- r.ros
Generates three, or four raster map layers showing 1) the base (perpendicular) rate of spread (ROS), 2) the maximum (forward) ROS, 3) the direction of the maximum ROS, and optionally 4) the maximum potential spotting distance.
- r.series
Makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.
- r.shaded.relief
Creates shaded relief map from an elevation map (DEM).
- r.slope.aspect
Generates raster map layers of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a raster map layer of true elevation values. Aspect is calculated counterclockwise from east.
- r.spread
Simulates elliptically anisotropic spread on a graphics window and generates a raster map of the cumulative time of spread, given raster maps containing the rates of spread (ROS), the ROS directions and the spread origins. It optionally produces raster maps to contain backlink UTM coordinates for tracing spread paths.
- r.spreadpath
Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to cells from which the cumulative cost was determined.
- r.statistics
Category or object oriented statistics.
- r.stats
Generates area statistics for raster map layers.
- r.sum
Sums up the raster cell values.
- r.sun
Computes direct (beam), diffuse and reflected solar irradiation raster maps for given day, latitude, surface and atmospheric conditions. Solar parameters (e.g. sunrise, sunset times, declination, extraterrestrial irradiance, daylight length) are saved in a local text file. Alternatively, a local time can be specified to compute solar incidence angle and/or irradiance raster maps. The shadowing effect of the topography is optionally incorporated.
- r.sunmask
Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and DEM. Either A: exact sun position is specified, or B: date/time to calculate the sun position by r.sunmask itself.
- r.surf.area
Surface area estimation for rasters.
- r.surf.contour
Surface generation program from rasterized contours.
- r.surf.fractal
GRASS module to create a fractal surface of a given fractal dimension. Uses spectral synthesis method. Can create intermediate layers showing the build up of different spectral coefficients (see Saupe, pp.106-107 for an example of this). Use this module to generate naturally looking synthetical elevation models (DEM).
- r.surf.gauss
GRASS module to produce a raster map layer of gaussian deviates whose mean and standard deviation can be expressed by the user. It uses a gaussian random number generator.
- r.surf.idw
Surface interpolation utility for raster map layers.
- r.surf.idw2
Surface generation program.
- r.surf.random
Produces a raster map layer of uniform random deviates whose range can be expressed by the user.
- r.texture
Generate images with textural features from a raster map
- r.thin
Thins non-zero cells that denote linear features in a raster map layer.
- r.timestamp
Print/add/remove a timestamp for a raster map.
- r.to.vect
Converts a raster map into a vector map layer.
- r.topidx
Creates topographic index, ln(a/tan(beta)), map from elevation map.
- r.topmodel
Simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based hydrologic model.
- r.transect
Outputs raster map layer values lying along user defined transect line(s).
- r.univar
Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells of a raster map.
- r.univar.sh
calculates univariate statistics from a GRASS raster map
- r.water.outlet
Watershed basin creation program.
- r.watershed
Watershed basin analysis program.
- r.what
Queries raster map layers on their category values and category labels.
- r3.in.ascii
Convert a 3D ASCII raster text file into a (binary) 3D raster map layer
- r3.in.v5d
import of 3-dimensional Vis5D files (i.e. the v5d file with 1 variable and 1 time step)
- r3.info
Outputs basic information about a user-specified 3D raster map layer.
- r3.mapcalc
- r3.mask
Establishes or removes the current working 3D raster mask.
- r3.mkdspf
- r3.null
Explicitly create the 3D NULL-value bitmap file.
- r3.out.ascii
Converts a 3D raster map layer into an ASCII text file
- r3.out.v5d
Export of GRASS 3D raster file to 3-dimensional Vis5D file.
- r3.timestamp
print/add/remove a timestamp for a 3D raster map
- raster
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS,
is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management
and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling,
and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings
around the world, as well as by many governmental agencies and environmental
consulting companies.
- raster3D
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS,
is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management
and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling,
and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings
around the world, as well as by many governmental agencies and environmental
consulting companies.
- sql
SQL support for GRASS.
- v.buffer
Create a buffer around features of given type (areas must contain centroid).
- v.build
Creates topology for GRASS vector data.
- v.build.all
- v.build.polylines
Build polylines from lines.
- v.category
Attach, delete or report vector categories to map geometry.
- v.clean
Toolset to clean vector topology.
- v.convert
Imports older versions of GRASS vectors.