man bse-procs (Fonctions bibliothèques) - BSE Procedures Reference


BSE-Procedures - BSE Procedures Reference

Document Revised: Wed May 25 23:38:24 2005


CBbse_bus_connect_bus (CIsbus, CIbus);

CBbse_bus_connect_track (CIsbus, CItrack);

CBbse_bus_disconnect_bus (CIsbus, CIbus);

CBbse_bus_disconnect_track (CIsbus, CItrack);

CBbse_bus_ensure_output (CIbus);

CBbse_categories_match (CIpattern);

CBbse_categories_match_method (CIpattern, CItype);

CBbse_categories_match_typed (CIpattern, CItype);

CBbse_category_from_id (CIcategory-id);

CBbse_container_get_item (CIcontainer, CIitem-type, CIseq-id);

CBbse_container_list_children (CIcontainer);

CBbse_container_lookup_item (CIcontainer, CIuname);

CBbse_data_pocket_create_entry (CIdata-pocket);

CBbse_data_pocket_delete_entry (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id);

CBbse_data_pocket_get_float (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname);

CBbse_data_pocket_get_int (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname);

CBbse_data_pocket_get_n_entries (CIdata-pocket);

CBbse_data_pocket_get_nth_entry_id (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-index);

CBbse_data_pocket_get_object (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname);

CBbse_data_pocket_get_string (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname);

CBbse_data_pocket_set_float (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname, CInumber);

CBbse_data_pocket_set_int (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname, CInumber);

CBbse_data_pocket_set_object (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname, CIitem);

CBbse_data_pocket_set_string (CIdata-pocket, CIentry-id, CIname, CIstring);

CBbse_editable_sample_close (CIesample);

CBbse_editable_sample_collect_stats (CIesample, CIvoffset, CIoffset-scale, CIblock-size, CIstepping, CImax-pairs);

CBbse_editable_sample_get_length (CIesample);

CBbse_editable_sample_get_n_channels (CIesample);

CBbse_editable_sample_get_osc_freq (CIesample);

CBbse_editable_sample_open (CIesample);

CBbse_editable_sample_read_samples (CIesample, CIvoffset);

CBbse_error_blurb (CIerror);

CBbse_error_name (CIerror);

CBbse_item_add_parasite (CIitem, CIpath, CIparasite);

CBbse_item_check_is_a (CIitem, CItype-name);

CBbse_item_clear_undo (CIitem);

CBbse_item_common_ancestor (CIitem, CIitem2);

CBbse_item_editable_property (CIitem, CIproperty-name);

CBbse_item_fixme_get_parasite (CIitem, CIname);

CBbse_item_fixme_set_parasite (CIitem, CIname, CIparasite);

CBbse_item_get_icon (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_name (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_name_or_type (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_parasite (CIitem, CIpath);

CBbse_item_get_parent (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_project (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_property_candidates (CIitem, CIproperty-name);

CBbse_item_get_seqid (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_type (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_type_authors (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_type_blurb (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_type_license (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_type_name (CIitem);

CBbse_item_get_uname_path (CIitem);

CBbse_item_group_undo (CIitem, CIname);

CBbse_item_internal (CIitem);

CBbse_item_list_parasites (CIitem, CIpath);

CBbse_item_redo (CIitem);

CBbse_item_redo_depth (CIitem);

CBbse_item_set_name (CIitem, CIname);

CBbse_item_set_parasite (CIitem, CIpath, CIparasite);

CBbse_item_undo (CIitem);

CBbse_item_undo_depth (CIitem);

CBbse_item_ungroup_undo (CIitem);

CBbse_item_unuse (CIitem);

CBbse_item_use (CIitem);

CBbse_janitor_get_action (CIjanitor, CInth-action);

CBbse_janitor_get_action_blurb (CIjanitor, CInth-action);

CBbse_janitor_get_action_name (CIjanitor, CInth-action);

CBbse_janitor_get_proc_name (CIjanitor);

CBbse_janitor_get_script_name (CIjanitor);

CBbse_janitor_kill (CIjanitor);

CBbse_janitor_n_actions (CIjanitor);

CBbse_janitor_trigger_action (CIjanitor, CIaction);

CBbse_midi_notifier_current_time (CImidi-notifier);

CBbse_note_from_freq (CIfrequency);

CBbse_note_to_freq (CInote, CIfine-tune);

CBbse_part_change_control (CIpart, CIid, CItick, CIcontrol-type, CIvalue);

CBbse_part_change_note (CIpart, CIid, CItick, CIduration, CInote, CIfine-tune, CIvelocity);

CBbse_part_check_overlap (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CInote);

CBbse_part_delete_event (CIpart, CIid);

CBbse_part_deselect_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_part_deselect_event (CIpart, CIid);

CBbse_part_deselect_notes (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin-note, CImax-note);

CBbse_part_get_channel_controls (CIpart, CIchannel, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_part_get_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_part_get_max_note (CIpart);

CBbse_part_get_min_note (CIpart);

CBbse_part_get_notes (CIpart, CItick, CInote);

CBbse_part_get_timing (CIpart, CItick);

CBbse_part_insert_control (CIpart, CItick, CIcontrol-type, CIvalue);

CBbse_part_insert_note (CIpart, CIchannel, CItick, CIduration, CInote, CIfine-tune, CIvelocity);

CBbse_part_insert_note_auto (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CInote, CIfine-tune, CIvelocity);

CBbse_part_is_event_selected (CIpart, CIid);

CBbse_part_list_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_part_list_links (CIpart);

CBbse_part_list_notes_crossing (CIpart, CItick, CIduration);

CBbse_part_list_notes_within (CIpart, CIchannel, CItick, CIduration);

CBbse_part_list_selected_controls (CIpart, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_part_list_selected_notes (CIpart);

CBbse_part_queue_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration);

CBbse_part_queue_notes (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin-note, CImax-note);

CBbse_part_select_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_part_select_controls_exclusive (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_part_select_event (CIpart, CIid);

CBbse_part_select_notes (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin-note, CImax-note);

CBbse_part_select_notes_exclusive (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin-note, CImax-note);

CBbse_project_activate (CIproject);

CBbse_project_auto_deactivate (CIproject, CImsec-delay);

CBbse_project_can_play (CIproject);

CBbse_project_change_name (CIproject, CIname);

CBbse_project_clean_dirty (CIproject);

CBbse_project_clear_undo (CIproject);

CBbse_project_create_csynth (CIproject, CIname);

CBbse_project_create_midi_synth (CIproject, CIname);

CBbse_project_create_song (CIproject, CIname);

CBbse_project_deactivate (CIproject);

CBbse_project_find_item (CIproject, CIuname-path);

CBbse_project_get_data_pocket (CIproject, CIname);

CBbse_project_get_midi_notifier (CIproject);

CBbse_project_get_state (CIproject);

CBbse_project_get_supers (CIproject);

CBbse_project_get_wave_repo (CIproject);

CBbse_project_import_midi_file (CIproject, CIfile-name);

CBbse_project_inject_midi_control (CIproject, CImidi-channel, CImidi-control, CIcontrol-value);

CBbse_project_is_active (CIproject);

CBbse_project_is_dirty (CIproject);

CBbse_project_is_playing (CIproject);

CBbse_project_list_uname_paths (CIproject, CIitem-type);

CBbse_project_match_items_by_uname (CIproject, CIitem-type, CIuname);

CBbse_project_play (CIproject);

CBbse_project_redo (CIproject);

CBbse_project_redo_depth (CIproject);

CBbse_project_remove_snet (CIproject, CIsnet);

CBbse_project_restore_from_file (CIproject, CIfile-name);

CBbse_project_start_playback (CIproject);

CBbse_project_stop (CIproject);

CBbse_project_stop_playback (CIproject);

CBbse_project_store_bse (CIproject, CIsuper, CIfile-name, CIself-contained);

CBbse_project_undo (CIproject);

CBbse_project_undo_depth (CIproject);

CBbse_proxy_check (CIitem, CItype-name);

CBbse_sample_file_info (CIfile-name);

CBbse_script_add_action (CIaction, CIname, CIblurb);

CBbse_script_janitor ();

CBbse_script_progress (CIprogress);

CBbse_script_quit ();

CBbse_script_remove_action (CIaction);

CBbse_script_send_message (CIdomain, CImsg-type, CItitle, CIprimary, CIsecondary, CIdetails, CIconfig-check);

CBbse_script_set_status (CImessage);

