indexes for mailboxes
- squid
proxy caching server
- squid-cgi
CGI interface to squid
- squidtaild
Squid log monitoring program
- squid_ldap_group
Squid LDAP external acl group helper
- squid_unix_group
Squid UNIX Group external_acl helper
- squirrelmail-configure
- sraw
benchmark raw scsi I/O performance under linux
- sredird
RFC 2217 serial port server
- ssh-keysign
- sshd
- sshmitm
SSH monkey-in-the-middle
- sshow
SSH traffic analysis tool
- ssi
server-side-includes CGI program
- sslio
SSL input/output for service programs
- ssmtp
send a message using smtp
- starfire-diag
EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the Adaptec 6915 "Starfire" chip.
- start-stop-daemon
lance ou arrête des démons système
- start-xpilot-ng-server
start the XPilot NG server
- startadsl
start your eagle-usb dsl connection.
- startinnfeed
setuid root program to start innfeed
- startup.sh
default startup script of
- statd
NSM status monitor
- stinit
initialize SCSI magnetic tape drives
- STM_utilities
helper programs supplied with SVGATextMode
- stonith
extensible interface for remotely powering down a node in the cluster
- stopadsl
stop your eagle-usb dsl connection.
- stored
daemon to store compressed document copies
- stow
software package installation manager
- string2key
- stunnel
universal SSL tunnel
- stunnel4
universal SSL tunnel
- submit
Submit a new message to Courier
- sudo
execute a command as another user
- sudo_root
How to run administrative commands
- suexec
Switch User For Exec
- suexec2
Switch user before executing external programs
- sulogin
sulogin -- Single-user login
- supervise-ldirectord-config
daemontools script for ldirectord
- supfilesrv
sup server processes