man hetro (Commandes) - hetrodyne filter analysis for the Csound adsyn generator


hetro - hetrodyne filter analysis for the Csound adsyn generator


hetro [options] infile outfile

csound -U hetro [options] infile outfile


hetro decomposes the input file into component sinusoids and outputs the breakpoint amplitude and frequency tracks.


Override the sampling rate of the soundfile header. The default is 10000 if the sampling rate is not specified in the header or with this option. Note that the srate for the soundfile and the generating orchestra do not need to be the same for adsyn synthesis.
Default is 1.
Beginning time, in seconds. Default is 0.0.
Duration, in seconds. Default is 0.0 (the entire file). The maximum length is 32.766 seconds.
Estimated starting frequency, in cps, in order to initialize the filter analysis. The default is 100.
Number of harmonic partials. The default is 10, and the maximum is as much as you have memory for.
The maximum amplitude, summed across all concurrent tracks. The default is 32767.
The minimum amplitude threshold. A single amplitude/frequency track below this threshold will be considered dormant and not contribute to the output summation. Some typical values are: 128 (48 db down from full scale), 64 (54 db down), 32 (60 db down), 0 (no thresholding). The default is 64.
Number of analysis breakpoints in each amplitude and frequency track, prior to thresholding (-m) and linear breakpoint consolidation. The initial points are spread evenly over the duration. Default is 256.
Substitute a 3rd order Butterworth low-pass filter with cutoff frequency frequency (Hz), in place of the default averaging comb filter.


csound(1), lpanal(1), pvanal(1), cvanal(1).

Csound is documented fully by The Public Csound Manual, available at

Csound is also documented by The Alternative Csound Reference Manual, available at


This manual page was written by Hans Fugal <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).