CBbse_server_can_load (CIserver, CIfile-name);

CBbse_server_construct_note (CIserver, CIsemitone, CIoctave, CIfine-tune);

CBbse_server_describe_note (CIserver, CInote, CIfine-tune);

CBbse_server_get_custom_effect_dir (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_custom_instrument_dir (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_demo_path (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_effect_path (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_instrument_path (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_ladspa_path (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_mp3_version (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_plugin_path (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_sample_path (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_script_path (CIserver);

CBbse_server_get_version (CIserver);

CBbse_server_n_scripts (CIserver);

CBbse_server_note_from_freq (CIserver, CIfreq);

CBbse_server_note_from_string (CIserver, CIname);

CBbse_server_preferences_locked (CIserver);

CBbse_server_register_core_plugins (CIserver);

CBbse_server_register_ladspa_plugins (CIserver);

CBbse_server_register_scripts (CIserver);

CBbse_server_save_preferences (CIserver);

CBbse_server_use_new_project (CIserver, CIname);

CBbse_snet_can_create_source (CIsnet, CImodule-type);

CBbse_snet_create_source (CIsnet, CImodule-type);

CBbse_snet_remove_source (CIsnet, CImodule);

CBbse_snet_supports_user_synths (CIsnet);

CBbse_song_create_bus (CIsong);

CBbse_song_create_part (CIsong);

CBbse_song_create_track (CIsong);

CBbse_song_ensure_master_bus (CIsong);

CBbse_song_ensure_track_links (CIsong);

CBbse_song_find_any_track_for_part (CIsong, CIpart);

CBbse_song_find_track_for_part (CIsong, CIpart);

CBbse_song_get_master_bus (CIsong);

CBbse_song_get_timing (CIsong, CItick);

CBbse_song_remove_bus (CIsong, CIbus);

CBbse_song_remove_part (CIsong, CIpart);

CBbse_song_remove_track (CIsong, CItrack);

CBbse_song_synthesize_note (CIsong, CItrack, CIduration, CInote, CIfine-tune, CIvelocity);

CBbse_source_clear_inputs (CImodule);

CBbse_source_clear_outputs (CImodule);

CBbse_source_get_automation_channel (CIsource, CIproperty-name);

CBbse_source_get_automation_control (CIsource, CIproperty-name);

CBbse_source_has_output (CImodule, CIochannel);

CBbse_source_has_outputs (CImodule);

CBbse_source_ichannel_blurb (CImodule, CIinput-channel);

CBbse_source_ichannel_get_n_joints (CImodule, CIinput-channel);

CBbse_source_ichannel_get_ochannel (CImodule, CIinput-channel, CIinput-joint);

CBbse_source_ichannel_get_osource (CImodule, CIinput-channel, CIinput-joint);

CBbse_source_ichannel_ident (CImodule, CIinput-channel);

CBbse_source_ichannel_label (CImodule, CIinput-channel);

CBbse_source_is_joint_ichannel (CImodule, CIinput-channel);

CBbse_source_is_joint_ichannel_by_id (CImodule, CIinput-channel);

CBbse_source_is_prepared (CIsource);

CBbse_source_n_ichannels (CImodule);

CBbse_source_n_ochannels (CImodule);

CBbse_source_ochannel_blurb (CImodule, CIoutput-channel);

CBbse_source_ochannel_ident (CImodule, CIoutput-channel);

CBbse_source_ochannel_label (CImodule, CIoutput-channel);

CBbse_source_set_automation (CIsource, CIproperty-name, CImidi-channel, CIcontrol-type);

CBbse_source_set_input (CIimodule, CIinput-channel, CIomodule, CIoutput-channel);

CBbse_source_set_input_by_id (CIimodule, CIinput-channel, CIomodule, CIoutput-channel);

CBbse_source_set_pos (CImodule, CIx-pos, CIy-pos);

CBbse_source_unset_input (CImodule, CIinput-channel, CIomodule, CIoutput-channel);

CBbse_source_unset_input_by_id (CImodule, CIinput-channel, CIomodule, CIoutput-channel);

CBbse_string_extract_number (CIstring, CIformat, CIaux-base, CIdflt);

CBbse_track_ensure_output (CItrack);

CBbse_track_get_last_tick (CItrack);

CBbse_track_get_output_source (CItrack);

CBbse_track_get_part (CItrack, CItick);

CBbse_track_get_timing (CItrack, CItick);

CBbse_track_insert_part (CItrack, CItick, CIpart);

CBbse_track_list_parts (CItrack);

CBbse_track_list_parts_uniq (CItrack);

CBbse_track_remove_link (CItrack, CIid);

CBbse_track_remove_tick (CItrack, CItick);

CBbse_type_authors (CItype);

CBbse_type_blurb (CItype);

CBbse_type_license (CItype);

CBbse_type_options (CItype);

CBbse_wave_chunk_get_mix_freq (CIwave, CIchunk-index);

CBbse_wave_chunk_get_osc_freq (CIwave, CIchunk-index);

CBbse_wave_load_wave (CIwave, CIfile-name, CIwave-name);

CBbse_wave_n_wave_chunks (CIwave);

CBbse_wave_osc_mass_seek_perc (CIwosc-seq, CIpos-perc);

CBbse_wave_osc_request_pcm_position (CIwosc);

CBbse_wave_osc_set_from_editable_sample (CIwosc, CIesample);

CBbse_wave_repo_load_file (CIwave-repo, CIfile-name);

CBbse_wave_repo_remove_wave (CIwave-repo, CIwave);

CBbse_wave_use_editable (CIwave, CIchunk-index);


(CBbse-bus-connect-bus CIsbus CIbus)
CBbse_bus_connect_bus (CIsbus, CIbus); nokeep; l l l. CIBseBus* CIsbus; T{ sbus T} CIBseBus* CIbus; T{ bus T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Add a bus to the input list of a bus.

(CBbse-bus-connect-track CIsbus CItrack)
CBbse_bus_connect_track (CIsbus, CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseBus* CIsbus; T{ sbus T} CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ track T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Add a track to the input list of a bus.

(CBbse-bus-disconnect-bus CIsbus CIbus)
CBbse_bus_disconnect_bus (CIsbus, CIbus); nokeep; l l l. CIBseBus* CIsbus; T{ sbus T} CIBseBus* CIbus; T{ bus T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Remove a bus from the input list of a bus.

(CBbse-bus-disconnect-track CIsbus CItrack)
CBbse_bus_disconnect_track (CIsbus, CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseBus* CIsbus; T{ sbus T} CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ track T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Remove a track from the input list of a bus.

(CBbse-bus-ensure-output CIbus)
CBbse_bus_ensure_output (CIbus); nokeep; l l l. CIBseBus* CIbus; T{ bus T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Ensure that a bus has an output connection.

(CBbse-container-get-item CIcontainer CIitem-type CIseq-id)
CBbse_container_get_item (CIcontainer, CIitem_type, CIseq_id); nokeep; l l l. CIBseContainer* CIcontainer; T{ container T} CIconst gchar* CIitem_type; T{ Type of the item to retrieve T} CISfiInt CIseq_id; T{ Sequential ID T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ The item with seqid as requested T}

Retrieve a containers immediate child from it's sequential id.

(CBbse-container-list-children CIcontainer)
CBbse_container_list_children (CIcontainer); nokeep; l l l. CIBseContainer* CIcontainer; T{ container T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItemSeq* CIitem_list; T{


Retrieve all immediate children of a container

(CBbse-container-lookup-item CIcontainer CIuname)
CBbse_container_lookup_item (CIcontainer, CIuname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseContainer* CIcontainer; T{ The Container T} CIconst gchar* CIuname; T{ Unique item name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ The item named by uname T}

Find an immediate child of a container from its uname (the uname is the name of the item, unique between all immediate children of a container).

(CBbse-data-pocket-create-entry CIdata-pocket)
CBbse_data_pocket_create_entry (CIdata_pocket); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ Data Pocket T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T}

Create a new entry in a data pocket. Entries have a unique ID which is required to set values in a data pocket.

(CBbse-data-pocket-delete-entry CIdata-pocket CIentry-id)
CBbse_data_pocket_delete_entry (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ Data Pocket T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ BSE error code T}

Delete an existing entry from a data pocket

(CBbse-data-pocket-get-float CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname)
CBbse_data_pocket_get_float (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiReal CInumber; T{ The value stored in the data pocket entry T}

Retrieve a previously set floating point value from a data pocket entry.

