man lpanal (Commandes) - linear predictive analysis for the Csound lp generators
lpanal - linear predictive analysis for the Csound lp generators
[options] infile outfile
csound -U lpanal
[options] infile outfile
lpanal performs both lpc and pitch-tracking analysis on a soundfile to produce a time-ordered sequence of frames of control information. This output is suitable for Csound resynthesis using the lp generators.
- -a
- Use alternate storage format - filter poles values rather than the usual filter coefficient files.
- -s<srate>
- Override the soundfile header sampling rate. If neither is specified, the default is 10000.
- -c<channel>
- Default is 1.
- -b<begin>
- Beginning time, in seconds. Default is 0.0.
- -d<duration>
- Duration, in seconds. Default is 0.0 (the entire file).
- -p<poles>
- Number of poles. Default is 34, maximum is 50.
- -h<hopsize>
- Hop size, in samples, between frames of analysis. Default 200, maximum 500.
fps = srate/hopsize
analysis framesize = hopsize * 2 samples - -C<string>
- Comments field of the lpfile header.
- -P<mincps>
- The lowest frequency, in Hz, of pitch tracking. -P0 means no pitch tracking. Default is 70.
- -Q<maxcps>
- Maximum frequency, in Hz, of pitch tracking. Default is 200. The narrower the pitch range is, the more accurate the pitch estimate will be.
- -v[012]
- Verbosity level. 0: none (default), 1: verbose, 2: debug.
csound(1), hetro(1), pvanal(1), cvanal(1).
Csound is documented fully by The Public Csound Manual, available at
Csound is also documented by The Alternative Csound Reference Manual, available at
This manual page was written by Hans Fugal <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).