(CBbse-data-pocket-get-int CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname)
CBbse_data_pocket_get_int (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CInumber; T{ The value stored in the data pocket entry T}

Retrieve a previously set integer value from a data pocket entry.

(CBbse-data-pocket-get-n-entries CIdata-pocket)
CBbse_data_pocket_get_n_entries (CIdata_pocket); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_entries; T{ The number of entries in use T}

Retrieve the number of entries created in a data pocket.

(CBbse-data-pocket-get-nth-entry-id CIdata-pocket CIentry-index)
CBbse_data_pocket_get_nth_entry_id (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_index); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_index; T{ index into number of entries present T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID (or 0 if there's no such entry) T}

Retrieve the ID of an entry in the data pocket by sequential index.

(CBbse-data-pocket-get-object CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname)
CBbse_data_pocket_get_object (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ The value stored in the data pocket entry T}

Retrieve a previously set object reference from a data pocket entry.

(CBbse-data-pocket-get-string CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname)
CBbse_data_pocket_get_string (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{ The value stored in the data pocket entry T}

Retrieve a previously set string from a data pocket entry.

(CBbse-data-pocket-set-float CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname CInumber)
CBbse_data_pocket_set_float (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname, CInumber); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} CISfiReal CInumber; T{ The value to store in the data pocket entry T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ BSE error code T}

Set a named floating point value in a data pocket entry. Names are required to distinguish different values from each other when accessing values in a data pocket.

(CBbse-data-pocket-set-int CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname CInumber)
CBbse_data_pocket_set_int (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname, CInumber); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} CISfiInt CInumber; T{ The value to store in the data pocket entry T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ BSE error code T}

Set a named integer value in a data pocket entry. Names are required to distinguish different values from each other when accessing values in a data pocket.

(CBbse-data-pocket-set-object CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname CIitem)
CBbse_data_pocket_set_object (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname, CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ The value to store in the data pocket entry T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ BSE error code T}

Set a named object reference in a data pocket entry. Object references stored in a data pocket must exist within the same project that the data pocket belongs to

(CBbse-data-pocket-set-string CIdata-pocket CIentry-id CIname CIstring)
CBbse_data_pocket_set_string (CIdata_pocket, CIentry_id, CIname, CIstring); nokeep; l l l. CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket storing values T} CISfiInt CIentry_id; T{ The unique pocket entry ID T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name for the value T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{ The value to store in the data pocket entry T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ BSE error code T}

Set a named string in a data pocket entry.

(CBbse-editable-sample-close CIesample)
CBbse_editable_sample_close (CIesample); nokeep; l l l. CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T}

Close an opened sample.

(CBbse-editable-sample-collect-stats CIesample CIvoffset CIoffset-scale CIblock-size CIstepping CImax-pairs)
CBbse_editable_sample_collect_stats (CIesample, CIvoffset, CIoffset_scale, CIblock_size, CIstepping, CImax_pairs); nokeep; l l l. CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T} CISfiInt CIvoffset; T{ Offset of first stat block T} CISfiReal CIoffset_scale; T{ Factor to scale voffset increments with T} CISfiInt CIblock_size; T{ Block size to compute stat pairs from T} CISfiInt CIstepping; T{ Stepping within a stat block T} CISfiInt CImax_pairs; T{ Maximum number of (min, max) pairs to collect T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiFBlock* CIsample_block; T{ Block of samples T}

Collect statistics from sample blocks as (minimum, maximum) pairs.

(CBbse-editable-sample-get-length CIesample)
CBbse_editable_sample_get_length (CIesample); nokeep; l l l. CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIlength; T{ Number of values T}

Return the number of values in the sample.

(CBbse-editable-sample-get-n-channels CIesample)
CBbse_editable_sample_get_n_channels (CIesample); nokeep; l l l. CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_channels; T{ Number of channels T}

Return the number of channels in the sample.

(CBbse-editable-sample-get-osc-freq CIesample)
CBbse_editable_sample_get_osc_freq (CIesample); nokeep; l l l. CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiReal CIosc_freq; T{ Oscillator Frequency T}

Return the oscillator frequency for the sample.

(CBbse-editable-sample-open CIesample)
CBbse_editable_sample_open (CIesample); nokeep; l l l. CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Open the sample for reading.

(CBbse-editable-sample-read-samples CIesample CIvoffset)
CBbse_editable_sample_read_samples (CIesample, CIvoffset); nokeep; l l l. CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T} CISfiInt CIvoffset; T{ Value offset T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiFBlock* CIsample_block; T{ Block of samples T}

Read a set of samples from a specific offset.

(CBbse-item-add-parasite CIitem CIpath CIparasite)
CBbse_item_add_parasite (CIitem, CIpath, CIparasite); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{ Path T} CISfiRec* CIparasite; T{ Parasite T}

Add a new parasite to an item.

(CBbse-item-check-is-a CIitem CItype-name)
CBbse_item_check_is_a (CIitem, CItype_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ The Item T} CIconst gchar* CItype_name; T{ Type Name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIis_a; T{


Check whether an item has a certain type.

(CBbse-item-clear-undo CIitem)
CBbse_item_clear_undo (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T}

Call the clear-undo function of the project corresponding to this item if any.

(CBbse-item-common-ancestor CIitem CIitem2)
CBbse_item_common_ancestor (CIitem, CIitem2); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ First item T} CIBseItem* CIitem2; T{ Second item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIancestor; T{ Common ancestor of both items T}

Retrieve the common ancestor of two items if there's any.

(CBbse-item-editable-property CIitem CIproperty-name)
CBbse_item_editable_property (CIitem, CIproperty_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} CIconst gchar* CIproperty_name; T{ Item property name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIeditable; T{


Test whether a property is editable according to object state and property options.

(CBbse-item-fixme-get-parasite CIitem CIname)
CBbse_item_fixme_get_parasite (CIitem, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiFBlock* CIparasite; T{


(CBbse-item-fixme-set-parasite CIitem CIname CIparasite)
CBbse_item_fixme_set_parasite (CIitem, CIname, CIparasite); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ name T} CISfiFBlock* CIparasite; T{ parasite T}

(CBbse-item-get-icon CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_icon (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseIcon* CIicon; T{


Get the current icon of an item.

(CBbse-item-get-name CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_name (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{


Retrieve an item's name.

(CBbse-item-get-name-or-type CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_name_or_type (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{


Retrieve an item's name or type if it has no name.

(CBbse-item-get-parasite CIitem CIpath)
CBbse_item_get_parasite (CIitem, CIpath); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{ Path T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiRec* CIparasite; T{


Retrieve a parasite from an item.

(CBbse-item-get-parent CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_parent (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIparent; T{


Retrieve an item's parent.

(CBbse-item-get-project CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_project (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIproject; T{


Retrieve an item's project.

(CBbse-item-get-property-candidates CIitem CIproperty-name)
CBbse_item_get_property_candidates (CIitem, CIproperty_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} CIconst gchar* CIproperty_name; T{ Item property name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePropertyCandidates* CIcandidates; T{


Retrieve tentative values for an item or item sequence property.

(CBbse-item-get-seqid CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_seqid (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIseq_id; T{


Retrieve an item's sequential ID. The sequential ID depends on the item's type an it's position inbetween siblings of the same type within it's immediate container.

(CBbse-item-get-type CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_type (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve an item's type name.

(CBbse-item-get-type-authors CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_type_authors (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve authors of an item's type implementation.

(CBbse-item-get-type-blurb CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_type_blurb (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve an item's type description.

(CBbse-item-get-type-license CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_type_license (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve the license for an item's type implementation.

(CBbse-item-get-type-name CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_type_name (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve an item's type name.

(CBbse-item-get-uname-path CIitem)
CBbse_item_get_uname_path (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIuname_path; T{


Retrieve the project relative uname path for this item.

(CBbse-item-group-undo CIitem CIname)
CBbse_item_group_undo (CIitem, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ A name for the undo group to be created T}

Request multiple modifying actions on an item to be grouped together as single undo operation.

(CBbse-item-internal CIitem)
CBbse_item_internal (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIinternal; T{


Check whether an item is internal, i.e. owned by another non-internal item.

(CBbse-item-list-parasites CIitem CIpath)
CBbse_item_list_parasites (CIitem, CIpath); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{ Path T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseStringSeq* CIpaths; T{


List parasites within a parasite path segment.

(CBbse-item-redo CIitem)
CBbse_item_redo (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T}

Call the redo function of the project corresponding to this item if any.

(CBbse-item-redo-depth CIitem)
CBbse_item_redo_depth (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIredo_depth; T{ Number of times redo can be called T}

Call the redo-depth function of the project corresponding to this item if any.

(CBbse-item-set-name CIitem CIname)
CBbse_item_set_name (CIitem, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name T}

Set an item's name.

(CBbse-item-set-parasite CIitem CIpath CIparasite)
CBbse_item_set_parasite (CIitem, CIpath, CIparasite); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{ Path T} CISfiRec* CIparasite; T{ Parasite T}

Set or change a parasite on an item.

(CBbse-item-undo CIitem)
CBbse_item_undo (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T}

Call the undo function of the project corresponding to this item if any.

(CBbse-item-undo-depth CIitem)
CBbse_item_undo_depth (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIundo_depth; T{ Number of times undo can be called T}

Call the undo-depth function of the project corresponding to this item if any.

(CBbse-item-ungroup-undo CIitem)
CBbse_item_ungroup_undo (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ item T}

Ends the undo grouping opened up by a previous group-undo() call.

(CBbse-item-unuse CIitem)
CBbse_item_unuse (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T}

Decrement use count for when an item is not needed anymore.

(CBbse-item-use CIitem)
CBbse_item_use (CIitem); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ Item T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIused_item; T{


Increment use count to keep an item alive.

(CBbse-janitor-get-action CIjanitor CInth-action)
CBbse_janitor_get_action (CIjanitor, CInth_action); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T} CISfiInt CInth_action; T{ Nth Action T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIaction; T{


Retrieve an action of this janitor.

(CBbse-janitor-get-action-blurb CIjanitor CInth-action)
CBbse_janitor_get_action_blurb (CIjanitor, CInth_action); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T} CISfiInt CInth_action; T{ Nth Action T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIaction_blurb; T{


Retrieve the help string of an action of this janitor.

(CBbse-janitor-get-action-name CIjanitor CInth-action)
CBbse_janitor_get_action_name (CIjanitor, CInth_action); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T} CISfiInt CInth_action; T{ Nth Action T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIaction_name; T{


Retrieve the name of an action of this janitor.

(CBbse-janitor-get-proc-name CIjanitor)
CBbse_janitor_get_proc_name (CIjanitor); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIproc_name; T{


Retrieve the procedure name of this janitor.

(CBbse-janitor-get-script-name CIjanitor)
CBbse_janitor_get_script_name (CIjanitor); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIscript_name; T{


Retrieve the script name of this janitor.

(CBbse-janitor-kill CIjanitor)
CBbse_janitor_kill (CIjanitor); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T}

Kill a currently running janitor.

(CBbse-janitor-n-actions CIjanitor)
CBbse_janitor_n_actions (CIjanitor); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_actions; T{


Retrieve number of user actions of this janitor.

(CBbse-janitor-trigger-action CIjanitor CIaction)
CBbse_janitor_trigger_action (CIjanitor, CIaction); nokeep; l l l. CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{ Janitor T} CIconst gchar* CIaction; T{ Action T}

Trigger an installed user action of this janitor.

(CBbse-midi-notifier-current-time CImidi-notifier)
CBbse_midi_notifier_current_time (CImidi_notifier); nokeep; l l l. CIBseMidiNotifier* CImidi_notifier; T{ Midi Notifier T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CImsec_time; T{



(CBbse-part-change-control CIpart CIid CItick CIcontrol-type CIvalue)
CBbse_part_change_control (CIpart, CIid, CItick, CIcontrol_type, CIvalue); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T} CISfiReal CIvalue; T{ Value T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Change an existing control event within a part.

(CBbse-part-change-note CIpart CIid CItick CIduration CInote CIfine-tune CIvelocity)
CBbse_part_change_note (CIpart, CIid, CItick, CIduration, CInote, CIfine_tune, CIvelocity); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine tune in cents per semitone T} CISfiReal CIvelocity; T{ Velocity T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Change an existing note within a part.

(CBbse-part-check-overlap CIpart CItick CIduration CInote)
CBbse_part_check_overlap (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CInote); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartNoteSeq* CInote_list; T{


Check whether a note would overlap with neighbours.

(CBbse-part-delete-event CIpart CIid)
CBbse_part_delete_event (CIpart, CIid); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Delete an existing event from a part.

(CBbse-part-deselect-controls CIpart CItick CIduration CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_part_deselect_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Selection Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Selection Duration T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T}

Deselect all controls within given range.

(CBbse-part-deselect-event CIpart CIid)
CBbse_part_deselect_event (CIpart, CIid); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T}

Deselect an existing event.

(CBbse-part-deselect-notes CIpart CItick CIduration CImin-note CImax-note)
CBbse_part_deselect_notes (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin_note, CImax_note); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Selection Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Selection Duration T} CISfiInt CImin_note; T{ Minimum Selection Note T} CISfiInt CImax_note; T{ Maximum Selection Note T}

Deselect all notes within rectangle.

(CBbse-part-get-channel-controls CIpart CIchannel CItick CIduration CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_part_get_channel_controls (CIpart, CIchannel, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIchannel; T{ Channel T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartControlSeq* CIcontrol_list; T{


Retrieve all control events of a specific type within range of a channel.

(CBbse-part-get-controls CIpart CItick CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_part_get_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartControlSeq* CIcontrol_list; T{


Retrieve all control events of a specific type at specified tick.

(CBbse-part-get-max-note CIpart)
CBbse_part_get_max_note (CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CInote; T{


Retrieve the maximum note supported in this part.

(CBbse-part-get-min-note CIpart)
CBbse_part_get_min_note (CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CInote; T{


Retrieve the minimum note supported in this part.

(CBbse-part-get-notes CIpart CItick CInote)
CBbse_part_get_notes (CIpart, CItick, CInote); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartNoteSeq* CInote_list; T{


Retrieve all notes of specific frequency at or crossing a specific tick.

(CBbse-part-get-timing CIpart CItick)
CBbse_part_get_timing (CIpart, CItick); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick to retrieve timing info about T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSongTiming* CItiming; T{ Song Timing T}

Retrieve song timing information at a specific tick.

(CBbse-part-insert-control CIpart CItick CIcontrol-type CIvalue)
CBbse_part_insert_control (CIpart, CItick, CIcontrol_type, CIvalue); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T} CISfiReal CIvalue; T{ Value T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIid; T{


Insert a new control event into a part.

(CBbse-part-insert-note CIpart CIchannel CItick CIduration CInote CIfine-tune CIvelocity)
CBbse_part_insert_note (CIpart, CIchannel, CItick, CIduration, CInote, CIfine_tune, CIvelocity); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIchannel; T{ Channel T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine tune in cents per semitone T} CISfiReal CIvelocity; T{ Velocity T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIid; T{


Insert a new note into a part.

(CBbse-part-insert-note-auto CIpart CItick CIduration CInote CIfine-tune CIvelocity)
CBbse_part_insert_note_auto (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CInote, CIfine_tune, CIvelocity); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine tune in cents per semitone T} CISfiReal CIvelocity; T{ Velocity T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIid; T{


Insert a new note into a part with automatic channel selection.

(CBbse-part-is-event-selected CIpart CIid)
CBbse_part_is_event_selected (CIpart, CIid); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIselected; T{


Check whether an event is selected.

(CBbse-part-list-controls CIpart CItick CIduration CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_part_list_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartControlSeq* CIcontrol_list; T{


List all control events within a tick range.

(CBbse-part-list-links CIpart)
CBbse_part_list_links (CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartLinkSeq* CIlink_list; T{


List all places where parts are used (linked) from tracks, sorted by tick.

(CBbse-part-list-notes-crossing CIpart CItick CIduration)
CBbse_part_list_notes_crossing (CIpart, CItick, CIduration); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartNoteSeq* CInote_list; T{


List all notes within or crossing a tick range.

(CBbse-part-list-notes-within CIpart CIchannel CItick CIduration)
CBbse_part_list_notes_within (CIpart, CIchannel, CItick, CIduration); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIchannel; T{ Channel T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartNoteSeq* CInote_list; T{


List all notes within a tick range.

(CBbse-part-list-selected-controls CIpart CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_part_list_selected_controls (CIpart, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartControlSeq* CIcontrol_list; T{


List all currently selected control events of a specific type.

(CBbse-part-list-selected-notes CIpart)
CBbse_part_list_selected_notes (CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePartNoteSeq* CInote_list; T{


List all currently selected notes.

(CBbse-part-queue-controls CIpart CItick CIduration)
CBbse_part_queue_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T}

Queue updates for all control events and notes starting within the given range.

(CBbse-part-queue-notes CIpart CItick CIduration CImin-note CImax-note)
CBbse_part_queue_notes (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin_note, CImax_note); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Start Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CISfiInt CImin_note; T{ Minimum Note T} CISfiInt CImax_note; T{ Maximum Note T}

Queue updates for all notes starting within the given rectangle.

(CBbse-part-select-controls CIpart CItick CIduration CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_part_select_controls (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Selection Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Selection Duration T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T}

Select all control events within range.

(CBbse-part-select-controls-exclusive CIpart CItick CIduration CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_part_select_controls_exclusive (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Selection Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Selection Duration T} CIBseMidiSignalType CIcontrol_type; T{ Control Type T}

Select all control events within range and deselect all others.

(CBbse-part-select-event CIpart CIid)
CBbse_part_select_event (CIpart, CIid); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T}

Select an existing event.

(CBbse-part-select-notes CIpart CItick CIduration CImin-note CImax-note)
CBbse_part_select_notes (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin_note, CImax_note); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Selection Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Selection Duration T} CISfiInt CImin_note; T{ Minimum Selection Note T} CISfiInt CImax_note; T{ Maximum Selection Note T}

Select all notes within rectangle.

(CBbse-part-select-notes-exclusive CIpart CItick CIduration CImin-note CImax-note)
CBbse_part_select_notes_exclusive (CIpart, CItick, CIduration, CImin_note, CImax_note); nokeep; l l l. CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Selection Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Selection Duration T} CISfiInt CImin_note; T{ Minimum Selection Note T} CISfiInt CImax_note; T{ Maximum Selection Note T}

Select all notes within rectangle and deselect all others.

(CBbse-project-import-midi-file CIproject CIfile-name)
CBbse_project_import_midi_file (CIproject, CIfile_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIconst gchar* CIfile_name; T{ MIDI file name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ Error indicating possible failures T}

Import a song from a MIDI file.

(CBbse-project-restore-from-file CIproject CIfile-name)
CBbse_project_restore_from_file (CIproject, CIfile_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIconst gchar* CIfile_name; T{ Source file name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ Error indicating possible failures T}

Load a project from file

(CBbse-project-store-bse CIproject CIsuper CIfile-name CIself-contained)
CBbse_project_store_bse (CIproject, CIsuper, CIfile_name, CIself_contained); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ Project T} CIBseSuper* CIsuper; T{ Super T} CIconst gchar* CIfile_name; T{ Destination file name T} CISfiBool CIself_contained; T{ Whether references to other objects (e.g. samples) should be stored or whether to include everything in a self-contained .bse file T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ Error indicating possible failures T}

Save supers of a project into a BSE file. If no super is specified, the project itself is stored.

(CBbse-project-activate CIproject)
CBbse_project_activate (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Activate a project, precondition to start playback.

(CBbse-project-auto-deactivate CIproject CImsec-delay)
CBbse_project_auto_deactivate (CIproject, CImsec_delay); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CISfiInt CImsec_delay; T{ Delay for deactivation in milliseconds T}

Automatically deactivate a project once playback stopped.

(CBbse-project-can-play CIproject)
CBbse_project_can_play (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIcan_play; T{ Whether project playback makes sense T}

Check whether project playback would makes sense.

(CBbse-project-change-name CIproject CIname)
CBbse_project_change_name (CIproject, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ name T}

Change a project name without recording undo steps.

(CBbse-project-clean-dirty CIproject)
CBbse_project_clean_dirty (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ Project T}

Clear a projects dirty flags.

(CBbse-project-clear-undo CIproject)
CBbse_project_clear_undo (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ Project T}

Delete all recorded undo or redo steps.

(CBbse-project-create-csynth CIproject CIname)
CBbse_project_create_csynth (CIproject, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Synth network name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseCSynth* CIcsynth; T{ New synth network T}

Create a synthsizer network for this project.

(CBbse-project-create-midi-synth CIproject CIname)
CBbse_project_create_midi_synth (CIproject, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ MIDI synth name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseMidiSynth* CImidi_synth; T{ New MIDI synth T}

Create a MIDI synthesizer network for this project.

(CBbse-project-create-song CIproject CIname)
CBbse_project_create_song (CIproject, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Song name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ The new song T}

Create a song for this project.

(CBbse-project-deactivate CIproject)
CBbse_project_deactivate (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T}

Deactivate the project, automatically stop playback.

(CBbse-project-find-item CIproject CIuname-path)
CBbse_project_find_item (CIproject, CIuname_path); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ project T} CIconst gchar* CIuname_path; T{ uname-path T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItem* CIitem; T{


Find an item within a project, given its uname path.

(CBbse-project-get-data-pocket CIproject CIname)
CBbse_project_get_data_pocket (CIproject, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name of the data pocket T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseDataPocket* CIdata_pocket; T{ The data pocket T}

Retrieve a specifically named data pocket for this project

(CBbse-project-get-midi-notifier CIproject)
CBbse_project_get_midi_notifier (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ Project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseMidiNotifier* CImidi_notifier; T{


Retrieve the project's midi notifier object.

(CBbse-project-get-state CIproject)
CBbse_project_get_state (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseProjectState CIstate; T{ Project playback/activation state T}

Retrieve the current project state.

(CBbse-project-get-supers CIproject)
CBbse_project_get_supers (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItemSeq* CIsuper_list; T{


Retrieve all supers of this project.

(CBbse-project-get-wave-repo CIproject)
CBbse_project_get_wave_repo (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseWaveRepo* CIwrepo; T{ The project's unique wave repo T}

Ensure the project has a wave repository

(CBbse-project-inject-midi-control CIproject CImidi-channel CImidi-control CIcontrol-value)
CBbse_project_inject_midi_control (CIproject, CImidi_channel, CImidi_control, CIcontrol_value); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ project T} CISfiInt CImidi_channel; T{ midi-channel T} CISfiInt CImidi_control; T{ midi-control T} CISfiReal CIcontrol_value; T{ control-value T}

Inject a MIDI control event into the project's MIDI receiver.

(CBbse-project-is-active CIproject)
CBbse_project_is_active (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIis_active; T{ Whether the project is currently producing sound T}

Check whether a project is active

(CBbse-project-is-dirty CIproject)
CBbse_project_is_dirty (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIdirty; T{


Check whether a project is dirty (needs saving).

(CBbse-project-is-playing CIproject)
CBbse_project_is_playing (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIis_playing; T{ Whether the project is currently playing songs or synths T}

Check whether a project is currently playing

(CBbse-project-list-uname-paths CIproject CIitem-type)
CBbse_project_list_uname_paths (CIproject, CIitem_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ project T} CIconst gchar* CIitem_type; T{ item-type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseStringSeq* CIuname_paths; T{


List uname paths for all items of a specified type within this project. By their uname paths, items are uniquely identifyable within a project.

(CBbse-project-match-items-by-uname CIproject CIitem-type CIuname)
CBbse_project_match_items_by_uname (CIproject, CIitem_type, CIuname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ project T} CIconst gchar* CIitem_type; T{ item-type T} CIconst gchar* CIuname; T{ uname T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItemSeq* CIitem_list; T{


Retrieve all items of a specific type within a project with matching uname

(CBbse-project-play CIproject)
CBbse_project_play (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Activate a project and start project playback (and already playing project is first halted).

(CBbse-project-redo CIproject)
CBbse_project_redo (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T}

Redo a previously undone operaiton in a project

(CBbse-project-redo-depth CIproject)
CBbse_project_redo_depth (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIredo_depth; T{ Number of times redo can be called on the project T}

Check whether a project can perform redo steps

(CBbse-project-remove-snet CIproject CIsnet)
CBbse_project_remove_snet (CIproject, CIsnet); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} CIBseSNet* CIsnet; T{ Synthesizer Network T}

Remove an existing synthesizer network from this project.

(CBbse-project-start-playback CIproject)
CBbse_project_start_playback (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T}

Start playback in an activated project.

(CBbse-project-stop CIproject)
CBbse_project_stop (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T}

Stop project playback and deactivate project.

(CBbse-project-stop-playback CIproject)
CBbse_project_stop_playback (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T}

Stop project playback.

(CBbse-project-undo CIproject)
CBbse_project_undo (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T}

Undo a previous operation in a project

(CBbse-project-undo-depth CIproject)
CBbse_project_undo_depth (CIproject); nokeep; l l l. CIBseProject* CIproject; T{ The project T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIundo_depth; T{ Number of times undo can be called on the project T}

Check whether a project can perform undo steps

(CBbse-snet-can-create-source CIsnet CImodule-type)
CBbse_snet_can_create_source (CIsnet, CImodule_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSNet* CIsnet; T{ Synth Net T} CIconst gchar* CImodule_type; T{ Module Type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Check whether inserting a new module into a synthesis network is possible

(CBbse-snet-create-source CIsnet CImodule-type)
CBbse_snet_create_source (CIsnet, CImodule_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSNet* CIsnet; T{ Synth Net T} CIconst gchar* CImodule_type; T{ Module Type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSource* CImodule; T{


Insert a new module into a synthesis network

(CBbse-snet-remove-source CIsnet CImodule)
CBbse_snet_remove_source (CIsnet, CImodule); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSNet* CIsnet; T{ Synth Net T} CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Remove an existing module from its synthesis network

(CBbse-snet-supports-user-synths CIsnet)
CBbse_snet_supports_user_synths (CIsnet); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSNet* CIsnet; T{ Synth Net T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIuser_synth; T{


Check whether users may edit synthesis modules of this network

(CBbse-server-can-load CIserver CIfile-name)
CBbse_server_can_load (CIserver, CIfile_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} CIconst gchar* CIfile_name; T{ The file to find a loader for T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIcan_load; T{


Check whether a loader can be found for a wave file

(CBbse-server-construct-note CIserver CIsemitone CIoctave CIfine-tune)
CBbse_server_construct_note (CIserver, CIsemitone, CIoctave, CIfine_tune); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} CISfiInt CIsemitone; T{ semitone T} CISfiInt CIoctave; T{ octave T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine Tune T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseNoteDescription* CInote_description; T{


Describe a note, given its semitone, octave and fine tune.

(CBbse-server-describe-note CIserver CInote CIfine-tune)
CBbse_server_describe_note (CIserver, CInote, CIfine_tune); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine Tune T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseNoteDescription* CInote_description; T{


Describe a note, providing information about its octave, semitone, frequency, etc.

(CBbse-server-get-custom-effect-dir CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_custom_effect_dir (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIdirectory; T{


Retrieve user specific effects directory.

(CBbse-server-get-custom-instrument-dir CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_custom_instrument_dir (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIdirectory; T{


Retrieve user specific instruments directory.

(CBbse-server-get-demo-path CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_demo_path (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{


Retrieve demo search path.

(CBbse-server-get-effect-path CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_effect_path (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{


Retrieve effect search path.

(CBbse-server-get-instrument-path CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_instrument_path (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{


Retrieve instrument search path.

(CBbse-server-get-ladspa-path CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_ladspa_path (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{


Retrieve ladspa search path.

(CBbse-server-get-mp3-version CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_mp3_version (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIversion; T{


Retrieve BSE MP3 handler version.

(CBbse-server-get-plugin-path CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_plugin_path (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{


Retrieve plugin search path.

(CBbse-server-get-sample-path CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_sample_path (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{


Retrieve sample search path.

(CBbse-server-get-script-path CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_script_path (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIpath; T{


Retrieve script search path.

(CBbse-server-get-version CIserver)
CBbse_server_get_version (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIversion; T{


Retrieve BSE version.

(CBbse-server-n-scripts CIserver)
CBbse_server_n_scripts (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_connections; T{ Number of Connections T}

Return the number of scripts currently running on this server.

(CBbse-server-note-from-freq CIserver CIfreq)
CBbse_server_note_from_freq (CIserver, CIfreq); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} CISfiReal CIfreq; T{ Frequency T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseNoteDescription* CInote_description; T{


Describe a note, given its frequency.

(CBbse-server-note-from-string CIserver CIname)
CBbse_server_note_from_string (CIserver, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseNoteDescription* CInote_description; T{


Describe a note, given its name and octave offset.

(CBbse-server-preferences-locked CIserver)
CBbse_server_preferences_locked (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIlocked; T{


Returns whether the bse-preferences property is currently locked against modifications or not.

(CBbse-server-register-core-plugins CIserver)
CBbse_server_register_core_plugins (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T}

Register core plugins.

(CBbse-server-register-ladspa-plugins CIserver)
CBbse_server_register_ladspa_plugins (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T}

Register LADSPA (Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API) plugins.

(CBbse-server-register-scripts CIserver)
CBbse_server_register_scripts (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T}

Register external scripts.

(CBbse-server-save-preferences CIserver)
CBbse_server_save_preferences (CIserver); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T}

Request the bse-preferences property to be saved into BSE's configuration file.

(CBbse-server-use-new-project CIserver CIname)
CBbse_server_use_new_project (CIserver, CIname); nokeep; l l l. CIBseServer* CIserver; T{ Server T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Project Name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseProject* CIproject; T{


Create a new project, owned by the caller (name is modified to be unique if necessary)

(CBbse-song-create-bus CIsong)
CBbse_song_create_bus (CIsong); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ song T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseBus* CIbus; T{


Create a new mixer bus for a Song.

(CBbse-song-create-part CIsong)
CBbse_song_create_part (CIsong); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ song T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePart* CIpart; T{


Create a new Part in a Song.

(CBbse-song-create-track CIsong)
CBbse_song_create_track (CIsong); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ Song T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{


Create a new Track for a Song.

(CBbse-song-ensure-master-bus CIsong)
CBbse_song_ensure_master_bus (CIsong); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ song T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseBus* CIbus; T{


Retrieve master output bus of a song, will create one if it doesn't exist.

(CBbse-song-ensure-track-links CIsong)
CBbse_song_ensure_track_links (CIsong); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ song T}

Ensure that each part in a song is inserted into at least one track.

(CBbse-song-find-any-track-for-part CIsong CIpart)
CBbse_song_find_any_track_for_part (CIsong, CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ Song T} CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{


Find the first track that contains part, suitable to check for orphan parts.

(CBbse-song-find-track-for-part CIsong CIpart)
CBbse_song_find_track_for_part (CIsong, CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ Song T} CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{


Find a track suitable for playing notes of a given part.

(CBbse-song-get-master-bus CIsong)
CBbse_song_get_master_bus (CIsong); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ song T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseBus* CIbus; T{


Retrieve master output bus of a song if it exists.

(CBbse-song-get-timing CIsong CItick)
CBbse_song_get_timing (CIsong, CItick); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ Song T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick to retrieve timing info about T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSongTiming* CItiming; T{ Song Timing T}

Retrieve song timing information at a specific tick.

(CBbse-song-remove-bus CIsong CIbus)
CBbse_song_remove_bus (CIsong, CIbus); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ song T} CIBseBus* CIbus; T{ bus T}

Delete a mixer bus from a Song.

(CBbse-song-remove-part CIsong CIpart)
CBbse_song_remove_part (CIsong, CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ Song T} CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T}

Delete a Part from a Song.

(CBbse-song-remove-track CIsong CItrack)
CBbse_song_remove_track (CIsong, CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ Song T} CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T}

Delete a Track from a Song.

(CBbse-song-synthesize-note CIsong CItrack CIduration CInote CIfine-tune CIvelocity)
CBbse_song_synthesize_note (CIsong, CItrack, CIduration, CInote, CIfine_tune, CIvelocity); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSong* CIsong; T{ Song T} CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Tick Duration T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine tune in cents per semitone T} CISfiReal CIvelocity; T{ Velocity T}

Synthesize a note on a song of an active project.

(CBbse-source-clear-inputs CImodule)
CBbse_source_clear_inputs (CImodule); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T}

Disconnect all module inputs.

(CBbse-source-clear-outputs CImodule)
CBbse_source_clear_outputs (CImodule); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T}

Disconnect all module outputs.

(CBbse-source-get-automation-channel CIsource CIproperty-name)
CBbse_source_get_automation_channel (CIsource, CIproperty_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CIsource; T{ source T} CIconst gchar* CIproperty_name; T{ Item property name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CImidi_channel; T{


Get MIDI channel from an automation property.

(CBbse-source-get-automation-control CIsource CIproperty-name)
CBbse_source_get_automation_control (CIsource, CIproperty_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CIsource; T{ source T} CIconst gchar* CIproperty_name; T{ Item property name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseMidiControlType CIcontrol_type; T{


Get control type from an automation property.

(CBbse-source-has-output CImodule CIochannel)
CBbse_source_has_output (CImodule, CIochannel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ module T} CISfiInt CIochannel; T{ ochannel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIhas_outputs; T{


Check whether a module's output channel is connected.

(CBbse-source-has-outputs CImodule)
CBbse_source_has_outputs (CImodule); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIhas_outputs; T{


Check whether a module has output channel connections.

(CBbse-source-ichannel-blurb CImodule CIinput-channel)
CBbse_source_ichannel_blurb (CImodule, CIinput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIchannel_blurb; T{


Get input channel description.

(CBbse-source-ichannel-get-n-joints CImodule CIinput-channel)
CBbse_source_ichannel_get_n_joints (CImodule, CIinput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_joints; T{


Retrieve the number of inputs connected to an input channel.

(CBbse-source-ichannel-get-ochannel CImodule CIinput-channel CIinput-joint)
CBbse_source_ichannel_get_ochannel (CImodule, CIinput_channel, CIinput_joint); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} CISfiInt CIinput_joint; T{ Input Joint T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIochannel; T{


Retrieve output channel of the module connected to a specific joint of an input channel.

(CBbse-source-ichannel-get-osource CImodule CIinput-channel CIinput-joint)
CBbse_source_ichannel_get_osource (CImodule, CIinput_channel, CIinput_joint); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} CISfiInt CIinput_joint; T{ Input Joint T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSource* CIosource; T{


Retrieve output module connected to a specific joint of an input channel

(CBbse-source-ichannel-ident CImodule CIinput-channel)
CBbse_source_ichannel_ident (CImodule, CIinput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIchannel_ident; T{


Get canonical input channel name.

(CBbse-source-ichannel-label CImodule CIinput-channel)
CBbse_source_ichannel_label (CImodule, CIinput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIchannel_label; T{


Get input channel name.

(CBbse-source-is-joint-ichannel CImodule CIinput-channel)
CBbse_source_is_joint_ichannel (CImodule, CIinput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CIconst gchar* CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIis_jchannel; T{


Check if an input channel is a joint (multi-connect) channel.

(CBbse-source-is-joint-ichannel-by-id CImodule CIinput-channel)
CBbse_source_is_joint_ichannel_by_id (CImodule, CIinput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIis_jchannel; T{


Check if an input channel is a joint (multi-connect) channel.

(CBbse-source-is-prepared CIsource)
CBbse_source_is_prepared (CIsource); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CIsource; T{ source T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIis_prepared; T{


Check whether a source is prepared for synthesis processing.

(CBbse-source-n-ichannels CImodule)
CBbse_source_n_ichannels (CImodule); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_channels; T{


Get the number of input channels of a module.

(CBbse-source-n-ochannels CImodule)
CBbse_source_n_ochannels (CImodule); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_channels; T{


Get the number of output channels of a module.

(CBbse-source-ochannel-blurb CImodule CIoutput-channel)
CBbse_source_ochannel_blurb (CImodule, CIoutput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIoutput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIchannel_blurb; T{


Get output channel description.

(CBbse-source-ochannel-ident CImodule CIoutput-channel)
CBbse_source_ochannel_ident (CImodule, CIoutput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIoutput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIchannel_ident; T{


Get canonical output channel name.

(CBbse-source-ochannel-label CImodule CIoutput-channel)
CBbse_source_ochannel_label (CImodule, CIoutput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIoutput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIchannel_label; T{


Get output channel name.

(CBbse-source-set-automation CIsource CIproperty-name CImidi-channel CIcontrol-type)
CBbse_source_set_automation (CIsource, CIproperty_name, CImidi_channel, CIcontrol_type); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CIsource; T{ source T} CIconst gchar* CIproperty_name; T{ Item property name T} CISfiInt CImidi_channel; T{ The MIDI Channel from which automation events should be received, 0 designates the default MIDI channel T} CIBseMidiControlType CIcontrol_type; T{ The type of control events used for automation T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Setup automation parameters for a property.

(CBbse-source-set-input CIimodule CIinput-channel CIomodule CIoutput-channel)
CBbse_source_set_input (CIimodule, CIinput_channel, CIomodule, CIoutput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CIimodule; T{ Input Module T} CIconst gchar* CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} CIBseSource* CIomodule; T{ Output Module T} CIconst gchar* CIoutput_channel; T{ Output Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Connect a module input to another module's output.

(CBbse-source-set-input-by-id CIimodule CIinput-channel CIomodule CIoutput-channel)
CBbse_source_set_input_by_id (CIimodule, CIinput_channel, CIomodule, CIoutput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CIimodule; T{ Input Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} CIBseSource* CIomodule; T{ Output Module T} CISfiInt CIoutput_channel; T{ Output Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Connect a module input to another module's output.

(CBbse-source-set-pos CImodule CIx-pos CIy-pos)
CBbse_source_set_pos (CImodule, CIx_pos, CIy_pos); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiReal CIx_pos; T{ X Position T} CISfiReal CIy_pos; T{ Y Position T}

Set the x and y position of a module. In contrast to setting the position through ordinary object property setters, this function will not update the module position if the passed in arguments are sufficiently equal to the values already set on the object. As such, it does not record an extra undo step for setting properties to values they already have and if necessary turns setting of x and y positions into an atomic undo operation.

(CBbse-source-unset-input CImodule CIinput-channel CIomodule CIoutput-channel)
CBbse_source_unset_input (CImodule, CIinput_channel, CIomodule, CIoutput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CIconst gchar* CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} CIBseSource* CIomodule; T{ Output Module T} CIconst gchar* CIoutput_channel; T{ Output Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Disconnect a module input.

(CBbse-source-unset-input-by-id CImodule CIinput-channel CIomodule CIoutput-channel)
CBbse_source_unset_input_by_id (CImodule, CIinput_channel, CIomodule, CIoutput_channel); nokeep; l l l. CIBseSource* CImodule; T{ Module T} CISfiInt CIinput_channel; T{ Input Channel T} CIBseSource* CIomodule; T{ Output Module T} CISfiInt CIoutput_channel; T{ Output Channel T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Disconnect a module input.

(CBbse-track-ensure-output CItrack)
CBbse_track_ensure_output (CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Ensure the track has an output connection to a bus.

(CBbse-track-get-last-tick CItrack)
CBbse_track_get_last_tick (CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIlast_tick; T{


Retrieve the last tick for this track.

(CBbse-track-get-output-source CItrack)
CBbse_track_get_output_source (CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ track T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSource* CIsource; T{


Get the output module for this track. The output of this module is the merged result from all polyphonic voices and has all track specific alterations applied.

(CBbse-track-get-part CItrack CItick)
CBbse_track_get_part (CItrack, CItick); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBsePart* CIpart; T{


Get the part starting at a specific tick position.

(CBbse-track-get-timing CItrack CItick)
CBbse_track_get_timing (CItrack, CItick); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick to retrieve timing info about T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSongTiming* CItiming; T{ Song Timing T}

Retrieve song timing information at a specific tick.

(CBbse-track-insert-part CItrack CItick CIpart)
CBbse_track_insert_part (CItrack, CItick, CIpart); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CIBsePart* CIpart; T{ Part T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIid; T{


Insert a part into a track and retrieve the corresponding link id.

(CBbse-track-list-parts CItrack)
CBbse_track_list_parts (CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseTrackPartSeq* CIpart_list; T{


List parts scheduled in a track, sorted by tick.

(CBbse-track-list-parts-uniq CItrack)
CBbse_track_list_parts_uniq (CItrack); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseItemSeq* CIpart_list; T{


List all parts contained in a track.

(CBbse-track-remove-link CItrack CIid)
CBbse_track_remove_link (CItrack, CIid); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} CISfiInt CIid; T{ Link ID T}

Remove a specific part link by ID from a track.

(CBbse-track-remove-tick CItrack CItick)
CBbse_track_remove_tick (CItrack, CItick); nokeep; l l l. CIBseTrack* CItrack; T{ Track T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T}

Remove a part at specified tick from a track.

(CBbse-wave-chunk-get-mix-freq CIwave CIchunk-index)
CBbse_wave_chunk_get_mix_freq (CIwave, CIchunk_index); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWave* CIwave; T{ Wave T} CISfiInt CIchunk_index; T{ Index of chunk T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiReal CImix_freq; T{


Retrieve mixing frequency of a wave chunk.

(CBbse-wave-chunk-get-osc-freq CIwave CIchunk-index)
CBbse_wave_chunk_get_osc_freq (CIwave, CIchunk_index); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWave* CIwave; T{ Wave T} CISfiInt CIchunk_index; T{ Index of chunk T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiReal CIosc_freq; T{


Retrieve oscillating frequency of a wave chunk.

(CBbse-wave-load-wave CIwave CIfile-name CIwave-name)
CBbse_wave_load_wave (CIwave, CIfile_name, CIwave_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWave* CIwave; T{ Wave object to store loaded contents T} CIconst gchar* CIfile_name; T{ The wave file to read wave chunks from T} CIconst gchar* CIwave_name; T{ The name of the wave to read wave chunks from T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ BSE error type T}

Load sample chunks from a wave file

(CBbse-wave-n-wave-chunks CIwave)
CBbse_wave_n_wave_chunks (CIwave); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWave* CIwave; T{ Wave T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CIn_chunks; T{


Get the number of wave chunks of a wave

(CBbse-wave-use-editable CIwave CIchunk-index)
CBbse_wave_use_editable (CIwave, CIchunk_index); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWave* CIwave; T{ Wave T} CISfiInt CIchunk_index; T{ Index of chunk to edit T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable sample T}

Retrieve an editable sample object for a wave chunk.

(CBbse-wave-osc-request-pcm-position CIwosc)
CBbse_wave_osc_request_pcm_position (CIwosc); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWaveOsc* CIwosc; T{ Wave Oscilator T}

Request emission of the ::notify_pcm_position signal.

(CBbse-wave-osc-set-from-editable-sample CIwosc CIesample)
CBbse_wave_osc_set_from_editable_sample (CIwosc, CIesample); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWaveOsc* CIwosc; T{ Wave Oscilator T} CIBseEditableSample* CIesample; T{ Editable Sample T}

Set wave to play from editable sample, bypassing undo and storage mechanisms.

(CBbse-wave-repo-load-file CIwave-repo CIfile-name)
CBbse_wave_repo_load_file (CIwave_repo, CIfile_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWaveRepo* CIwave_repo; T{ Wave Repo T} CIconst gchar* CIfile_name; T{ The file to import waves from T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{


Load wave from file

(CBbse-wave-repo-remove-wave CIwave-repo CIwave)
CBbse_wave_repo_remove_wave (CIwave_repo, CIwave); nokeep; l l l. CIBseWaveRepo* CIwave_repo; T{ Wave Repo T} CIBseWave* CIwave; T{ Wave T}

Remove a wave from repository

(CBbse-category-from-id CIcategory-id)
CBbse_category_from_id (CIcategory_id); nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CIcategory_id; T{ Category ID T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseCategory* CIcategory; T{


Find a BSE category from it's unique ID.

(CBbse-categories-match CIpattern)
CBbse_categories_match (CIpattern); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIpattern; T{ Pattern to match category, supports '*' and '?' wildcards. T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseCategorySeq* CIcategories; T{


List BSE categories according to a pattern match.

(CBbse-categories-match-method CIpattern CItype)
CBbse_categories_match_method (CIpattern, CItype); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIpattern; T{ Pattern to match category, supports '*' and '?' wildcards. T} CIconst gchar* CItype; T{ Object base type for methods to conform to. T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseCategorySeq* CIcategories; T{


List BSE categories according to a pattern, of type procedure and applying to a certain object type.

(CBbse-categories-match-typed CIpattern CItype)
CBbse_categories_match_typed (CIpattern, CItype); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIpattern; T{ Pattern to match category, supports '*' and '?' wildcards. T} CIconst gchar* CItype; T{ Base type for categories to conform to. T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseCategorySeq* CIcategories; T{


List BSE categories according to a pattern and type match.

(CBbse-error-blurb CIerror)
CBbse_error_blurb (CIerror); nokeep; l l l. CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ Error T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIblurb; T{


Retrieve the description of an error value

(CBbse-error-name CIerror)
CBbse_error_name (CIerror); nokeep; l l l. CIBseErrorType CIerror; T{ Error T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{


Retrieve the name of an error value

(CBbse-note-from-freq CIfrequency)
CBbse_note_from_freq (CIfrequency); nokeep; l l l. CISfiReal CIfrequency; T{ Frequency T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiInt CInote; T{


Retrieve the note of a certain frequency.

(CBbse-note-to-freq CInote CIfine-tune)
CBbse_note_to_freq (CInote, CIfine_tune); nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine Tune T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiReal CIfrequency; T{


Retrieve the frequency of a certain note.

(CBbse-proxy-check CIitem CItype-name)
CBbse_proxy_check (CIitem, CItype_name); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItem* CIitem; T{ The Item T} CIconst gchar* CItype_name; T{ Type Name T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiBool CIis_a; T{


Check whether a proxy has a certain type.

(CBbse-sample-file-info CIfile-name)
CBbse_sample_file_info (CIfile_name); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIfile_name; T{ The file to load info from T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseSampleFileInfo* CIsample_file_info; T{


Load sample file info from file

(CBbse-script-add-action CIaction CIname CIblurb)
CBbse_script_add_action (CIaction, CIname, CIblurb); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIaction; T{ Action T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name T} CIconst gchar* CIblurb; T{ Blurb T}

Install a user action for script control.

(CBbse-script-janitor )
CBbse_script_janitor (); nokeep; l l l. h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIBseJanitor* CIjanitor; T{


Retrieve the connection dependant janitor object.

(CBbse-script-send-message CIdomain CImsg-type CItitle CIprimary CIsecondary CIdetails CIconfig-check)
CBbse_script_send_message (CIdomain, CImsg_type, CItitle, CIprimary, CIsecondary, CIdetails, CIconfig_check); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIdomain; T{ domain T} CIconst gchar* CImsg_type; T{ msg-type T} CIconst gchar* CItitle; T{ title T} CIconst gchar* CIprimary; T{ primary T} CIconst gchar* CIsecondary; T{ secondary T} CIconst gchar* CIdetails; T{ details T} CIconst gchar* CIconfig_check; T{ config-check T}

Send a message from a script.

(CBbse-script-progress CIprogress)
CBbse_script_progress (CIprogress); nokeep; l l l. CISfiReal CIprogress; T{ Progress T}

Indicate progress (from 0.0 to 1.0 or -1 for unknown amount).

(CBbse-script-quit )
CBbse_script_quit (); Exit a script succesfully (server side).
(CBbse-script-remove-action CIaction)
CBbse_script_remove_action (CIaction); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIaction; T{ Action T}

Remove a previously installed user action from script control.

(CBbse-script-set-status CImessage)
CBbse_script_set_status (CImessage); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CImessage; T{ Message T}

Alter script status message.

(CBbse-wave-osc-mass-seek-perc CIwosc-seq CIpos-perc)
CBbse_wave_osc_mass_seek_perc (CIwosc_seq, CIpos_perc); nokeep; l l l. CIBseItemSeq* CIwosc_seq; T{ Wave Oscilators T} CISfiReal CIpos_perc; T{ pos-perc T}

Seek a list of wave oscillators to a pcm position given in percentage. The oscillators will seek to the given position syncronously.

(CBbse-string-extract-number CIstring CIformat CIaux-base CIdflt)
CBbse_string_extract_number (CIstring, CIformat, CIaux_base, CIdflt); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{ string T} CIconst gchar* CIformat; T{ format T} CISfiReal CIaux_base; T{ aux-base T} CISfiReal CIdflt; T{ dflt T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CISfiReal CInumber; T{


Retrieve numbers from a string.

(CBbse-type-authors CItype)
CBbse_type_authors (CItype); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CItype; T{ type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve the authors who implemented a specific type.

(CBbse-type-blurb CItype)
CBbse_type_blurb (CItype); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CItype; T{ type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve the description of a specific type.

(CBbse-type-license CItype)
CBbse_type_license (CItype); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CItype; T{ type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve the license of a type impementation.

(CBbse-type-options CItype)
CBbse_type_options (CItype); nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CItype; T{ type T} h'-2m'CIRETURNS: T{

T} CIconst gchar* CIstring; T{


Retrieve the options of a specific type.


BSE Structures (bse-structs(3))

Document Revised: Wed May 25 23:38:24 2005